Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (Procedure 1.0900.4)
This Procedure is Under Review
Authority: | College Policy 1.020 |
Date Adopted: | 2/07 |
Date of Review: | 05/09; 08/11; 03/12; 06/14; 10/17; 3/18; 3/21 |
Related Policy: | 1.020 |
The Council to Coordinate Standing Committees (CCSC) is a standing committee of the College. The purpose of the committee is to manage the college wide standing committee appointment process and coordinate such committees’ operations under Procedure 1.0900. The committee selects College employees to serve on the standing committees.
- The committee will have the responsibility to:
- Ensure that the appointment procedures for standing committees are followed
- Ensure that diversity in the committee representation is achieved
- Consider multi-campus representation
- Carry out necessary membership updates and revisions in a timely manner
- Ensure that representation is as broad as possible within parameters established by the President
- Foster the periodic evaluation of the college committee structures, the CCSC structure, and the College committee appointment process
- Orient and train committee chairs as to relevant committee procedures
- Jointly organize and conduct an annual summit with the Shared Governance Council for all college faculty, staff, and members of standing committees to review Shared Governance Council’s “annual assessment and recommendations for improvement and change,” discuss best practices in shared governance and committee procedures, provide training, and address any recommendations from Executive Team.
- Membership of the committee shall consist of the following:
- One Campus Dean or Associate Vice President
- One Student Affairs representative
- Faculty Senate President, Vice President, or designee
- Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
- One faculty member from each of the following areas:
- Arts and Sciences
- Business, Health, and Public Safety
- Construction, Design, Engineering and Information Technologies
- At large faculty member
- The UFF-Seminole Chapter President, Vice President, or designee.
- One professional level employee (includes professional staff and technical staff)
- One career service employee
- Associate Vice President, Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator (ex-officio, non-voting)
- One Institutional Effectiveness & Research staff member (ex-officio, non-voting)
- The chair of the committee shall be elected from the voting membership.
- The committee chair shall forward the committee's annual assessment and recommendations for improvement and change to the appropriate Vice President for presentation to the Executive Team. This assessment shall include the names and campus, length of service, employee classification, and department for all standing committee appointments to ensure compliance with Section 1. For each committee in the report, the Associate Vice President for Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator will provide a signature with a statement indicating that the committee also achieves an equitable representation of race/ethnicity and sex. The annual assessment shall be published online via CCSC’s webpage.
- The committee will meet at least two (2) times per academic year. In the absence of a serving chair, the Associate Vice President for Equity & Diversity/Title IX Coordinator shall be responsible for convening the first meeting of the academic year in order to facilitate meeting the following deadlines:
- By March 1 of each year, the Committee Chair will solicit individual preferences from employees for serving on standing institutional committees.
- For student representation, CCSC will contact the Director of Student Life by April 1 of each year. The director will receive a recommendation from SGA for each opening and forward those recommendations to the CCSC Chair before the start of the Fall term.
- For vacancies to be filled by position, CCSC will contact the employee holding the named seat by April 1 of each year to confirm availability to serve. In the case of multiple eligible employees (example: “One employee from IER”), CCSC will contact the supervisor of the unit to request a recommendation. Employees newly serving by position will be notified of their committee assignment at the same time as the other new committee members.
- By April 15 of each year, the CCSC will select candidates for all committees.
- By the end of the Spring term, the College President and the CCSC chair jointly will notify all employees of committee appointments for the coming academic year. The CCSC chair will notify all volunteers for committee membership that were not selected that they were either not eligible for an open seat on the committee or that they were not selected for the open seat.
- By October 15 of each year, CCSC will review the annual assessment of each committee and make appropriate recommendations for implementation.
- Members of the committee shall serve as liaisons to the other standing committees to ensure up-to-date committee membership and adherence to committee procedures.
- In order to fill mid-term committee vacancies reported by standing committee chairs, CCSC will take the following steps except when vacancies are created by members serving by position or designation:
- CCSC will return to the most recent list of eligibles derived from the Chair’s solicitation of individual preferences from employees for serving on standing institutional committees.
- Should the list not provide an appropriate replacement, CCSC will solicit all eligible employees for interest in filling the vacancy.
- Should a potential replacement still not be identified, CCSC will solicit the appropriate Vice President or Associate Vice President for recommendations.
- CCSC will select the replacement.
- Replacements shall serve the remainder of the term of the seat vacated.
- The committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.
Recommended by | Executive Team/CAC | Date | 3/16/2021 |
Signed by | President, Georgia L. Lorenz | Date | 3/25/2021 |