Technology Enhanced Learning Committee (Procedure 1.0900.9)

Date Adopted:2/07
Date of Review:05/09; .8/11; 03/12; 03/17; 3/21
Related Policy:1.020


The purpose of the committee is to consider issues and make recommendations regarding existing and emerging technologies and the implications for teaching and learning.


  1. Committee Responsibilities
    1. Assist in defining the campus pedagogical focus and strategies regarding the use of educational technologies to improve teaching and student learning
    2. Develop an effective and responsive model for providing support to faculty who would like to incorporate educational technology into their teaching
    3. Explore emerging technologies and assess the usefulness of hardware and software tools to facilitate instruction in all teaching modalities
    4. Ensure that technology is being used as an enabling force, directly complementing the academic enterprise
    5. Serve as consultants to the college concerning decisions related to the use of educational technologies and the impact those decisions might have on academic users (faculty, students, staff)
    6. Facilitate mentoring and professional development opportunities for faculty teaching in distance learning modalities and/or using technology in the traditional classroom
    7. Make recommendations concerning policies and procedures related to teaching with technology
    8. Serve as a source of communication across the College regarding concerns and/or interest in educational technologies
    9. Assist in developing quality improvement and quality assurance strategies for online teaching and learning
    10. Assist by initiating and assessing support services for on-line learners
  2. Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:
    1. Vice President of Academic Affairs (or designee)
    2. Vice President for Information Technology and Resources (or designee)
    3. One Librarian
    4. Dean, eLearning
    5. Director of FCTL
    6. Director of Disability Services
    7. One Dean from Academic Affairs
    8. One faculty member from Arts & Communications
    9. One faculty member from Biological Sciences
    10. One faculty member from English
    11. One faculty member from Education
    12. One faculty member from Humanities, History & Modern Languages
    13. One faculty member from Mathematics
    14. One faculty member from Physical Science
    15. One faculty member from Social Science
    16. One faculty member from the Center for Business, Legal and Entrepreneurship
    17. One faculty member from the Moore Center for Health Professions
    18. One faculty member from the Center for Information Technology
    19. One faculty member from the Center for Public Safety
    20. One faculty member from the Wharton Smith Center for Construction
    21. One faculty member from the Center for Architecture & Interior Design
    22. One faculty member from the Center for Adult and Education or one faculty member from the Center for English Language Studies
    23. One adjunct faculty member
    24. One representative from Student Affairs
    25. One professional staff member (includes professional staff and technical staff)
    26. One career service staff member
    27. One student 
  3. The chair of the committee shall be elected from the voting membership.
  4. The committee chair shall forward the annual self-assessment and recommendations of the committee through the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Information Technology and Resources.
  5. The committee shall meet on a regular basis, at least two times per academic year. In the absence of a serving chair, the Dean of eLearning shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year.
  6. The committee will work in conjunction with the Technology Advisory Committee during the year to ensure collaboration and support of like initiatives.
  7. The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.              
Recommended byExecutive Team/CACDate3/16/2021
Signed byPresident, Georgia L. LorenzDate3/25/2021
