Seminole State College has a single code of conduct that applies to all students at the College. For the purposes of this Policy, the term “student” is defined as any individual who has applied to the College in the past year or is a student enrolled in the College in any program.
General Expectations
All students at Seminole State College agree to abide by all regulations, as published in the College Catalog, this code, the student handbooks and other College publications, as well as federal, state and local laws. Student groups and organizations may be held responsible for the actions of its members, including violations of this Code by those associated with the group or organization or of the group or organization’s leaders or officers.
Seminole State College is a diverse learning community. We strive to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect concern for others’ welfare and academic integrity. By choosing Seminole State College, it is expected that students will:
- Act with personal integrity and honesty.
- Respect the diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions of community members.
- Refrain from participating in acts of intolerance.
- Communicate and act in a way that does not provoke, harass, intimidate, or harm another.
This College recognizes that a thoughtful and reasoned search for truth can be conducted only in an atmosphere that is free of intimidation and coercion. Seminole State College reserves the right to determine when the Code of Conduct and its policies and procedures have been violated and if or when to administer disciplinary actions. Proceedings of the investigation of each case and the action taken will be officially recorded.
The Vice President of Student Affairs (or their designee) is responsible for administering student discipline. Alleged violations of student regulations or other student misconduct shall be referred to the Office of Student Conduct or other designee as a representative of the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Code shall apply to conduct that occurs on College premises, at College-sponsored activities, and to off-campus conduct that adversely affects the College community and/or the pursuit of its objectives and/or when required by law. The College will abide by all Florida Statutes and Florida Board rules applicable to student discipline. Due process, as addressed in College Policy 1.220, will be provided to ensure that students receive fair and equitable treatment and are clearly aware of their rights and responsibilities under this procedure. The College may charge a student or organization with a violation of this Code up to two semesters from the date the College first receives knowledge of the violation. This time period may be extended by the Vice President over Student Affairs.
The College’s professional programs may have different professional behavior standards that can be addressed within that academic program. Information regarding those standards is outlined in the professional program handbooks. Any behavior that would result in probation, suspension or dismissal from a class or the program must be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment and addressing academic dishonesty and classroom behavior rests with the faculty. Suspensions from class (or the learning environment), or dismissal on disciplinary grounds are student conduct matters that must first be referred to the Student Conduct officer for investigation, determination and action.
Prohibited Conduct
- Academic Misconduct: As members of the College community, students are expected to be honest in all their academic coursework and activities. Academic misconduct (included but not limited to-cheating on examinations, course assignments or projects, plagiarism, misrepresentation and the unauthorized possession of examination or course-related materials) is prohibited.
- Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are unacceptable to the College community. Academic work that is submitted by students is expected to be original and a result of their own thought, research or self-expression. When students borrow ideas, wording or organization from another source, they are expected to acknowledge that fact in an appropriate manner. Inappropriate behavior may include; submitting assignments in a current class that were already submitted in other classes. (Self-Plagiarism).
- Faculty members may act in cases of academic misconduct such as denial of credit or assigning a grade of “F” on a specific assignment, examination or project, or assigning a grade of “F” for the course.
- Any student who shares their work, including utilizing or posting to online sources, for the purpose of cheating on class assignments or tests or helping another to cheat or plagiarize is subject to the same penalties as the student who commits the act.
- For resolution of student academic concerns, including grade appeals, please reference College Procedure 4.0300.
- Students may be subject to academic sanctions imposed by the faculty member according to his or her academic professional judgment and disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Student Conduct Officer in accord with this procedure such as disciplinary probation, suspension, or dismissal from the college.
- Aiding, Solicitation and Attempt: A person is in violation of this procedure if he or she:
- Intentionally aids or abets another in the commission of any offense(s) mentioned in this procedure;
- Requests, hires, encourages, or otherwise solicits another person to commit any offense mentioned in this Code, either intending that the other person commit the offense or with the knowledge that the other person intends to commit the offense; or
- Attempts to commit any offense mentioned in this Code.
