SPD Objectives

This section identifies the objectives for Staff and Program Development. Following each objective statement is a statement of the rationale for the objective.

  1. Objective: Provide financial support encouraging employees to continually obtain new information and skills, improve current job performance, prepare for positions of greater responsiblity, and promote lifelong learning. 
    Rationale: The quality of education services offered at Seminole State College is directly related to the level of expertise of the staff members. The involvement of college employees in professional development is important to their continued development and to the offering of quality educational services.
  2. Objective: Provide opportunities for full-time and part-time instructional staff to design, and implement new program offerings and to analyze and improve current program offerings.
    Rationale: Instructional staff must have opportunities to explore more effective methods of conducting programs and services. Through this process of analysis and development, staff will acquire knowledge and skills, grow professionally, and increase their ability to offer improved educational experiences to students.
  3. Objective: Encourage the full-time and part-time college staff to innovate, to experiment, to implement and to evaluate programs specifically designed to meet student and community needs.
    Rationale: A need exists to experiment with administrative and instructional techniques and formats, resource materials, and innovative programs.
  4. Objective: Maintain a staff of qualified full-time and part-time personnel with up-to-date and improved professional competencies.
    Rationale: Change is occurring in education at an unprecedented rate. If the commitment to quality education for students is to be met, the enhancement and updating of professional competencies must be a continuous process. Seminole State College staff will have the opportunity to become involved in college credit courses and educational programs to enhance job-related professional competencies.
  5. Objective: Provide opportunities for efficient utilization of the professional expertise of staff.
    Rationale: Personnel must have opportunities to make the best use of their abilities and talents. The involvement of staff in educational programs will enhance their professional status and their ability to serve the students and enhance instruction.
  6. Objective: Provide for development and/or articulation with the community, institutions, industry, and other organizations that receive Seminole State graduates.
    Rationale: Expansion and improvement of the performance of Seminole State College graduates and non-completers, which are in senior institutions, and business and industry, will improve programs and student performance.
  7. Objective: Develop special projects that attract and retain external support for the identified program needs and commitments of the college.
    Rationale: A variety of community and special support efforts are important to the College. Effective methods of providing general and financial support for all programs must be routinely developed and implemented.
  8. Objective: Further implement the equal access/equal opportunity plan.
    Rationale: Equal acces/equal opportunity is a part of the institution's responsibility, thus support for efforts to accomplish this objective should be provided in all areas of the college.


Patti Boyle
Academic Affairs

Nyliram Negron
Student Affairs

Simoni Gannon
 IT & Institutional Resources

Shirley Klein

Legal Affairs
Financial Services
Human Resources
Marketing & Strategic Communications
Resource & Economic Development
President's Office