Shared Governance Role of Committees & Task Forces
- The Role of Committees & Task Forces at the College
Please note: Policies and Procedures are expanded at bottom of page- Standing Committees
- Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC) (P 1.0900.4)
- The purpose of the committee is to manage the college wide standing committee appointment process and coordinate such committees’ operations and selects College employees to serve on the standing committees.
- Active Standing Committees (P 1.0900)
- Academic Calendar (P 1.0900.19)
- The purpose of the committee is to develop the initial draft of the College’s Academic Calendar.
- Curriculum (P 1.0900.5)
- The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to recommend changes both to existing curricula and courses, and the addition of new courses and curricula for Seminole State College postsecondary offerings. When necessary, the Committee also recommends discontinuation of courses and programs that are no longer needed in the service area of the College. The committee provides for broad faculty participation in the review and development of curricula.
- Employee Benefits (P 1.0900.14)
- The purpose of the committee is to serve as an advisory committee for the selection of the benefits offered by the college to its employees.
- Employee Excellence (P 1.0900.2)
- The purpose of the Employee Excellence Committee is to encourage and recognize employee excellence throughout the College. The committee advocates positive, community-minded engagement and shared governance throughout the College by establishing mentorship opportunities, facilitating awareness of and access to career development, recognizing employee milestones, promoting employee recognition, and facilitating employee appreciation programs.
- Environmental Health, Safety & Security (P 1.0900.18)
- The purpose of the Committee is to advise and assist the College administration in order to ensure the health, safety, and security of College students, employees, and visitors. The Environmental Health, Safety, and Security Committee serves to facilitate and encourage employee knowledge about safe work practices and accident prevention.
- Equity - Coming in 2021 (P 1.0900)
- Library (P 1.0900.10)
- The purpose of the Library Committee is to serve as a liaison between the library staff and users of library services. The committee assists the staff in expanding and updating the collections and services for all campus libraries, and promoting the integration of library resources into instruction.
- Sustainability Committee (P 1.0900.22)
- The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to provide leadership in advancing College-wide efforts toward sustainability by discussing strategies and providing recommendations. These recommendations will focus on actions that have a positive impact on the College community by using economic and environmental resources efficiently, and educating students, faculty, and staff on College sustainability practices.
- Technology Advisory Committee (P 1.0900.6)
- The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity in considering issues surrounding existing and emerging technologies, and the implications for teaching, learning, support services, and management. Its purpose is to ensure that information technology (IT) initiatives are prioritized appropriately and that the respective needs of the various units have been considered. The Technology Advisory Committee will promote and actively oversee the creation of a technologically unified college through achievement of the following responsibilities.
- Technology Enhanced Learning Committee (P 1.0900.9)
- The purpose of the committee is to consider issues and make recommendations regarding existing and emerging technologies and the implications for teaching and learning.
- Academic Calendar (P 1.0900.19)
- Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC) (P 1.0900.4)
- Screening Committees (P. 2.0150)
- A screening committee is utilized to review applications and select and interview applicants for recommendation for a position.
- Committees (General)
- Function & Scope of Work
- Seminole State College is committed to utilizing a variety of committees to support effective planning and decision-making in order to fulfill the mission and the operational requirements of the college. In addition to the various Standing Committees, the college may from time to time create additional committees, task forces, and/or working groups in line with college policies and procedures. These committees shall provide guidance and support for college-wide functions and strategic goals. In the interests of the best practices of Shared Governance, all Seminole State College employees are encouraged to educate themselves as to the formation of said committees and to serve in accordance with each individual committee’s guidelines, policies and procedures.
- Committee Guidelines
- The Role of Employee Meetings & Communications Pathways
- In the interests of transparency and in line with the best practices of Shared Governance, Employee Groups and College Committees are tasked in their bylaws, charters, policies and procedures with maintaining open communication pathways by posting meeting times, meeting minutes, and other relevant information on their committee webpages. Interested individuals and stakeholders are directed to those specific websites to further their inquiries and pose questions to appropriate committee members.
- Function & Scope of Work
- Standing Committees
Policies and Procedures
Procedure 1.0900.4 - Council to Coordinate Standing Committees
This Procedure is Under Review
Authority: | College Policy 1.020 |
Date Adopted: | 2/07 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; 08/11; 03/12; 06/14; 10/17; 3/18; 3/21 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC) is a standing committee of the College. The purpose of the committee is to manage the college wide standing committee appointment process and coordinate such committees’ operations under Procedure 1.0900. The committee selects College employees to serve on the standing committees.
- The committee will have the responsibility to:
- Ensure that the appointment procedures for standing committees are followed
- Ensure that diversity in the committee representation is achieved
- Consider multi-campus representation
- Carry out necessary membership updates and revisions in a timely manner
- Ensure that representation is as broad as possible within parameters established by the President
- Foster the periodic evaluation of the college committee structures, the CCSC structure, and the College committee appointment process
- Orient and train committee chairs as to relevant committee procedures
- Jointly organize and conduct an annual summit with the Shared Governance Council for all college faculty, staff, and members of standing committees to review Shared Governance Council’s “annual assessment and recommendations for improvement and change,” discuss best practices in shared governance and committee procedures, provide training, and address any recommendations from Executive Team.
- Membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
- One Campus Dean or Associate Vice President
- One Student Affairs representative
- Faculty Senate President, Vice President, or designee
- Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
- One faculty member from each of the following areas:
- Arts and Sciences
- Business, Health, and Public Safety
- Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- At large faculty member
- The UFF-Seminole Chapter President, Vice President, or designee.
- One professional level employee (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- One career service employee
- Associate Vice President, Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator (ex-officio, non-voting)
- One Institutional Effectiveness & Research staff member (ex-officio, non-voting)
- The chair of the committee shall be elected from the voting membership.
- The committee chair shall forward the committee's annual assessment and recommendations for improvement and change to the appropriate Vice President for presentation to the Executive Team. This assessment shall include the names and campus, length of service, employee classification, and department for all standing committee appointments to ensure compliance with Section 1. For each committee in the report, the Associate Vice President for Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator will provide a signature with a statement indicating that the committee also achieves an equitable representation of race/ethnicity and sex. The annual assessment shall be published online via CCSC’s webpage.