- Adjudicated Violations of State or Federal Law:
- The College disciplinary process is an educational process. Therefore, additional sanctions may be imposed under the Student Code of Conduct. Any adjudicated violations of state or federal criminal statutes may result in disciplinary action by the College. The College will enforce the provisions of Section 1006.62, Florida Statutes.
- Alcohol:
- The possession, use or consumption of alcohol is prohibited on College premises and at College functions without the specific written permission of the President. Any student whose behavior becomes unacceptable or disruptive because of being under the influence on any of the College’s campuses or at any college-sponsored event off campus will be subject to discipline. Any student who is suspended for alcohol-related violations can apply for readmission only after successfully completing a certified alcohol abuse program and at least one semester of suspension.
- Battery: A physical act whereby a person touches a person against their will that results in harmful or offensive contact with another person.
- Fire Safety & Arson:
- No person shall set a fire in College buildings or for the purpose of destroying College property or property of any other person.
- No person shall tamper with fire equipment nor use such equipment for reasons other than the prevention or control of fire; or falsely report a fire, interfere in any way with emergency services or procedures, or fail to conform to established safety regulations.
- Unauthorized use or possession of fireworks or explosive chemicals on College premises or at College-sponsored activities is prohibited.
- Computer Abuse
- College information technology is to be used in a lawful and ethical manner for College related purposes only, in compliance with international, federal, state and local law, the State Board of Education Rules, and the policies and procedures of the College.
- All users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects respect for the rights of others and protects the integrity of data, equipment, software licenses and other contractual agreements governing information technology.
- Violations of the College’s computer use policy (Policy 7.010) include, but are not limited, to:
- Use of College information technology to break any international, federal, state or local law or to aid in any crime.
- Use of College information technology for commercial purposes or personal profit.
- Use inconsistent with the College's non-discrimination policy, including the prohibition of sexual harassment; creating, viewing, printing, storing, transmitting or publicly displaying obscene, defaming, slanderous, harassing, or offensive data (including sound, video, text, and graphics data).
- Circumventing established College software security procedures or obtaining information systems access and passwords to which one is not entitled.
- Unauthorized alteration or removal of College hardware security systems.
- Unauthorized modifications to College hardware or software.
- Unauthorized access, alteration or destruction of another person’s data, programs, or electronic mail.
- Connecting or installing personal or non-College owned information technology hardware or software to the College network without prior approval.
- Installing non-College owned software without prior approval and documented proof of legal licensure.
- Use of information technology to endorse, promote, lobby or raise money for any political candidate or political organization.
- Distribution of unwanted electronic mail or other messages or unauthorized use of any scheme (broadcast messages, chain letters, junk mail, "spamming") that may cause excessive network traffic or computing loads.
- Copyright:
- It is the student’s responsibility to abide by all copyright laws and regulations, which are made available on the College’s website and in the online Copyright Basics: Fair Use document (located at the time of this writing: www.seminolestate.edu/library/services/copyright/ and http://www.copyright.com/learn/media-download/copyright-on-campus/ The copyright protections normally associated with print also govern the use of the electronic environment in the use of audio, video, images and text found on the Internet. Unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing of copyrighted material, distribution of others’ copyrighted works and illegal downloading violate federal copyright law. Because it is easy for the computer user to copy and use images, text, video and other graphics that are likely to be protected by copyright, it is essential to become familiar with permitted uses for educational media. It is important to note that a document may be copyrighted even if it does not explicitly state that it is copyrighted. As a result, it is best to assume materials such as documents, images or video clips are copyrighted. Ask permission and state a source when using others’ materials.
- The unauthorized use of the College's name by any person, persons and or organizations is prohibited.
- Damage & Vandalism: Intentional damage to College property or premises, or the property of a member of the College community, or littering on College property is prohibited.
- Dating violence: Violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the consideration of the following factors, including:
- The length of the relationship
- The type of relationship
- The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
- The College maintains authority for investigating alleged incidents of dating violence when the involved parties’ actions could affect the campus environment, safety, and security.
