Compliance and Reporting Violations

The College has developed a Tobacco Free College procedure to help students and employees comply with the Tobacco Free College policy and learn the proper steps to take to report a violation of the policy. The College community is expected to comply with the Tobacco Free College policy at Seminole State and to help others do the same.

Reporting Policy Violations

Students and employees who see someone using tobacco on campus are encouraged to make the person aware of the Tobacco Free College policy and ask that person to adhere to it.

Student Violations

Student Violations of the Tobacco Free College policy should be reported to the Director of Student Conduct, Briyanna Jenkins, who may refer the student to the College Wellness Center for assistance or determine that the student has violated the Student Code of Conduct and take appropriate disciplinary action.

Employee Violations

Employee violations of the Tobacco Free College policy should be reported to the employee's supervisor or to Human Resources. The employee may be referred to the College Wellness Center for assistance or may be subject to corrective action.

Visitor or Contractor/Vendors Violations

Visitors, contractors or vendors who violate the Tobacoo Free College policy should be reported to the Office of Safety and Security. Those who do not comply may be denied access to College property.