- The committee will meet at least two (2) times per academic year. In the absence of a serving chair, the Associate Vice President for Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year in order to facilitate meeting the following deadlines:
- By March 1 of each year, the Committee Chair will solicit individual preferences from employees for serving on standing institutional committees.
- For student representation, CCSC will contact the Director of Student Life by April 1 of each year. The director will receive a recommendation from SGA for each opening and forward those recommendations to the CCSC Chair before the start of the Fall term.
- For vacancies to be filled by position, CCSC will contact the employee holding the named seat by April 1 of each year to confirm availability to serve. In the case of multiple eligible employees (example: “One employee from IER”), CCSC will contact the supervisor of the unit to request a recommendation. Employees newly serving by position will be notified of their committee assignment at the same time as the other new committee members.
- By April 15 of each year, the CCSC will select candidates for all committees.
- By the end of the Spring term, the College President and the CCSC chair jointly will notify all employees of committee appointments for the coming academic year. The CCSC chair will notify all volunteers for committee membership that were not selected that they were either not eligible for an open seat on the committee or that they were not selected for the open seat.
- By October 15 of each year, CCSC will review the annual assessment of each committee and make appropriate recommendations for implementation.
- Members of the committee shall serve as liaisons to the other standing committees to ensure up-to-date committee membership and adherence to committee procedures.
- In order to fill mid-term committee vacancies reported by standing committee chairs, CCSC will take the following steps except when vacancies are created by members serving by position or designation:
- CCSC will return to the most recent list of eligibles derived from the Chair’s solicitation of individual preferences from employees for serving on standing institutional committees.
- Should the list not provide an appropriate replacement, CCSC will solicit all eligible employees for interest in filling the vacancy.
- Should a potential replacement still not be identified, CCSC will solicit the appropriate Vice President or Associate Vice President for recommendations.
- CCSC will select the replacement.
- Replacements shall serve the remainder of the term of the seat vacated.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 3/16/2021 |
Signed by | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 3/25/2021 |
Procedure 1.0900 - Standing Institutional Committees
This Procedure is Under Review
Authority: | F.S. 1001.64 ; FAC 6A-14.0261 |
Date Adopted: | 2/97 |
Date of Review: | 01/09; 08/11; 03/12; 12/2013; 11/2015; 10/17, 8/20 |
Related Policies: | 1.020 |
Seminole State College (the College) is committed to utilizing various institution-wide standing committees to support effective planning and decision making within the College. Institutional committees shall provide support for strategic priorities and appropriate procedures for college-wide operations. The purpose of this procedure is to identify the College’s standing committees and to provide a general framework for committee responsibilities and processes.
- The following are standing committees and councils at Seminole State College:
- Academic Calendar Committee
- Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC)
- Curriculum Committee
- Employee Benefits Committee
- Employee Excellence Committee
- Environmental Health, Safety and Security Committee
- Equity Committee
- Library Committee
- Shared Governance Council
- Speaker Series
- Sustainability Committee
- Technology Advisory Committee
- Technology Enhanced Learning Committee
The purpose and membership of each committee and council is described and listed in the institutional procedure relating to that specific committee.
- Committees and their working units are defined as follows:
- Committee: A body of persons assigned by procedure and membership and delegated to consider, investigate, and take action and report on some matter; a committee has a sustained presence that is seen through regularly scheduled meetings.
- Subcommittee: Organized for a specific purpose to continue an aspect of committee work and whose members may or may not stem from the standing committee.
- Task Force, Ad Hoc, Work Group: A temporary grouping of individuals for the purpose of accomplishing a definite objective, with members that may or may not stem from a standing committee. These groupings typically remain active for less than one year.
- Except where membership is defined by job title or another term length is noted, all faculty and staff members serve three-year terms that are staggered with appointments being made each year for the following three years. For purposes of committee assignment, the year begins on the first day of the Fall Term and runs through the last day of Summer Term. Members may be re-appointed to serve more than one term. All part-time employee and student representation on committees will be specifically described in the committee procedure. All other committee membership shall be comprised of full-time faculty and staff.
- The Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC) will coordinate the Standing Committee appointment process (see Procedure 1.0900.4).
- Committee chairs will be determined according to each committee’s procedure. Elected committee chairs should be elected at least every three years.
- Duties of Chairs and Co-Chairs. The committee chair and/or co-chairs will receive an orientation packet with information on the college-wide committee procedures annually from the CCSC. The committee chair and/or co-chairs will:
- Establish meeting times and locations.
- Create and distribute an agenda in a timely fashion.
- Conduct meetings in an orderly manner, allowing appropriate participation of all individuals present.
- See that minutes are written, approved, distributed promptly and posted to the Web.
- Ensure that a clear consensus or vote is taken on action items.
- Act as a mentor or assign a mentor to new committee members who are unfamiliar with the committee or the College’s governance.
- When utilizing a co-chair, announce to the committee members how chair/co-chair duties will be divided.
- When serving as co-chairs, communicate regularly with each other over the construction of the agenda and other relevant work.
- Collaborate with the committee in evaluating committee effectiveness for the year and submit the standing committee annual assessment to the appropriate College leader and CCSC annually by June 30.
- Duties of Members. All committee members will:
- Attend meetings regularly.
- Keep their constituent groups informed of committee actions. This includes informing the appropriate employee council (for example, CSEC, PTEC, or Faculty Senate) of pertinent committee business. If more than one committee member is represented by an employee council, then those committee members shall designate a liaison to the appropriate employee council.
- Complete assignments associated with committee work in a timely fashion
- Perform their duties in a courteous and professional manner.
- Attendance at committee meetings and participation in electronic communication is required. After a committee member has missed two meetings, the committee may request that the absent member be replaced. The committee chair will contact their CCSC liaison to inform them of the open committee seat. The CCSC liaison will then bring the vacancy to the attention of the CCSC committee chair. CCSC will recommend a replacement according to CCSC procedure.