- Discrimination:
- The College prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, or any other factor protected under applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations against students, employees, applicants for admission, and applicants for employment. Discrimination may include acts of harassment or retaliation, domestic violence or dating violence. Repeated violations of these requirements may subject the student to dismissal. For discrimination complaints, please reference procedure 1.0600.
- Dishonesty:
- Dishonesty, including, but not limited to, nonacademic cheating or knowingly furnishing false information, is prohibited.
- Disruptive Behavior: Students who act to impair, interfere with or obstruct the orderly conduct, process and functions of the College are disruptive.
- Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts which disrupts the orderly functioning of the college or the delivery/reception of instruction may be directed by a faculty or staff member to leave the location where the behavior occurred.
- Examples of disruptive behavior inside and outside the classroom include repeated tardiness, interfering with the learning process of others, outbursts, verbal abuse, and profanity.
- Domestic Abuse:
- Violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.
- The College maintains authority for investigating alleged incidents of domestic abuse when the involved parties’ actions could affect the campus environment, safety, and security.
- Dress: Students are expected to dress in a manner that is conducive to the college environment.
- Drugs:
- To possess, buy, sell, use or keep illegal drugs or illegal drug paraphernalia is prohibited. Students who use drugs on any of the College’s campuses or at any college-sponsored events off campus will be subject to disciplinary sanction. Those students who are suspended for drug-related violations can apply for readmission only after participating in a drug abuse program and completing at least one semester of suspension.
- Any student who sells or manufactures illegal drugs on any of the College’s campuses or at any event sponsored by the College that is off campus will be subject to dismissal. That student can apply for readmission only after completing one full year of dismissal. Readmission will be granted to suspended or dismissed student only after he/she provides evidence that they have completed a certified drug rehabilitation program or completed treatment with a certified substance abuse treatment professional which attests to them now being drug free.
- The College has the responsibility to refer for prosecution anyone engaging in illegal drug or controlled substance activity on the College’s campuses or at any of the College’s events.
- The College shall enforce the provisions of Florida Statutes chapter 893 (Drug Abuse Prevention and Control)
- Duplication of College Keys:
- Duplication of College keys is prohibited.
- Failure to Comply:
- Failure to comply with published College policies, procedures, departmental and program regulations and requirements or with directions of College officials who are authorized and acting in the performance of their duties is prohibited. Repeated violations of this requirement may subject the student to dismissal.
- Firearms and Lethal Weapons:
- Florida and Federal laws prohibit the possession or use of firearms or other weapons on College property, except as authorized in support of school-sanctioned activities. With exception, persons aged 18 years or older may lawfully possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance (vehicle) without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Possession or use of a firearm or other weapon on College property outside of a private vehicle or otherwise not in compliance with state law will be subject to disciplinary sanction.
- Fraud:
- Fraud, forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of documents, College records or instruments of identification, with the intent to defraud or deceive, is prohibited.
- Gambling:
- Gambling or other illegal or unauthorized games or contests of chance are not permitted on College premises or at any College-sponsored events held off campus.
- Guests:
- Students will be held fully responsible for the behavior of their guests.
- Harassment (based on protected class): Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively bars the target’s equal access to educational resources, opportunities or benefits. Prohibited harassment of an individual is physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, age, veterans’ status, sexual orientation or marital status or any other basis prohibited by law or College policy that is so severe, persistent or pervasive that a reasonable individual in that situation would find that conduct:
- Affects an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment;
- Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or
- Otherwise adversely affects the individual’s educational opportunities. Repeated violations of these requirements may subject the student to dismissal. For discrimination complaints, please reference procedure 1.0600.
- Harassment (Sexual): Sexual harassment, a form of discrimination, is defined as unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors, sexual misconduct, and other verbal, non-verbal, written and/or electronic communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic status;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interfering with an individual’s work or academic environment.
- Repeated violations of any of these requirements may subject the student to dismissal.
- If an individual feels that he/she has been the target of some form of harassment, that individual should discuss the incident with any Student Conduct Officer or the Equity Officer. For sex discrimination complaints, please reference College procedure 1.0600.
