Assessment and Testing Customer Service Survey Please rate your experience with Assessment and Testing. Student Information On which campus did you complete this assessment? Select an On Which Campus Did You Complete This Assessment?Altamonte SpringsHeathrowOviedoSanford/Lake Mary Are you currently enrolled as a student at Seminole State College? None Yes No Exam Information Please indicate the vendor of the exam you completed today: Select a Please Indicate the Vendor of the Exam You Completed Today:CastleComiraCredit-by-ExameLearning ProctoredFlorida Ready to WorkMake-Up TestingPersonVUEProVTABEN/A Indicate the name of the assessment you completed today: Testing Experience Testing Experience Matrix Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Not Applicable I received helpful information on test-taking. I received accurate directions to the Testing Center. The Testing Center hours are convenient for me. The Testing Center staff is courteous. The Testing Center staff is knowledgeable and helpful. I understood the procedures for taking the test. The testing environment is comfortable (space, lighting, temperature, cleanliness, etc.). The testing process (scheduling, registration, check-in, testing, check-out) was professional and efficient. I am satisfied with the services I received. Comments Submit