Institutional Review Process
Ongoing Institutional Program Review
2018 Program Review Report for the Instructional Design Certificate Program
To support ongoing assessments and improvement, all academic programs, including the Instructional Design Certificate, are assessed annually. Institutional Effectiveness and Research facilitates the collection of five years of results from various degree-level and course-level indicators. As can be seen in the report provided above, data includes enrollments, average class sizes, re-enrollment rates, course completion rates, program completions, placement rates, time to degree, and student perception of instruction results, among others. Data is furnished ahead of each scheduled meeting. During the Annual Program Review meeting each academic manager records observations on trends and results, noting improvement plans underway or to consider in upcoming planning and budgeting activities. More detail about the process can be found here on Seminole State College’s website.
Initial Institutional Approval Process
For new programs, the program description and course list must be attached to the proposal and be submitted to the department chair. Electronic copies should be emailed directly to the Office of Educational Services. For new courses, the completed Master Course Syllabus must be attached to the proposal.
If the chair approves of the proposal, he/she will sign and forward to his/her dean.
Upon approval by the dean, he/she will forward proposals to the Office of Educational Services. For new programs only, the Office of Educational Services will forward to Institutional Research for validation of CIP/ICS Codes. For courses involving distance learning instructional mode, the Office of Educational Services will forward to the Department of Distance Learning Services for compliance with Quality Matters review completion.
The Office of Educational Services will be responsible for assuring compliance with SACS substantive change policy regarding changes to the curriculum, to DL offerings, and to sites at which the curriculum is offered.
The Office of Educational Services will review all proposals to ensure that they are complete and technically correct, that all facets of the course and program proposed meet the high standards of quality expected of the curriculum at the College, and that they are SACS compliant.
Proposals will then be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for approval.
The Curriculum Committee will be appointed according to established, college-wide procedures for committee appointment. At least one week prior to scheduled meetings, the Office of Educational Services will send an agenda and copies of all proposals to the members, the Vice President for Educational Programs and the deans. The agenda will also be posted on the college's web-site.
The Curriculum Committee will meet monthly to consider proposed changes and to recommend a course of action to the Vice President for Educational Programs.
Prior to the meeting, committee members will review each proposal.
If a member is not able to attend the meeting, he/she will provide written authorization for another member of the committee or of his/her department to attend and vote as proxy.
The elected chairperson conducts the meetings following standard rules of order.
If a quorum is present, discussion and debate on proposals will take place. A quorum is defined as one more than half of the members currently appointed to the committee.
Proposals may be approved, not approved, approved with changes, tabled or taken off the table from previous meetings.
Department Chairs are responsible for having someone at the meeting to answer questions and to approve suggested alterations to each proposal. If no one is available at the meeting to represent the proposal and questions are raised, the committee may take one of the following actions: table the proposal until the next meeting, approve the proposal, approve the proposal contingent on changes the committee recommends, reject the proposal.
If a quorum is not present, discussion will still take place and the chairperson will declare that a mail vote will follow. The Office of Educational Services will coordinate the mail vote.
Following each Curriculum Committee meeting, approved proposals will be forwarded to the Vice President for Educational Programs and official minutes of the meeting posted on the college's web-site.
If approved by the President, the proposal will be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board of Trustees for final approval. Copies of the notification will go to the appropriate dean, the chairperson of the Curriculum Committee, the Office of Educational Services, and the Department of Distance Learning (distance learning instructional mode only).