- Hate Crimes:
- Per federal Public Law #103-322A, a hate crime is "a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of the crime, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.”
- Hazing:
- Students or other persons associated with the College or College’s clubs and/or organizations are prohibited from engaging in any activity that can be described as hazing. "Hazing" is any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of a postsecondary institution. "Hazing" includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing the student into violating state or federal law, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, alcohol, drug, or other substance, or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the student, and also includes any activity that would subject the student to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment, humiliation or other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the student. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions or any activity or conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective.
- A person commits hazing when he or she intentionally or recklessly commits, solicits a person to commit, or is actively involved in the planning of any act of hazing upon another person who is a member or former member of or an applicant to, any type of student organization and the hazing creates a substantial risk of physical injury or death to such other person.
- It is not a defense to a charge of hazing that the consent of the victim had been obtained; the conduct or activity that resulted in the death or injury of a person was not part of an official organizational event or was not sanctioned or approved by the organization; or the conduct or activity that resulted in death or injury of the person was not done as a condition of membership to an organization.
- All College organizations are required to include the above anti-hazing rule in the bylaws of such organizations, and any club or organization violating the hazing rule, on or off campus, will have its charter revoked and will not be permitted to operate on the College’s property or to otherwise operate under the sanction of the College.
- Any student acting as an individual who violates the above rule on or off campus will be subject to probation, suspension or dismissal. Penalties recommended for violations of this rule by individual students will be based on whether a hazing violation is "major" or "minor" in scope. In determining whether a hazing violation is “minor" or "major" in scope, the primary consideration will be the presence of or potential for serious physical or emotional harm to the victim of the hazing as determined by the Student Conduct Officer or designee assigned to investigate and alleged violation.
- Identification of Individuals:
- No person shall permit others to use his or her College identification card or refuse to provide his or her name and show appropriate identification to a College official performing his or her duty.
- Identity Theft:
- Any form of identity theft or unauthorized acquisition or use of another’s personal information or identification is prohibited.
- Sexual Assault:
- Oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object without mutual consent.
- Skates, Bicycles, Mopeds, Scooters, Motorcycles and related vehicles:
- Skating, skateboarding, hoverboards, and other related vehicles are prohibited on College property.
- Vehicles and modes of transport are to be parked and stored in approved parking lot locations. Use of items listed above are not permitted inside College buildings or on college grounds. The owner is responsible for any damages caused by bringing any such item into a building or onto College grounds.
- Soliciting:
- According to College procedure 1.1000, soliciting or canvassing for commercial purposes by any individual or group is not permitted on college premises.
- Stalking:
- Engaging in a pattern of conduct that willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking.
- Theft:
- Theft of College property or of property of a member of the College community on College premises is prohibited.
- Tobacco and Vaporizer Use:
- Tobacco of any kind, in any form is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: tobacco used in cigarettes, cigars, pipes, vaporizers, and electronic cigarettes. Snuff, chewing tobacco and other tobacco products are also prohibited.
- The use, sale, or distribution of tobacco of any kind is prohibited on all College owned, operated, leased, and/or controlled properties, facilities, and roadways per College Policy 6.021.
- Threats and Intimidation:
- Verbal, non-verbal, written or other communication that a reasonable person would find reflects intention to instill fear of physical or psychological harm is prohibited.
- Bullying, defined as an aggressive behavior that is intended to cause distress or harm, in which there may be an imbalance of power or strength, and is repeated over time including cyberbullying.
- Use of obscene or abusive language, or offensive gestures, of any kind while in class, in any college department or during any college sponsored activity or event.
- Statements, photos or depictions of others that are intended to refer to a specific class of persons in a derogatory way are strictly prohibited.
- Unauthorized Access to Facilities:
- Unauthorized access or entry to, or use of, College facilities and equipment is prohibited.
- Unauthorized Recording or Publication: Students may only audio or video record a class lecture. A lecture is defined as “a formal or methodical oral presentation, given by the instructor as part of a college course, that is intended to present information or teach two or more enrolled students about a particular subject. Lecture does not include laboratory or clinical settings and/or other practical exercises where fellow students are demonstrating learned skills or the application of concepts in hypothetical situations.