- Ex-Officio Members. All standing committees may elect to request ex-officio members by title in their committee description. All others in attendance at meetings are guests or visitors. Ex-officio members:
- May serve a committee by providing information and advice as deemed necessary by the committee
- Do not vote on committee action
- May not serve as committee chair/co-chair.
- Each committee shall meet in accordance with their procedure. Meetings may be face to face, via e-mail, by conference call, or by other electronic/digital means.
- A quorum shall exist when a majority of voting members is present.
- During the meeting, voting shall be by voice unless a written ballot is requested by any member of the committee
- By a majority decision of the committee, a vote may be conducted electronically. When conducting an electronic vote, members submit their vote to the committee chair in a manner that follows the spirit of an in-person written ballot (for example, votes shall not be cast via a “reply all” email). All voting must remain open a minimum of 24 hours occurring within College business days. Results of a vote may be announced immediately following the close of the voting period.
- Agendas and minutes.
- Agendas:
- Agendas will be distributed to all committee members and others in attendance and posted to the Standing Committee Web page.
- Any member of the committee may request to have an item placed on the agenda prior to the scheduled meeting time. The chair/co-chair will decide to add the item, defer the item, or decline the item with an explanation to the member.
- Any non-member may request to have an item placed on the agenda by contacting the committee chair/co-chair or applicable constituent representative member. The chair/co-chair will decide to add the item, defer the item, or decline the item with an explanation to the member.
- Minutes:
Minutes will be posted to the College’s Standing Committee Web page by the recorder determined by each committee.
- Agendas:
- By June 30 of each year, each committee chair will collaborate with the committee to complete the Standing Committee Annual Assessment.
- The assessment will be forwarded to the appropriate College leader and CCSC for review.
- The College leader and CCSC will follow up on assessment recommendations as appropriate
- Following approval by Executive Team, each committee’s Annual Assessment shall be posted to the Standing Committees website.
- Changes to the standing committee structure will be accomplished in accordance with the Procedure on Procedures 1.0001.
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 9/22/2020 |
Signed by: | President Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 10/19/2020 |
Procedure 1.0900.19 - Academic Calendar Committee
The purpose of the committee is to develop the initial draft of the College’s Academic Calendar.
- The committee is responsible for:
- Holding an orientation session to educate the committee regarding the following:
- the role of the committee
- the calendar development process
- relevant Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code rules
- faculty contract days including duty days, planning, etc.
- equal number of scheduled meeting days for all classes-(i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday meeting dates during a full term)
- dates of breaks, holidays, events (graduation, etc.)
- payroll dates
- time required for processing grades
- dates of the College's summer four-day work week schedule
- other considerations brought to the committee's attention.
- Developing a draft of the College's Academic Calendar that shall be presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.
- Holding an orientation session to educate the committee regarding the following:
- The membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
- Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- An Associate Vice President from Academic Affairs
- A Dean from Academic Affairs
- Registrar
- Associate Director, Payroll Services
- Associate Director, Student Accounting
- Manager, Human Resources Records and Reporting
- Manager, Academic Scheduling
- One Faculty member from each of the following areas:
- School of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business, Health, and Public Safety
- School of Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- At large faculty member
- The UFF-Seminole Chapter President, or Vice President, or designee.
- Director, Student Financial Resources
- The Registrar shall chair the committee.
- The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (who is a committee member) will forward the committee's draft College Academic Calendar to Executive Team to initiate the process for eventual Board approval.
- The committee shall meet at least two times a year.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented: Florida Statute 1001.64, Florida Administrative Code 6A-10.019, Policy 1.020
History - Adopted 04/2013

Procedure 1.0900.5 - Curriculum Committee
Authority: | F.S. 1001.64(4); 1001.54(1) |
Date Adopted: | 2/92 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; 8/11; 3/12; 9/14; 10/20; 3/21 |
Related Policies: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to recommend changes both to existing curricula and courses, and the addition of new courses and curricula for Seminole State College postsecondary offerings. When necessary, the Committee also recommends discontinuation of courses and programs that are no longer needed in the service area of the College. The committee provides for broad faculty participation in the review and development of curricula.
- Committee Responsibilities
- The Curriculum Committee will meet 6 times throughout the academic year or as needed to consider proposed changes and to recommend a course of action to the Vice President, Academic Affairs. Prior to the meeting, committee members will review each proposal.
- The elected chairperson conducts the meetings following standard rules of order.
- If a quorum is present, discussion and debate on proposals will take place. A quorum is defined as one more than half of the voting members currently appointed to the committee.
- Proposals may be approved, not approved, approved with changes, tabled or taken off the table from previous meetings.
- Deans are responsible for having someone at the meeting to answer questions and to approve suggested alterations to each proposal. If no one is available at the meeting to represent the proposal and questions are raised, the committee may take one of the following actions: table the proposal until the next meeting, approve the proposal, approve the proposal contingent on changes the committee recommends, or reject the proposal.
- If a quorum is not present, discussion will still take place and the chairperson will declare that a mail vote will follow. The Director, Curriculum, Credentialing and Academic Scheduling will coordinate the mail vote.
- The Curriculum Committee will meet 6 times throughout the academic year or as needed to consider proposed changes and to recommend a course of action to the Vice President, Academic Affairs. Prior to the meeting, committee members will review each proposal.
- At least one week prior to scheduled meetings, the Director, Curriculum, Credentialing and Academic Scheduling will send an agenda to the members of the committee, the Vice President, Academic Affairs, Associate Vice Presidents, and Deans. The agenda will also be posted on the Course and Curriculum development website,
- Following each Curriculum Committee meeting, the Director, Curriculum, Credentialing & Academic Scheduling will forward approved proposals to the Vice President, Academic Affairs. Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded and posted to the webpage according to Procedure 1.0900.
- The Director, Curriculum, Credentialing & Academic Scheduling will provide faculty and administration with a calendar of due dates for submission of proposals and the dates of curriculum committee meetings.
