PERT Skills Review Resources

The Academic Success Center's (ASC) Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) Skills Review Resources are provided to help students review concepts in mathematics, reading, and writing.
Students should take time to study these concepts and skill areas before retaking the PERT.
What are the ASC's PERT Skills Review Resources?
The ASC's resources are intended to help students prepare to retake the PERT and gauge their current abilities. They are not intended to teach students or train them to get the best scores on the PERT so they can enroll in college-level courses and bypass developmental courses.
The resources below provide a supplemental review of the skills introduced in the subtest packets. Before using them, students must purchase the subtest packets from a Seminole State bookstore.
Arithmetic Skills Resources
- Number Properties
- Order of Operations
- Scientific Notation
- Signed Numbers
- Simplifying Radicals
- Solving Applications Using Systems
- Summary of Laws of Exponents
- Translating English Phrases to Algebraic Form
Arithmetic Skills Online Resources
- (online modules)
- Math TV (free videos on topics ranging from basic math to calculus)
Reading Comprehension Skills Resources
- Cuesta College: Subjects/Topics and Main Ideas
- Cuesta College: Supporting Ideas - Methods and Relationships
- Cuesta College: "Reading" Inferences
Reading Comprehension Skills Online Resources
Sentence Skills Resources
- Making Subjects, Verbs and Pronouns Agree
- Subject-Verb Agreement: Present Tense Practice
- Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
- Pronoun Case
- Pronoun Practice: Agreement and Case
- Comma and Semicolon Overview
- Coordination: Compound Sentence Patterns
- Coordination: Practices in Usage
- Subordination: Complex Sentence Patterns
- Subordination: Punctuation Drill
- Subordination: Practice Test
- Punctuation Pattern Sheet for Joining Clauses
- Coordination, Subordination and Semicolon Review
- More Coordination and Subordination Practice
- Methods of Correcting Run-ons and Comma Splices with Practice
- Fragment Practice I
- Fragment Practice II
- Parallelism with Practice
Sentence Skills Online Resources
- Capital Community College: Guide to Grammar and Writing
- Grammar Bytes!: Free Grammar Lessons and Exercises by Skill Area
Other Resources
- PERT Practice and Information from Seminole State's Assessment and Testing Center
- McCann Associates: College Success Online PERT Sample Test and Study Guide
- McCann Associates: College Success Practice Tests
- Accuplacer Test Preview
- Accuplacer Sample Questions for Students
Please note: In the interest of providing an accurate assessment of students' abilities as they start college, the ASC does not teach or tutor students in skill areas for placement testing. No guarantees are implied or assumed by the ASC by providing these resource links.