Testing Center Examinee Agreement

Please Read Carefully

By selecting I understand in the Testing Center Application, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the following guidelines before, during, and after taking a test administered by the Seminole State College Testing Center. 

I will not:

  1. Bring prohibited items into the test room. 
  2. Submit another examinee’s work as my own.
  3. Take a test for another examinee.
  4. Present myself as another examinee, forge a signature, provide false identification, or give false information. 
  5. Take scratch paper, notes, or test materials out of the Testing Center.
  6. Access or use prohibited aids including books, calculators, mobile electronic devices, notes, or any other aids unless specifically authorized by the Test Sponsor or Instructor.
  7. Access unauthorized computer applications or webpages. 
  8. Reproduce, share, or circulate test questions or answers.
  9. Attempt to obtain advance access to test questions or answers.
  10. Attempt to obtain test questions or answers from a staff member.
  11. Attempt to view the test questions, answers, or test materials of another examinee.
  12. Attempt to communicate with another examinee in the test room verbally or with gestures/ signals.
  13. Give or receive assistance from other examinees.
  14. Disturb other examinees.
  15. Work on the test during a time not authorized by the Testing Center staff.
  16. Tamper with the Testing Center workstation or computer.
  17. Disobey Testing Center staff directions.
  18. Break policies established by the Test Sponsor or Instructor.
  19. Disobey any other Testing Center rule presented to me.

I understand that should I do any of the above, I may be subject to punishment as specified in Seminole State College’s Student Code of Conduct, and state law. This may include invalidation of exam scores, revocation of future Testing Center use, academic suspension or academic expulsion, and/or misdemeanor charges.


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