GO the Raider Route

Transitioning from high school to college can be overwhelming, but we’re here to make it as easy as possible for you. Our student recruiters are excited to help you become a Raider and will guide you through the admissions process every step of the way!
Eve Hudson
- Seminole County Virtual School
- Homeschool students
- Private school students
- Alternative high school students
- First-time-in-college GED graduates
407.708.2861 (call/text)

Phillip Martin
- Hagerty High School
- Lake Howell High School
- Crooms AOIT
407.708.2919 (call/text)
Nia Davis
- Lake Brantley High School
- Oviedo High School
- Winter Springs High School
407.708.2761 (call/text)
Renato Monsalve, M.S.
- Lake Mary High School
- Lyman High School
- Seminole High School
407.708.2755 (call/text)
Yo hablo español.
If you are a high school student from outside Seminole County looking to connect with a recruiter, please email recruitment@seminolestate.edu.
If you are a transfer student, please email admissions@seminolestate.edu.
Become a Raider
Keep organized with our 2025 Steps to Enroll checklist!
Application Days
Seniors, need help with applying? Join us for our next application session at your high school or one of our campuses. Led by Admissions representatives, you will be guided through the process of completing a Seminole State online admission application. There is no application fee, making it a seamless process to apply.
Find us on your campus in the spring!
- Hagerty High School - Friday, February 21; Monday, March 10
- Lake Brantley High School - Friday, February 7
- Lake Howell High School - Tuesday, April 8
- Lake Mary High School - Monday, March 10 (ESOL students); Thursday, April 3
- Lyman High School - Friday, March 28; Wednesday, April 23
- Oviedo High School - Monday, February 24
- Seminole High School - Thursday, April 17
- Winter Springs High School - Monday, January 13 (ESE students); Thursday, January 16 (FAFSA Night)
Take a Tour
Our in-person tours provide an overview of Seminole State College including:
- Tour of the campus buildings
- Admission process
- Financial Aid process
- Degrees offered
- Student Life
- DirectConnect to UCF®
Join us Wednesday afternoons at 3:30 for a tour of the Sanford/Lake Mary Campus led by a member of our Admissions & Recruitment team. No appointment required. Meet us in the Admissions suite (second floor of the Student Center) at 3:30 pm. These tours last up to 90 minutes and include more in-depth information about admissions and enrollment.
Note: College offices are closed on weekends as well as March 17-21, 2025 for Spring Break. Campuses will be closed and tours will not be provided on those dates.
For all smaller group tours at Altamonte Springs, Heathrow, and Lee Campus at Oviedo, please sign up by selecting the date and time online using our Tour Calendar. These tours are led by the Coordinators or Student Leaders from our Student Life Office and last up to 60 minutes.
Decision Day - Friday, November 8, 2024
Calling all Seminole County Public Schools seniors! Come spend the day exploring all that Seminole State College has to offer at an event that is all about you! Our next Decision Day will be held at the Seminole State College Sanford/Lake Mary Campus on November 8, 2024. All SCPS class of '25 students are invited. Registration will open in September 2024.
Open House at Altamonte Springs Campus - February 11, 2025
Join us at the Altamonte Springs Campus for an open house. We will be showcasing our Allied Health Programs, AA and Bachelor's programs, ESOL and adult education. Tour the campus including our nursing and allied health labs and meet with program faculty. Plus, explore campus life, student resources and support services to make most of your college experience as well as resources, campus tours, and Student Life. Light refreshments will be provided.
Seminole State at Night - March 12, 2025
Join us for Seminole State at Night - an evening open house event for high school juniors and seniors and their families. This event is held at the Seminole State College Sanford/Lake Mary Campus in the Spring. Prospective students and their guests can speak with campus departments, learn about financial aid and scholarship opportunities, receive help with applying, and tour the campus. The next Seminole State at Night is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Paying for College
Don't let the cost of college stop you from pursuing your dreams! Seminole State can connect you with resources to make an education possible.
- Scholarships offered through Seminole State include:
- Other Scholarships
- Financial Aid
Know Before You GO
Now that you're ready to become a Raider, here's what you need to know to get going.
Before You Apply
When you apply, you'll need to choose a term to start classes. Our academic year is divided into three terms or “semesters” that run seasonally.
- Summer Term: B session-6 weeks (June-August)
Our summer Full and A session classes begin before you graduate high school, so high school seniors applying for Summer Term are eligible to register for only B session classes, which run June-August - Fall Term: 16 weeks (late August-December)
- Spring Term: 16 weeks (January-April)
Fall and spring terms offer shorter sessions, A, 12-Week and B, embedded in the time frame above for accelerated coursework.
When completing your application, you'll need the following information:
- Your full legal first and last name
- Your Social Security number
- An email address that you will check regularly. You may use a personal email address.
- Your parent's/legal guardian's full name and date of birth
- Residency documents for in-state tuition purposes.
Since you are under 24, you must use your parent/legal guardian as your "claimant" for Florida residency. Be prepared to provide two of the following belonging to your parent/legal guardian:- Florida driver’s license number
- Florida vehicle registration/decal number
- Voter’s registration number
We offer the following academic options to help you get where you want to go. Use the links to learn about each one so you can select the right option when you apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most Asked High School Seniors Questions
End of list
GOing Forward
Congratulations! You've completed the application for admission. Here are your next steps, along with a few tips and a video to help you along the way.