- Committee Membership
- Membership on the committee shall consist of the following. In each instance the term “Faculty member” refers to Full-time faculty who are part of the UFF Bargaining Unit:
- One Faculty Member from Faculty Senate
- One Faculty Member from Arts & Communication
- One Faculty Member from Biological Sciences
- One Faculty Member from English
- One Faculty Member from Humanities, History & Modern Language
- One Faculty Member from Mathematics
- One Faculty Member from Physical Sciences
- One Faculty Member from Social Science
- One Faculty Member from Center for Business, Legal, and Entrepreneurship
- One Faculty Member from Health Professions
- One Faculty Member from the Center for Engineering and Computer Technology
- One Faculty Member from the Center for Public Safety
- One Faculty Member from Nursing
- One Faculty member from the Center for Adult and Workforce Education
- One Faculty Member from Center for Construction & Design
- One Faculty member from the Center for English Language Studies
- One Librarian
- One Dean from the School of Arts & Sciences
- One Dean from the School of Business, Health & Public Safety
- One Dean from the School of Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- One Counselor recommended by the Vice President, Student Affairs
- Ex Officio Members (15):
- Director, Curriculum, Credentialing & Academic Scheduling
- Director, Enrollment Services/Registrar
- Associate Vice President, Student Affairs (appointed by VP)
- Director, College Libraries
- Coordinator, Faculty Credentials, Curriculum & Catalog
- Manager, Academic Scheduling
- Director, Student Financial Resources, or designee
- Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness & Research, or designee
- One representative from eLearning
- Equity Officer or designee
- One Student Affairs functional technician recommended by the Director, Enrollment Services/Registrar
- One Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs (appointed by VP)
- One student recommended by SGA
- One Academic Affairs Functional Specialist recommended by the Director, Curriculum, Credentialing & Academic Scheduling
- One representative from the Foundation (appointed by Vice President, Resource and Economic Development)
- The chair of the committee shall be elected by the committee membership.
- The Director, Curriculum, Credentialing and Academic Scheduling will have the responsibility to forward the committee's annual assessment to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
- Membership on the committee shall consist of the following. In each instance the term “Faculty member” refers to Full-time faculty who are part of the UFF Bargaining Unit:
- Except where membership is defined by position title, members shall serve three- year, staggered terms.
- The committee reports to the Vice President, Academic Affairs. Recommendations of the Committee for improvement and change will be made through the Vice President, Academic Affairs.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 3/16/2021 |
Signed by: | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 3/25/2021 |
Procedure 1.0900.14 - Employee Benefits Committee
Authority: | |
Date Adopted: | 02/92 |
Date of Revision: | 6/97; 11/06; 9/08; 11/11; 01/13; 10/13; 10/14; 03/18 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The Employee Benefits Committee serves as an advisory committee to review and/or recommend changes to the benefit options offered to employees of the College.
- The committee is responsible for reviewing benefits offered to College employees and recommending modifications based on information obtained through the ongoing analysis of employee needs and market conditions.
- The membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
- Two career service employees
- Two professional level employees (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- Two administrator level employees
- Three bargaining-unit faculty members appointed by the UFF-Seminole Chapter President
- Two part-time employees to include at least one adjunct
- Manager, Employee Benefits
- Associate Director, Payroll Services (ex officio)
- Director, Human Resources (ex officio)
- General Counsel (ex officio)
- The chair of the committee shall be elected from the voting membership.
- The chair of the committee will forward the committee's assessments and recommendations to the Associate Vice President, Human Resources. Recommendations of the committee for improvement and change will be made to the Executive Team through the Associate Vice President, Human Resources.
- The committee shall meet at least once per Fall and Spring term, or more often if the majority of the committee deems necessary. In the absence of a serving chair, the Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 06/15/2020 |
Signed by: | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 6/28/2020 |
Employee Excellence Committee (Procedure 1.0900.20)
Authority: | 1001.64; 1001.65 |
Date Adopted: | 09/2018 |
Date of Review: | |
Related Policies: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the Council is to foster collaboration across all areas of the College, promoting shared governance and joint problem solving for issues facing the College. The Council helps facilitate communication to and from all areas of the College and oversees the review and revision of College policies and procedures.
- Constituent groups: recognized representatives of internal stakeholders.
- Policy or procedure sponsor: designated representative of initiating office or constituent group.
- Responsibilities:
- Exchange updates from constituent groups.
- Review policies and procedures for possible revision before posting for public comment.
- Meet with policy or procedure sponsors to discuss new policies and procedures and changes to existing policies and procedures throughout the policy and procedure approval process.
- Membership of the Council shall consist of the following:
- College President
- Members of the Executive Team
- A Student Government Association Officer
- Chair, Professional Employee Council
- Chair, Career Service Employee Council
- President, Faculty Senate
- The College President shall chair the Council, or a designee in the President’s absence.
- The Council normally will meet the Tuesday following each District Board of Trustees meeting. The Council shall post agendas and meeting summaries regarding all meetings to the College website.
Recommended by | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 09/18/2018 |
Signed by | President Georgia Lorenz | Date | 09/27/2018 |
Procedure 1.0900.18 - Environmental Health, Safety and Security Committee
Authority: | College Policy 1.020 |
Date Adopted: | 9/96 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; 08/11; 03/12; 03/17; 3/19; 08/23 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the Committee is to advise and assist the College administration in order to ensure the health, safety, and security of College students, employees, and visitors. The Environmental Health, Safety, and Security Committee serves to facilitate and encourage employee knowledge about safe work practices and accident prevention.
- Committee Responsibilities
- The primary role of the College Environmental Health, Safety, and Security Committee is to oversee all matters of health, safety, and security at the College.
- Review annually the following reports:
- State Requirements for Educational Facilities, Fire, Sanitation and Casualty Inspection Reports (SREF)
- Worker’s Compensation Report - Evaluate employee concerns regarding environmental health, safety, and security
- Annual Security Report (Clery)
- Identify risks to the safety, security, and environmental health and welfare of employees.
- Develop and promote programs for educating and informing employees about safe work practices and accident prevention.
- Provide recommendations to the College concerning safety, security, and environmental health of employees
- Review at least annually, update, publish, and distribute as necessary the Safety Management Manual, including:
Adequate provision for easy egress in the event of fire or other emergencies
Adequate provision for healthy and safe conditions in campus parking lots, grounds, and buildings.