- Faculty permission is not required if students record lectures. All other recordings of class content is considered unauthorized.
- Students may not publish or share class recordings without the consent of the lecturer, unless expressly in compliance with state law.
- Violation of College Regulations, Policies or Procedures:
- Violating approved College regulations, policies or procedures is prohibited.
- Violation of Disciplinary Sanction:
- Knowingly violating terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with College policy is prohibited.
Disciplinary Sanctions
A disciplinary sanction is an outcome for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Disciplinary sanctions will be determined and administered by college officials in order to encourage greater adherence to the Student Code of Conduct, hold students accountable, and to cultivate a safe and healthy learning environment. Factors will be considered when sanctions are imposed including, but not limited to, current behavior, past disciplinary record, the nature of the offense, severity of the damage and resulting injury or harm.
A disciplinary record will be created and documented in the student’s file.
- Warning: A written reprimand to the student or student organization indicating that repetition of said act will be cause for further disciplinary action; copies of which will be placed in College Student Conduct files.
- Disciplinary Probation: Placing the student(s) or student organization(s) on notice that a repetition of this or other misbehavior will be grounds for more serious disciplinary action; this may include exclusion from certain College activities. Students currently on disciplinary probation or suspension may not hold or run for any elected or appointed positions. Student Life will consult with student conduct officer responsible for student conduct files to validate students’ eligibility. Additional conditions appropriate to the violation may be imposed.
- Restitution: Repayment to the College or others affected for damages resulting from a violation of this Procedure.
- Suspension: Exclusion from College premises and other privileges or activities for a period as set forth in the notice of suspension.
- Dismissal: Permanent termination of student or organization status.
- Other: Other types of sanctions as set forth in College regulations and consistent with the incident involved. These types of sanctions are educational in nature and encourage reflective student behavior in accordance with the College mission. Examples of education sanctions include, as a letter of apology to aggrieved parties, community service, mandatory attendance of an anger management seminar, or learning opportunities, etc.
Student Rights
- The right to receive timely written notice which is 7 business days. The College must provide a student or student organization with timely written notice of the student's or student organization's alleged violation of the code of conduct. The notice must include sufficient detail and be provided with sufficient time to prepare for any disciplinary proceeding.
- The right to a presumption that no violation occurred.
- The right to an impartial hearing officer, which shall be selected by the College. An impartial hearing officer is one who has not participated in the preparation for, investigation of, or as an advisor for or against a complainant or respondent regarding the alleged violation(s).
- The right against self-incrimination and the right to remain silent. Such silence may not be used against the student or student organization.
- The right to present relevant information and question witnesses, subject to the instructions and limitations of the hearing officer.
- The right to an advisor or advocate who may not serve in any other role, including as an investigator, decider of fact, hearing officer, member of a committee or panel convened to hear or decide the charge, or any appeal.
- The right to have an advisor, advocate, or legal representative, at the student's or student organization's own expense, present at any proceeding, whether formal or informal. Such person may directly participate in all aspects of the proceeding, including the presentation of relevant information and questioning of witnesses. The College must be made aware of the participation of the advisor, advocate, or legal representative at least 2 business days before any proceeding at which the person will be present. All participation shall be subject to the instructions and limitations of the hearing officer.
- The right to appeal the final decision of the hearing officer, or any committee or panel, directly to the vice president of student affairs, or any other senior administrator as designated by the code of conduct, who must hear the appeal and render a final decision.
- The right to an accurate and complete record of every disciplinary proceeding relating to the charged violation of the code, including record of any appeal, to be made, preserved, and available for copying upon request by the charged student or student organization.
- Students may waive some or all of these rights through your actions or failure to exercise them.
Disciplinary Procedures
- Any member of the College community may refer a student to the Office of Student Conduct alleging that a violation of the code has taken place by submitting the conduct referral form.