After You Apply
Provide your final high school transcript.
The college needs to verify your graduation date, so please submit your official final transcript after graduation. All PDF official transcripts must be sent with password protection through an electronic exchange company (Parchment, eScrip-Safe Credentials, JST, and/or National Student Clearinghouse) directly to the studentrecords@seminolestate.edu email or institution account. We also receive official transcripts electronically through the SPEEDE or FASTER system.
If your school does not participate with this electronic transcript system, please send an official sealed transcript via postal mail to:
Seminole State College of Florida
Enrollment Services
100 Weldon Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
Verify your residency status.
The Affidavit for Florida Residency determines your eligibility for lower in-state tuition rates. If you submit a paper Application for Admission or do not complete the Residency portion of the online application, you will need to turn in a the Affidavit for Florida Residency to Student Services on any campus. The last day to submit this documentation is the day before each semester begins.
Rules for Placement Testing
All degree seeking students in the Florida College System (FCS) are required to take a common placement exam according to Florida Statutes, Section 1008.30, Rule 6A-10.0315. If placement scores indicate it is necessary, a student may be required to enroll in developmental courses.
Students Not Required to Take a Placement Test- Exempt
Students meeting either of the following conditions are not required to take a placement test:
- Students who entered ninth grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-04 school year or after and earned a Florida standard high school diploma.
- Students who are currently serving as active-duty members of any branch of the U.S. Armed Services.
Exempt students may choose to take a common placement test to help identify where they need additional preparation. Regardless of the student’s score, he or she is not required to enroll in developmental education.
Students Required to Take a Placement Test- Non Exempt
FTIC students who do not meet one of the above criteria for exemption must submit common placement test scores, such as the ACCUPLACER, ACT, CLT, SAT or Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT), prior to their advising appointment.
Students with questions are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor, who can assist them with the best possible placement.
Any score presented that is below the score needed for exemption will require the student to be tested on the appropriate PERT subtest(s) unless:
- The student attended a regionally accredited college or university in which English was the language of instruction and completed college-level or the highest college-preparatory-level coursework, as evaluated by Seminole State, in English and/or mathematics with a grade of C or higher
- Official Seminole State record indicates that the student is enrolled in another college or university and has applied to Seminole State as a transient student
- Official Seminole State record indicates that the student is enrolled for teacher recertification
Students Required to Complete EAP Testing Process
All non-exempt students who studied ESOL in high school or studied part of high school in a country where English is not the only official language are required to complete the EAP Testing Process. This includes:
- Complete the WritePlacer for possible placement into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in addition to having college ready PERT, ACT, CLT, or SAT scores
- Complete the ACCUPLACER- ESL in addition to completing the WritePlacer if PERT, ACT, CLT, or SAT scores are not college-ready
- Complete the EAP sequence without a retake of PERT/ACCULACER-ESL after starting the sequence (Students may retake PERT/ACCUPLACER-ESL and WritePlacer after two years' absence from sequence for advancement purposes)
Need to take a Placement Test?
Placement Testing is available on a walk-in basis during Assessment & Testing Business Hours at Sanford/Lake Mary, Altamonte Springs, or the Lee Campus at Oviedo. Remote testing is also available through ACCUPLACER with Examity as an additional placement testing option.
All in-person exams must be completed within normal business hours, and students should allow sufficient time to complete their exams prior to closing time of the Testing Center. If Testing Center staff determines a student will not have enough time to complete their exam, the student will be assisted in rescheduling their exam.
Your Student ID number is a seven-digit number that is automatically generated when you apply for admission. It is usually found in your acceptance letter and will also be emailed to you once your residency has been approved.
Please memorize or secure that number in a place where you have easy access, as you will use it to verify your identity while at Seminole State and in all written and verbal correspondence.
Once your residency has been approved you will receive an email with your student ID number and user ID while your Seminole State College account is being created. Once the account is created (within 24-48 hours) you will receive a follow-up email to activate your account. If you have questions, visit the Seminole State Help Desk website for more information.
Students will be able to send and receive important messages from the College through their Seminole State email. To set up your email account, you must first have submitted your Affidavit for Florida Residency and activated your Seminole State College account. Once the account is activated, wait one hour before setting up your student email.
The New Student Welcome is mandatory for all new Seminole State students. Please complete the New Student Welcome by signing in with your Seminole State College account username and password.
You will be prompted to schedule a Registration Lab (advising appointment) with a team of advisors after you view the New Student Welcome. This registration lab will allow you to select course(s) and review your educational pathway.
Seminole State distributes more than $50 million in financial aid each year, including $1 million in scholarships to help students achieve their educational goals. Visit seminolestate.edu/financial-aid to learn how to apply for aid, the types of aid offered, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and more.
Summer Bridge
Calling 2025 high school graduates! Get a head start on your college career in summer 2025 by enrolling in our Summer Bridge program.
This program helps first-time-in-college students easily transition to college courses and develop crucial skills for future success. The best part? There are no out-of-pocket expenses for the student! The Summer Bridge program uses available financial aid and/or institutional funds to cover tuition, fees and books so students can get started and GO Far!
Space is limited. Students must submit the interest form, application for Summer 2025 admission, and the 2024-2025 FAFSA by May 30, 2025 to be considered.
If you have questions or just want to learn more, you can register for a virtual information session to see if the Summer Bridge program is right for you.