Adequate provision and use of safety equipment in laboratories and other hazardous areas.
Adequate training of College personnel in safety procedures.
Practices for assuring a safe environment is maintained in accordance with the Safety Management Manual.
Recommendations regarding any of the above.
Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:
- AVP or Dean from Academic Affairs
- Director, Campus Safety and Security
- Environmental Health and Safety Manager
- Director of Facilities or designee
- Chair of Emergency Medical Service Team, or designee
- Dean of Allied Health or Dean of Nursing
- A representative or laboratory manager from the science labs, knowledgeable about chemical storage and safety procedures
- A career service employee
- A professional employee (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- A faculty member
- Associate Vice President, Organizational Culture & Strategy/Title IX or designee (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Manager, Risk Assessment and Compliance
- Two students
- The Director of Campus Safety and Security will serve as committee chair.
- The committee chair shall forward the recommendations of the committee to the Vice President, Information Technology and Resources.
- The committee shall meet at least two times per year to review College policies and procedures and to make recommendations to the Administration.
- The committee and members will operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 08/22/2023 |
Signed by: | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 08/30/2023 |
Procedure 1.0900.10 - Library Committee
Authority: | College Policy 1.020 |
Date Adopted: | 2/92 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; 08/11; 03/12; 04/2013; 09/14; 06/15; 03/17; 08/23 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the Library Committee is to serve as a liaison between the library staff and users of library services. The committee assists the staff in expanding and updating the collections and services for all campus libraries, and promoting the integration of library resources into instruction.
- Committee Responsibilities
- Review procedures and plans of the Library, and support procedures/those that will yield the greatest overall benefit to the educational programs and learning environment of the College;
- Work with the Director in developing Library procedures and plans which meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students;
- Advise and consult with College administration about
- The state of the Library's resources, services and procedures
- The College's commitment to ensure that the Library serves the teaching, research, and public service missions of the college
- Actively monitor campus concerns about college Library resources, policies, procedures, and services.
- Represent SSC's library interests in joint use library initiatives
- Membership
Except where membership is defined by position title, members shall serve three- year, staggered terms. This is a college-wide committee and, as such, the committee must include at least one member from each campus. Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:- One Academic Dean or Associate Vice President (AVP)
- Six faculty members representing all campuses/centers (at least one to be a Faculty Senate member)
- One professional staff member (includes professional staff, grades P01-P07, and technical staff, grades T01 – T06)
- One e-Learning technical staff member
- One career service staff member
- One career service staff member from the Library
- Associate Vice President, Organizational Culture & Strategy/Title IX (ex-officio, non-voting member)
- Two students nominated by the Student Government Association (SGA)
- Director, College Libraries (ex-officio, non-voting member)
- Selection of Chair
The chair of the committee shall be selected from the membership, but shall not be the Director, College Libraries. - Liaison Vice President
The committee chair shall forward the annual self-assessment and recommendations of the committee through the Vice President for Academic Affairs. - Meeting Requirements
The committee shall meet on a regular basis at least two times per academic year. - Additional Guidelines
- The committee chair will attend, or send his/her designee, to report at the Faculty Senate meeting
- Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded and posted to the Standing Committee website.
- The committee and members will operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900 Standing Institutional Committees.
Recommended by | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 08/22/2023 |
Signed by | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 08/30/2023 |
Procedure 1.0900.3 - Planning and Budget Process Committee
Authority: | F.S. 1001.64 |
Date Adopted: | 02/92 |
Date of Revision(s): | 6/97; 4/02; 2/07; 5/11; 03/2013; 9/2014; 06/2015; 11/2015; 5/2020 (formerly 1.0900.3) |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The purpose of this procedure is to define and establish the process for annual institutional planning and budgeting that integrates planning and budgeting activities, aligns planning and budgeting with strategic plans and priorities, promotes transparency, and engages the college community in planning and budgeting decisions and priorities.
- In order to accomplish this procedure the college will:
- Develop and disseminate a college-wide planning and budgeting calendar that will allow all employees of the college to meet necessary deadlines to ensure a timely and effective process.
- Develop recommendations based upon the College's strategic plan for the overall annual operating budget's guiding principles.
- Develop and disseminate planning, budgeting, evaluation resource materials, and define processes for submitting annual plans and budget requests.
- Support the timely and continuous use of planning and budgeting tools and procedures such that all unit objectives, action plans, and resources are recorded and assessed.
- Review prior year’s planning and budgeting process to help inform future planning and budgeting cycles.
- Align planning and budgeting activities with the College's strategic plan.
- Review annual plans and produce an annual report of institutional results tied to the College’s strategic goals.
- Share budget drafts through a series of collegewide employee forums to inform and engage employees in budget decisions and priorities before plans and budgets are completed.
- Share budget drafts with Trustees to inform and engage Trustees in budget decisions and priorities before plans and budgets are completed.
- Establish subcommittees or taskforces as needed to complete planning and budgeting activities and decisions.
- Forward a balanced and complete budget to Trustees for approval before the start of a fiscal year.
- The areas of Finance and Budget/Business Services and Institutional Effectiveness and Research will support Executive Team, Trustees, and other subcommittees in activities to draft, review, and complete plans and budgets.
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 5/12/2020 |
Signed by: | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 5/13/2020 |
Policy 1.240 - Staff and Program Development
Authority: | Florida Statute 1001.64; 1001.65 |
Date Adopted: | 10/05 |
It is the Policy of the Board, during each fiscal year, to allocate funds within the annual operating budget to support staff and program development activities. The operating budget presented annually to the Board for approval will specify the amount and percentage of prior year's Community College Program Funds allocated for the staff and program development activities.
- Staff and program development is defined as follows
- Staff development is the improvement of employee performance through activities which update or upgrade competencies specified for present or planned positions.
- Program development is the design, evaluation, and improvement of existing or new programs, operational processes and services. Program development does not include maintenance of existing programs, operational processes and services.
- The President is authorized to establish procedures to implement this policy.
