Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)

The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT),  is used to assess your comprehension in reading, writing and mathematics skills and to determine your college course placement. 

Students who meet the following criteria are required to take the PERT:

  • All students seeking dual enrollment
  • All non-exempt students who cannot provide ACT, SAT, CLT, ACCUPLACER, or PERT scores on an official transcript by the date of their advising appointment/session

Walk-in placement testing for PERT is offered at Sanford/Lake Mary, Altamonte Springs, and the Lee Campus at Oviedo.

Students Exempt from PERT Testing

Seminole State students are exempt from taking PERT (unless it's needed as a prerequisite for a specific course) if they provide official documentation for one of the following criteria: 

  • Official ACT , CLT or SAT scores less than two years old that place the student into college-level coursework at Seminole State. If multiple test results are on record, the highest subtest scores are used.
  • Official ACCUPLACER Next Gen scores of 256 or above on Reading Comprehension, 253 or above on Writing Skills, and 261 on Elementary Algebra.

Please see the Placement Testing: Comparative Chart for the current required minimum test scores  

Any score presented that is below the score needed for exemption will require the student to be tested on the appropriate PERT subtest(s) unless:

  • The student attended a regionally accredited college or university in which English was the language of instruction and completed college-level or the highest college-preparatory-level coursework, as evaluated by Seminole State, in English and/or mathematics with a grade of C or higher
  • Official Seminole State record indicates that the student is enrolled in another college or university and has applied to Seminole State as a transient student
  • Official Seminole State record indicates that the student is enrolled for teacher recertification

PERT Practice

Need extra practice? The Academic Success Center has review materials and can help you prepare for the PERT.

PERT for First-Time Students

New to the PERT exam?
Review the PERT for First-Time Test Takers webpage for test instructions and tips for taking the placement test.

PERT Review Instructions

Need to retake the PERT exam?
Visit the PERT Refresh webpage for instructions, information, and examination day reminders.


For additional questions regarding the PERT exam, please visit the Testing Center's Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

PERT Placement

To find your placement based on your PERT scores, expand the table below, or download the PERT Placement Model.

Required Developmental Writing and Reading courses (or required EAP courses, if applicable) must be completed prior to entering English I and/or any Gordon Rule Course.

 ScoreResult/Course Placement
Reading Skills50 - 105
  • REA 0019: Developmental Reading, or
  • ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) /WritePlacer for EAP placement**
  • REA 0055: Developmental Reading Module or
  • ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) /WritePlacer  for EAP Placement**
> 106*
  • No Developmental Reading required
  • WritePlacer for EAP Placement**
Writing Skills50 - 102
  • ENC 0022: Developmental Writing, or
  • ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) /WritePlacer  for EAP placement
  • ENCC 055: Developmental Writing Module, or
  • ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) /WritePlacer  for EAP Placement**
> 103*
  • No Developmental Writing required
  • ACCUPLACER ESL (LOEP) /WritePlacer  for EAP students
50 - 113
  • MAT 0057: Pre-College Mathematics
114 - 122
  • MAT 1033: Intermediate Algebra; or
  • MGF 1130: Mathematical Thinking, or
  • MGF 1131: Mathematics in Context, or
  • STA 2023: Statistical Methods I
  • MAC 1105: College Algebra, or
  • MGF 1130: Mathematical Thinking, or
  • MGF 1131: Mathematics in Context, or
  • STA 2023: Statistical Methods I 
  • MAC 1105: College Algebra, or
  • MGF 1130: Mathematical Thinking, or
  • MGF 1131: Mathematics in Context, or
  • STA 2023: Statistical Methods I , or
  • Next Generation ACCUPLACER-AAF

Test scores must be less than two years old to be considered valid.

*Reading and Writing scores must be college ready to be eligible for ENC 1101: English I.

**WritePlacer is required for students identified with EAP Placement.

***Students who score 130 or above are eligible to take the ACCUPLACER Next-Generation- AAF

Exemption from preparatory English coursework and subsequent enrollment in ENC 1101 (English I) require college-level placement scores in all language-based subtests of the PERT, ACT, SAT or ACCUPLACER.

College developmental courses have a first digit of zero (0). They do not count toward a degree. However, these courses do count toward eligibility for VA benefits, financial aid and intercollegiate athletics.

Rule 6A-14.0301 limits students to three attempts to pass each developmental course, including original grades, repeat grades and withdrawals. Upon the third attempt, the student is assessed the full cost of instruction, is not permitted to withdraw and receives a grade for the course. The student may petition to waive the full cost of instruction due to extenuating circumstances or financial hardship by using the Request for Exemption for Full Cost of Instruction form, from a Student Services Specialist.

  • Non-exempt students who have placement scores older than two years but have never enrolled into a Florida postsecondary institution "are" mandated to retest for placement purposes
  •  The college may not mandate students to retest for placement if students have former placement scores and have enrolled (whether enrolled into developmental courses or not) into a Regionally Accredited Post-Secondary institution. 
  • For students in ENC 1101 and MAT 1033 (with or without previous test scores), who have a “D” or “F” (and scores greater than 2 years old) may be placed into ENC 1101 or MAT 1033 without further testing. We may encourage students who have been away for an extended period of time (greater than two years) to retest, but it is not required. 
  • Students who wish to repeat courses (including developmental courses) where they have a passing grade of P or C or higher or posted test credits, cannot 'self-serve' for those repeat courses. They will use the normal repeat procedure, e.g., if repeating a “C” or above the student must petition. The code of “RTNC” (Retake No Credit) is used. The student gets a grade but no credits.

What should I bring on the day of the test?

  • You will need to present a current, valid and original photo ID with a signature(e.g., passport, driver’s license or state-issued ID card).
    • Digital Identification is not permissible.
  • If your photo ID does not include a signature, a second ID is required with your name and signature (e.g., Social Security card, credit card or debit card).


Assessment and Testing Center 
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