- After referral, alleged violations of the code of conduct or other misconduct will be assigned to the Office of Student Conduct for review and resolution. Alleged violations will be investigated by the Office of Student Conduct or designated representative.
- The purpose of the College disciplinary procedures is to provide a fair review of alleged violations of this Code. Decisions are based on a preponderance of evidence presented during the hearing process.
Emergency Administrative Action/Temporary Suspension from Classes and College Premises
In an emergency, the College may waive, suspend, alter, or amend any policies, procedures, or guidelines to ensure the safety of students, employees, guests and the community. The decision whether to take Emergency Administrative Action is vested within the discretion of the Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee.
In cases of conduct violations, within two working days of the Emergency Administrative Action, a letter of alleged violation(s) will be provided to the student by the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee. The Student Conduct Officer handling the matter will schedule a meeting within seven working days after the letter has been presented to the student. Pending the meeting, the Vice President of Student Affairs, (or designee) may modify the conditions of the emergency administrative action.
If a student appears to pose a risk of danger or disruption to the community or any individual, emergency administrative action may be taken based on the recommendation from the College’s Behavioral Intervention Team, including the removal of the individual from College premises by law enforcement. This action does not require an admission of responsibility on the part of the accused student.
Disciplinary Proceeding Process
- The student will receive a written notice that the Office of Student Conduct has received a referral alleging a violation of a prohibition in the code of conduct, the nature of the charges against them, as well as the date, time and place of the disciplinary proceeding hearing. The timely notice will be provided 7 business days before the disciplinary proceeding hearing.
- In the written notice, the student will be invited to participate in a voluntary process review meeting to go over the disciplinary process, the definition and supporting documentation of the allegation that was received and can ask questions related to the conduct process.
- During this meeting, if a student wishes to discuss their involvement in the alleged prohibitions, students must waive their right to self-incrimination. After discussion of the relevant information.
- Students who waive their right to a formal disciplinary meeting, and accept responsibility for violating the code, may move forward to an informal resolution meeting.
- If students participate in an informal resolution, they waive all their rights for the disciplinary proceeding hearing.
- Students who do not wish to discuss their involvement or do not agree with the allegations, may elect to proceed to a formal disciplinary meeting at any time during the process review or information meeting.
- Five days prior to the disciplinary proceeding, students will receive access to a file with all information collected and a list of witnesses.
- Students may elect to invite an advisor to their disciplinary meeting. Students who wish to invite a legal advisor or attorney through their process, must notify the Office of Student Conduct in writing 2 days prior to the disciplinary meeting.
- After careful consideration of the information presented at the disciplinary proceeding hearing, the Hearing Officer or Panel will make a determination of whether it is more likely than not that a violation of the student code occurred. The student will receive the determination in writing no later than 7 business days after their process review meeting or disciplinary proceeding hearing.
- In conjunction with this outcome, students will receive appropriate sanctions.
- The person who submitted the conduct referral form will be notified of the outcome of the disciplinary proceeding meeting. At times, the Office of Safety and Security will also be notified of the outcome.
Student appeals of a faculty member’s actions are to be addressed according to Procedure 4.0300, Student Academic Concerns and Grade Appeals.
Student appeals of the disciplinary proceeding hearing are to be addressed according to steps outlined in this procedure:
- The appeal must be made in writing within five college working days after notification of conduct sanction(s) is sent to the student’s email address that is available in the College’s database. The appeal must be sent to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
- The decision on appeal by the Vice President of Student Affairs is final and shall constitute final agency action of the College.
Disciplinary Procedures for Gender Violence Violations
Gender based violence complaints for dating violence, domestic violence, harassment (sexual), sexual assault and stalking are handled as listed above but also include the following for the proceeding with the Conduct Officer. The College conducts a separate investigation for all Title IX complaints, which is handled by Title IX Coordinator as outlined in Procedure 1.0601.
Re-Admission after Disciplinary Suspension
Students under disciplinary suspension may re-apply after the specified time-period identified in the suspension notice. A record of previous disciplinary action shall be admissible in subsequent disciplinary proceedings against the same student. Prior disciplinary information may be used for sanctioning purposes.