Speaker Series Committee (Procedure 1.0900.22)
The purpose of the Speaker Series Committee is to organize a series of prominent guest lectures and receptions with the mission of providing the College and greater communities access to distinguished speakers that advance student learning, cultivate student engagement and foster academic excellence and community enrichment. The committee provides for broad faculty and staff participation, community-minded engagement, and shared governance throughout the College by selecting and hosting prominent, distinguished speakers and promoting the events in the community.
- Committee Responsibilities
- Identify and recommend prominent speakers for a series of guest lectures aligned with the College’s mission and strategic plan.
- Facilitate and promote at least one event per each major academic term as budget permits.
- Promote communication about each event within the College and to the external community.
- Maintain and update a list of potential speakers and agencies for review each year.
- Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:
- Associate Vice President, Academic Services (Co-Chair)
- Associate Vice President, Student Development (Co-Chair)
- Six faculty members, as follows:
- Three faculty from School of Arts & Sciences
- One faculty from School of Business, Health & Public Safety
- One faculty from School of Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- One at large faculty member
- One Librarian
- One Professional Level Employee (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- Director, Grindle Honors Institute
- Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
- One Career Service employee
- Director, Student Life
- Two students
- Manager, PR and Media Relations (ex-officio)
- Events Coordinator (ex-officio)
- Foundation Representative
- The AVP, Academic Services and AVP, Student Development shall serve as co-chairs of the committee.
- The committee chairs shall forward the recommendations of the committee to the Executive Team through the Vice Presidents of Academic and Student Affairs.
- The committee shall meet on a regular basis at least two times per academic year.
- The committee and members will operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900 Standing Institutional Committees.
- Programs and speakers selected through the committee shall comply with Florida law regarding speech on campus in accordance with section 1004.097, Florida Statutes, and section 1004.06, Florida Statutes, regarding prohibited programs and activities.
Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented: Florida Statute 1001.64; 1001.65; Related Policies: 1.020
History - Adopted 07/2018; Amended 03/25/2021; 05/13/2024
Signed by: Date: May 13, 2024
Sustainability Committee (Procedure 1.0900.21)
Authority: | F.S. 1001.64 |
Date Adopted: | 03/18 |
Date of Review: | 03/21; 02/23; 08/23 |
Related Policies: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to provide leadership in advancing College-wide efforts toward sustainability by discussing strategies and providing recommendations. These recommendations will focus on actions that have a positive impact on the College community by using economic and environmental resources efficiently, and educating students, faculty, and staff on College sustainability practices.
Sustainability refers to the long-term viability of behaviors, products and processes within both their local and global contexts. Sustainable practices take account of interactions between the built environment and the natural environment and assess responsibly the social, economic and environmental impacts of organizational decisions.
- Committee Responsibilities
- Develop and review a responsible College sustainability plan for its built and natural resources. Recommend revisions for approval by College leadership as needed.
- Facilitate and promote College sustainability plan practices.
- Maintain and update a single, centralized online presence for information regarding College sustainability practices.
- Review processes and practices; make recommendations for improvements.
- Collaborate with the College community to achieve the goals and action items of the committee.
- Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:
- Executive Director Facilities Management
- Campus Dean (or designee)
- One faculty member from each of the following areas:
- Arts and Sciences
- Business, Health, and Public Safety
- Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- At large faculty member
- Two students
- Two career service employees
- Two professional employees (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- Associate Vice President, Organizational Culture & Strategy/Title IX Coordinator or designee (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Manager, Facilities Energy & Sustainability (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Manager, Risk Assessment, Environmental Health, Safety & Compliance (ex-officio, non-voting)
- Vice President, Marketing & Strategic Communications (or designee) (ex officio, non-voting)
- The chair of the committee shall be elected by the committee membership.
- The committee chair shall forward the recommendations of the committee to the Vice President, Business Operations and Chief Financial Officer.
- The committee shall meet on a regular basis, at least two times per year.
- The committee and members will operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by: | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 08/22/2023 |
Signed by: | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 08/29/2023 |
Procedure 1.0900.6 - Technology Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity in considering issues surrounding existing and emerging technologies, and the implications for teaching, learning, support services, and management. Its purpose is to ensure that information technology (IT) initiatives are prioritized appropriately and that the respective needs of the various units have been considered. The Technology Advisory Committee will promote and actively oversee the creation of a technologically unified college through the achievement of the following responsibilities:
- The committee will:
- Prioritize and recommend collegewide IT expenditures outside normal departmental budgets.
- Work with college constituency to evaluate and recommend emerging technologies as they are introduced in the marketplace.
- Review, develop and recommend overall policies for acceptable use of technology.
- Develop, review, and update the College Technology/Roadmap Plan or annual Technology Initiatives.
- Encourage and participate in a plan of assessment.
- Advocate for the ethical use of information technologies.
- Improve communication and collaboration using information technologies.
- Foster active partnerships with stakeholders in the field of information technologies.
- Implementation and Oversight
IT resources shall be allocated based on the priority of needs. Needs are determined through the College planning processes, and shall be transformed into programs, projects or initiatives and classified as either "Required" or "Recommended". "Required" initiatives and programs are top priorities. They are typically mission critical, required by code or law, essential to ensure privacy, security, and safety, or are driven by economic factors. "Recommended" initiatives and programs are prompted by the need to stay competitive, improve efficiency, add value, create opportunities, improve services, and respond to the demand for more services. If not funded, these needs may eventually become "Required" initiatives. To ensure an equitable balance between all areas of the College, allocation of IT resources shall be a representative and participatory process linked to the College's strategic plan and budgeting process.
The allocation of IT resources required for compliance and for continuous operations of the college's information technology (IT) needs, shall be determined by the Vice President for Information Technology. New initiatives and projects shall be implemented with the recommendations from the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) in coordination with the other committees outlined on the IT Governance Structure.
Information Technology Project Definition: The definition of a project covered is a temporary information technology endeavor with an established beginning and end date range that has a set of defined tasks and assigned resources, undertaken to develop a unique product, service or result. An information technology project is a temporary effort undertaken by or on behalf of the college that:
Establishes a new technology-based system or service.
