Technology Advisory Committee (Procedure 1.0900.6)


The purpose of the Technology Advisory Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity in considering issues surrounding existing and emerging technologies, and the implications for teaching, learning, support services, and management.  Its purpose is to ensure that information technology (IT) initiatives are prioritized appropriately and that the respective needs of the various units have been considered.  The Technology Advisory Committee will promote and actively oversee the creation of a technologically unified college through the achievement of the following responsibilities:


  1. The committee will:
    1. Prioritize and recommend collegewide IT expenditures outside normal departmental budgets.
    2. Work with college constituency to evaluate and recommend emerging technologies as they are introduced in the marketplace.
    3. Review, develop and recommend overall policies for acceptable use of technology.
    4. Develop, review, and update the College Technology/Roadmap Plan or annual Technology Initiatives.
    5. Encourage and participate in a plan of assessment.
    6. Advocate for the ethical use of information technologies.
    7. Improve communication and collaboration using information technologies.
    8. Foster active partnerships with stakeholders in the field of information technologies.

  2. Implementation and Oversight

    IT resources shall be allocated based on the priority of needs. Needs are determined through the College planning processes, and shall be transformed into programs, projects or initiatives and classified as either "Required" or "Recommended". "Required" initiatives and programs are top priorities. They are typically mission critical, required by code or law, essential to ensure privacy, security, and safety, or are driven by economic factors. "Recommended" initiatives and programs are prompted by the need to stay competitive, improve efficiency, add value, create opportunities, improve services, and respond to the demand for more services. If not funded, these needs may eventually become "Required" initiatives. To ensure an equitable balance between all areas of the College, allocation of IT resources shall be a representative and participatory process linked to the College's strategic plan and budgeting process.

    The allocation of IT resources required for compliance and for continuous operations of the college's information technology (IT) needs, shall be determined by the Vice President for Information Technology. New initiatives and projects shall be implemented with the recommendations from the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) in coordination with the other committees outlined on the IT Governance Structure.

    Information Technology Project Definition: The definition of a project covered is a temporary information technology endeavor with an established beginning and end date range that has a set of defined tasks and assigned resources, undertaken to develop a unique product, service or result. An information technology project is a temporary effort undertaken by or on behalf of the college that:
    Establishes a new technology-based system or service.
    Facilitates a significant business process transformation using technology; or
    Includes a major change in technology architecture or a system migration beyond that considered as general maintenance, enhancement, or refresh activity.

  3. How to submit Requests:
    1. Employees or Departments requesting an IT project must complete a Proposal for Project form and get the necessary departmental or VP approvals for further evaluation by this Committee.
    2. The TAC will receive the requests and will review it at their next scheduled meeting.
    3. Recommendations for implementation or denial will be sent to the College's Executive Team (ET) for final approval or review.

  4. IT Governance Structure
    1. Executive Team/President
      1. IT Vice President/CIO
        Technology Advisory Committee (Level 1)
        • Standing Committees (Level 2)
          • Technology Enhanced Learning Committee
          • PeopleSoft Operational Committees
        • Task Forces as needed (Level 3)

  5. Membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
    1. Vice President for Information Technology and Resources (by position)
    2. Chairs of Level 2 Committees/Leads of Task Force
    3. Director, College Libraries (by position)
    4. Director of e-Learning (by position)
    5. Executive Director of Financial Aid (by position)
    6. Two Academic Deans (at least one from IT Programs)
    7. Two faculty members from Construction, Design, Engineering & IT (at least one from IT)
    8. Two faculty members at large (at least one to be a Faculty Senate member)
    9. One career service staff member
    10. One student recommended by the Student Government Association (SGA) (One year rotation)

  6. The chair of the committee shall be selected from the membership.

  7. The chair will have the responsibility to forward the committee's annual assessment to the liasion Vice President.

  8. Except where membership is defined by job title or another term length is noted, all faculty and staff members serve three-year terms that are staggered  with appointments being made each year for the following three years.

  9. The committee shall meet at least two times each year.  Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded and posted to the Seminole State College Standing Committee webpage in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.

  10. Recommendations of the committee for improvement and change will be made through the Vice President for Information Technology and Resources.

Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented:  Florida Statute §§1001.64, 1001.65, and Policy 1.020

History-Adopted - 2/2007 Revised - 5/2009, 8/2011, 3/2012, 11/2015, 3/2021. 12/2024

Dr Lorenz signature for Procedure 1.0900.6 signed 1.6.25
