Mini-Grant Award Application

Fall Mini-Grant Application Process is open during the month of October.

Spring Mini-Grant Application Process is open during the month of April.


Please read carefully! The selection committee’s goal is to fund as many requests as possible. Submitting a thorough and thoughtful proposal will help you make your case and make it easier for the committee to review and award grants. The information here will assist you in completing the application.  The application process is through an online form.  If you have any questions, please email the Foundation at

Download a Word document of the online form to preview questions and work offline.


  • Ensure your request supports the mission of the College and has a direct impact on students. This is a key, if not the primary, component of a successful and funded mini-grant.
  • Answer all application questions as completely as possible. Questions are designed to gather the requisite information for the Foundation to make an informed decision about your need. Unanswered questions may weaken your proposal. Be as thorough and explanatory as possible, use the application as a vehicle for your passion about your project. 
  • You must complete the Mini-Grant Cost Breakdown in excel and upload onto the form. Download the Mini-Grant Cost Breakdown Excel Template.  You will complete this Excel and upload it on the form
  • Be sure to include any additional attachments prior to submitting your form.  You are allowed up to 10 additional attachments.
  • Provide the name and email for everyone who will need to approve your application. The Foundation will use Adobe Sign® to gather all required signatures AFTER you submit your application.
    Required signatures include:
    • Applicant/Co-applicant – include all applicant names if more than one.
    • Office Support Staff - Any one that will be assisting with requisitions or need to be aware of the project.
    • Supervisor – this confirms that the item requested has not been submitted in your annual budget. These signatures also acknowledge accepted responsibility for all future support and/or maintenance as deemed necessary, and for storage and upkeep as required.
    • Next Level Supervisor – to determine if alternate funding is available and confirm that your project doesn’t conflict with the direction or your program or projects of other faculty/staff. It is up to your department leadership to set guidelines for required approvals of all submissions. Please do not wait until the last minute to seek authorization for your request.
    • VP/Information Technology & Resources (or his/her designee) for applications that contain funding for ANY technology- or media-related items, including but not limited to all: hardware, software, audio-visual equipment whether purchased with College funds or with mini-grants. If in doubt, seek IT&R approval.
    • VP/Marketing and Strategic Communications (or their designee) for applications that contain funding for ANY marketing related items, including but not limited to all: department giveaways, promotional items, or printing costs. If in doubt, seek VP, M&SC approval.
    • VP/Business Operations/Chief Financial Officer (or their designee) must approve applications that contain funding for ANY facilities related items, including but not limited to: furniture and paint. If in doubt, seek approval. 
  • Include the location of any events, seminars, workshops, expos or similar group events whether on campus or off. If using campus catering, include the actual cost as calculated by the Metz online ordering system; if using an outside caterer, include specifics about vendor cost.
  • Discuss specifics about any brochures, flyers, or other print materials or projects, including how they will be designed, created, and produced. Discuss why your department cannot cover these costs.
  • Use campus resources as much as possible when drafting your proposal. Consult CTS, CRM, Facilities, the Print Shop, Metz, or current official vendors to obtain accurate cost estimates. The committee will recognize gross or padded estimates, which could have an effect on the success of your proposal; the more you can document, the better.
  • Plan any public speakers or speaker series utilizing local experts whenever possible. Contact the Foundation for assistance approaching potential speakers. Many Foundation board members are prominent in the community and would make excellent speakers. In addition, they are very interested in participating in campus activities. Provide statistics about previous event attendance whenever possible, and include cost and detailed information when speakers do require payment for services. Consider webinars when possible.

Ineligible Proposals

  • Incomplete applications or those that miss the submission deadline will not be considered.
  • Proposals that include compensating faculty or staff through salary or stipends are ineligible. Any application that considers paying students or contractors for work are not eligible.
  • Direct monetary benefit through gift cards are not considered an eligible use of mini-grant funding.
  • Faculty or staff tuition support including conferences toward degree completion or professional certifications are ineligible.
  • Televisions, either CRT-type or flat screen type will not be considered for funding.
  • Personal classroom software or technology (a single license or individual laptop) will not be considered.
  • While not fully ineligible, requests to supply food or marketing materials to classes or programs are not often funded.

Important Reminders

  • Maximum award request is $2,000.
  • Funds will be available beginning about 2 months after the application deadline and are to be fully expended or encumbered within 12 months. Any funds remaining at the end of that time will be returned to the Foundation.
  • All equipment (including technology) remains the property of Seminole State College. If you are proposing non-standard office equipment, i.e., computers, you should consult Facilities to ensure infrastructure is in place to support the equipment. You may include facilities upgrades in your proposal but the total may not exceed the $2,000 limit. Work with Facilities to obtain improvement cost estimates for budget purposes.


Foundation for Seminole State
1055 AAA Drive
Heathrow, FL 32746
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