Facilitates a significant business process transformation using technology; or
Includes a major change in technology architecture or a system migration beyond that considered as general maintenance, enhancement, or refresh activity. - How to submit Requests:
- Employees or Departments requesting an IT project must complete a Proposal for Project form and get the necessary departmental or VP approvals for further evaluation by this Committee.
- The TAC will receive the requests and will review it at their next scheduled meeting.
- Recommendations for implementation or denial will be sent to the College's Executive Team (ET) for final approval or review.
- IT Governance Structure
- Executive Team/President
- IT Vice President/CIO
Technology Advisory Committee (Level 1)- Standing Committees (Level 2)
- Technology Enhanced Learning Committee
- PeopleSoft Operational Committees
- Task Forces as needed (Level 3)
- Standing Committees (Level 2)
- IT Vice President/CIO
- Executive Team/President
- Membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
- Vice President for Information Technology and Resources (by position)
- Chairs of Level 2 Committees/Leads of Task Force
- Director, College Libraries (by position)
- Director of e-Learning (by position)
- Executive Director of Financial Aid (by position)
- Two Academic Deans (at least one from IT Programs)
- Two faculty members from Construction, Design, Engineering & IT (at least one from IT)
- Two faculty members at large (at least one to be a Faculty Senate member)
- One career service staff member
- One student recommended by the Student Government Association (SGA) (One year rotation)
- The chair of the committee shall be selected from the membership.
- The chair will have the responsibility to forward the committee's annual assessment to the liasion Vice President.
- Except where membership is defined by job title or another term length is noted, all faculty and staff members serve three-year terms that are staggered with appointments being made each year for the following three years.
- The committee shall meet at least two times each year. Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded and posted to the Seminole State College Standing Committee webpage in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
- Recommendations of the committee for improvement and change will be made through the Vice President for Information Technology and Resources.
Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented: Florida Statute §§1001.64, 1001.65, and Policy 1.020
History-Adopted - 2/2007 Revised - 5/2009, 8/2011, 3/2012, 11/2015, 3/2021. 12/2024

Procedure 1.0900.9 - Technology Enhanced Learning Committee
Authority: | |
Date Adopted: | 2/07 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; .8/11; 03/12; 03/17; 3/21 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The purpose of the committee is to consider issues and make recommendations regarding existing and emerging technologies and the implications for teaching and learning.
- Committee Responsibilities
- Assist in defining the campus pedagogical focus and strategies regarding the use of educational technologies to improve teaching and student learning
- Develop an effective and responsive model for providing support to faculty who would like to incorporate educational technology into their teaching
- Explore emerging technologies and assess the usefulness of hardware and software tools to facilitate instruction in all teaching modalities
- Ensure that technology is being used as an enabling force, directly complementing the academic enterprise
- Serve as consultants to the college concerning decisions related to the use of educational technologies and the impact those decisions might have on academic users (faculty, students, staff)
- Facilitate mentoring and professional development opportunities for faculty teaching in distance learning modalities and/or using technology in the traditional classroom
- Make recommendations concerning policies and procedures related to teaching with technology
- Serve as a source of communication across the College regarding concerns and/or interest in educational technologies
- Assist in developing quality improvement and quality assurance strategies for online teaching and learning
- Assist by initiating and assessing support services for on-line learners
- Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:
- Vice President of Academic Affairs (or designee)
- Vice President for Information Technology and Resources (or designee)
- One Librarian
- Dean, eLearning
- Director of FCTL
- Director of Disability Services
- One Dean from Academic Affairs
- One faculty member from Arts & Communications
- One faculty member from Biological Sciences
- One faculty member from English
- One faculty member from Education
- One faculty member from Humanities, History & Modern Languages
- One faculty member from Mathematics
- One faculty member from Physical Science
- One faculty member from Social Science
- One faculty member from the Center for Business, Legal and Entrepreneurship
- One faculty member from the Moore Center for Health Professions
- One faculty member from the Center for Information Technology
- One faculty member from the Center for Public Safety
- One faculty member from the Wharton Smith Center for Construction
- One faculty member from the Center for Architecture & Interior Design
- One faculty member from the Center for Adult and Education or one faculty member from the Center for English Language Studies
- One adjunct faculty member
- One representative from Student Affairs
- One professional staff member (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- One career service staff member
- One student
- The chair of the committee shall be elected from the voting membership.
- The committee chair shall forward the annual self-assessment and recommendations of the committee through the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Information Technology and Resources.
- The committee shall meet on a regular basis, at least two times per academic year. In the absence of a serving chair, the Dean of eLearning shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year.
- The committee will work in conjunction with the Technology Advisory Committee during the year to ensure collaboration and support of like initiatives.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 3/16/2021 |
Signed by | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 3/25/2021 |
Screening Committee (Procedure 2.0150)
This Procedure is Under Review
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64; 1001.02 F. S.; 6A-14.0247; .0262 FAC; SCC Rule 1.020 | April 8, 1997 |
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps to be taken by a screening committee used in selecting personnel for employment.
- Definition: Hiring Manager - The person who approves the Position Advertisement Form (form 81). The hiring manager may serve as a non-voting member of the screening committee.
- A screening committee is utilized to review applications and select and interview applicants for recommendation for a position.
- The principle of equal opportunity guides all processes and employment decisions at the College.
- A screening committee shall be used for all full-time instructional and other contractual positions above pay grade 49. A screening committee may be used for other positions. (For example: secretary, paraprofessional, coordinator, etc.)
- Appointment and composition of a screening committee
- The hiring manager shall recommend to his/her immediate supervisor names of persons to serve on the screening committee and specify the person to serve as chair. The recommendation is sent through administrative channels to the appropriate director, vice-president, Coordinator, Equity and Employment Services and the Director, Human Resources. Any of these individuals may recommend changes to the committee's membership.
- When the membership is certified by the Coordinator, Equity and Employment Services and the Director, Human Resources, the Director, Human Resources shall notify the hiring manager and the committee. The signed recommendation of committee membership shall be filed in the folder of applications for the position.
