Supplemental Financial Assistance

Several forms of financial assistance that can supplement your VA education benefits are available.


Scholarships are available from many sources, including Seminole State College; state, professional and service agencies; private foundations; and some employers. They are awarded based on various criteria and do not have to be repaid. For more information, contact Seminole State's Financial Aid Office at 407.708.2045.


Grants are also available from many sources. The largest and best-known program for this type of assistance is the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Pell Grant Program. Grants are need-based and do not have to be repaid. For more information, contact Seminole State's Financial Aid Office at 407.708.2045.


Student loans can be obtained from the federal government, banks, and other public and private financial institutions. Unlike scholarships and grants, they must be repaid, usually at a low interest rate. For more information, contact Seminole State's Financial Aid Office at 407.708.2045.

Tuition Waivers

Veterans attending Seminole State have access to the following tuition and fee waivers:

  • Combat Decoration Tuition Waiver: A tuition and fee waiver for receipients of the Purple Heart or other superior combat decoration. The veteran must have been a resident of Florida at the time the decoration was awarded. This waiver excludes lab fees.
  • C.W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver: Waives the out-of-state tuition and fee charges of honorably discharged veterans who physically reside within the state but do not classify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes.

In order to receieve these benefits, students must apply with the following information:

Students receiving this benefit must be degree-seeking. This waiver is applicable only up to 110 percent of the total credit hours required for the student's degree program. Online-only programs are not eligible. For more information, contact Seminole State's Veterans Affairs Office at 407.708.2242.


The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Work-Study Program allows students to "earn while they learn" at Seminole State. Participants will spend a maximum of 1,300 hours per year (25 hours a week) performing specific tasks or services in return for a tax-free monetary allowance. This allowance will be equal to the prevailing federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher.

To be eligible for Work-Study through the VA, students must be pursuing an approved postsecondary education program on a minimum three-quarter-time basis. To apply, complete VA Form 22-8691: Application for Work-Study Allowance.

Additional opportunities may be available through the Federal Work-Study Program. For more information, contact Seminole State's Financial Aid Office at 407.708.2045.

VA Educational Loans

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs may authorize need-based educational loans to certain veterans, spouses and surviving spouses who qualify for educational assistance under Chapter 34 or 35 and:

  • Have not exceeded their period of eligibility for benefit payments
  • Have unused months of entitlement

For more information, contact the VA at 888.442.4551.


Office of Veteran Student Services
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus
Student Center (SC), Room 266 - 2nd Floor
407.708.2242 | Fax: 407.708.2564
Lee Campus at Oviedo 
407.708.5086 | Room OVF-101D