- Committee size may be from three to nine members excluding the Coordinator, Equity and Employment Services (a non-voting, ex officio member of all screening committees).
- Committee members should be chosen so as to provide the committee with varied and appropriate points of view. For example, a committee for a faculty member in Nursing might reasonably include a faculty member from Biological Sciences.
- Departments or areas of the College which have close working relationships with agencies or businesses in the community may include one or more representatives of an outside agency on the committee if the position to be filled is directly related to the College's work with that agency. It is the responsibility of the hiring manager to insure that any non-college member of a screening committee understands that the Board has the responsibility for employing college staff, unless a contract between the College and the agency specifies otherwise.
- Committee members shall disqualify themselves if they are related to any applicant as defined in the College's nepotism policy, or if they do not believe that they can be impartial.
- Committee members and persons involved in the employment decision for a position may not serve as references for applicants. If a committee member has written a letter of reference for an applicant, either the letter must be withdrawn or the committee member must resign from the committee.
- Committee chair responsibilities
- It is the responsibility of the chair, in cooperation with the hiring manager, to ensure that the committee's work is completed in a timely manner.
- The committee chair shall appoint a recorder to take and prepare minutes of the committee meetings.
- The committee chair shall be the official contact concerning committee work. The chair shall be responsible for making committee contacts with applicants and any college employees involved in the hiring process, unless such duties are delegated in writing to other committee members.
- The committee chair shall keep the hiring manager and the Director, Human Resources informed of the progress and work of the committee.
- The committee chair shall schedule and coordinate telephone interviews, if appropriate, and on-campus visits of each applicant to be interviewed. The visits shall consist of interviews with the screening committee, administrators and other college personnel.
- The committee chair shall contact those applicants who are to be interviewed, informing them of the interview process, the amount of time the applicant should allow, any demonstration or exercise to be completed by the applicant, and any other special arrangements or requirements relating to the interview. Arrangements should include date and time of interview, place where applicants are to be met by college personnel, information that the applicants are to bring to the interview, etc. Information about the College, area transportation, hotels, restaurants, etc. will be provided to out-of-area applicants.
- It is the responsibility of the chair to provide information to Human Resources so that persons not selected by the committee may receive appropriate letters in a timely manner.
- At the conclusion of the screening committee's work, the chair is to collect the following written material pertaining to the committee's work and submit it to Human Resources so that it may become part of the applicant file:
- Minutes of the committee meetings.
- Memoranda pertaining to the work of the committee, both to and from the committee, including the committee's recommendation about the applicants.
- Any other documents pertaining to the committee's work.
- Screening committee meetings
- A screening committee may not meet and has no authority to act until the hiring manager and the committee chair receive from the Director, Human Resources the memorandum indicating that the committee has been approved.
- The committee's deliberations are confidential and committee members are expected to limit discussions of committee activity to other committee members. The chair may represent the committee to other interests.
- At the first meeting of the committee, the Coordinator, Equity and Employment Services and the hiring manager shall instruct the committee about their duties, responsibilities and limitations.
- For any meeting of a screening committee, including interviews, the quorum shall be a majority of the members. A quorum must be present throughout each meeting.
- Screening applications
- The Human Resources shall screen all applications to determine whether or not applicants meet the minimum qualifications as stated in the position advertisement. No applicant shall be presented for screening committee consideration who does not meet minimum qualifications.
- In the event that the number of qualified applicants is large enough to place a burden on all members to review every application, the committee may devise a proportioning of responsibility for initial reviewing of groups of applications. If this happens, at least two committee members shall be responsible for reviewing each application to make recommendations for full committee consideration. Any committee member may bring any application up for full committee consideration.
- Point value rating systems are not to be used.
- After review of the applications, the committee may recommend that the position be readvertised. If this occurs, the hiring manager shall notify the Director, Human Resources so that applicants can be informed.
- Interviews with applicants.
- No formal interviews may be conducted until after the application deadline date.
- The committee shall prepare a basic core of interview questions for all applicants. Demonstrations, tests or other exercises to be completed by the applicants may be devised by the committee. Demonstrations, tests or other exercises devised by the committee must be coordinated with the hiring manager and approved by the Director, Human Resources. Spontaneous, follow-up questions may be asked during the course of the interview. All prepared or spontaneous questions must be non-discriminatory, and they must logically relate to duties in the position description.
- The committee shall determine which applicants will be interviewed.
- The hiring manager may provide travel costs for applicants from the cost center's budget with the approval of the President or appropriate vice-president.
- It shall be up to the screening committee to determine if the nature of the position is such that it would be appropriate for persons who are not committee members or administrators involved in the hiring process to meet the applicants being interviewed. If such meetings are determined to be appropriate, the committee shall plan the place and time and shall notify the college community of the opportunity to meet the applicants. If such meetings are held, the hiring manager may solicit and take into consideration the opinions of those persons who met the applicants.
- Telephone interviews may be used. A telephone interview does not substitute for a personal interview at the College. No applicant can be recommended who has not had a personal interview with the hiring manager.
- After the interviews have been concluded, the committee may decide to return to the applicant pool and interview additional applicants.
- It is preferable that the same person contact all references. It shall be the choice of the hiring manager as to whether s/he or a member of the committee shall contact references.
- Recommendation/decision process
- Applicants who are recommended for a position must come from the pool of applicants and must have been interviewed by the committee and appropriate administrators.
- After interviews have been completed, the committee, acting through the chair, shall make a recommendation to the hiring manager.
- The hiring manager will ask the committee to recommend a maximum of five applicants. Applicants will be recommended in alphabetical order with no ranking indicated.
- If the hiring manager does not concur with the committee's recommendation, s/he shall meet with the committee to discuss the lack of agreement. If there is still no agreement between the committee and the hiring manager, the recommendation from the hiring manager to other administrators within the chain of authority shall indicate the lack of concurrence and the reasons for it.
- Once the committee recommendation has been made, further contacts by any applicant shall be referred to the Director, Human Resources.
- The President has the authority to waive any or all of this procedure.
Recommended by | Presidents Council | Date | 4/23/97 |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 4/23/97 |