Domestic Violence Information

  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women.
  • Approximately 1.3 million women and 835,000 men in the United States are physically assaulted by an intimate partner each year.
  • 84 percent of spousal abuse victims and 86 percent of dating partner abuse victims are female.
  • Males commit 83 percent of spouse murders and 75 percent of dating partner murders.
  • More than 500,000 women are stalked by an intimate partner each year.

Learn More

Seminole County Victim's Advocate Services

Orange County Victim's Advocate Services

Victim Service Center of Central Florida

If you or someone you know are a victim of domestic violence, contact:

Seminole CountyOrange County

SafeHouse of Seminole County
Hotline: 407.330.3933

Harbor House of Central Florida
Hotline: 407.886.2856

Osceola CountyVolusia County
Help Now of Osceola County
Hotline: 407.847.8562
Domestic Abuse Council Inc.
Hotline: 386.255.2101 or 386.738.4080 (DeLand)


If you are a current student and would like to contact your assigned advisor, log in to your MySeminoleState account and click on the "Advising" tile. On the left navigation menu click "Assigned Advisor," and your advisor’s contact information will be displayed.

The Academic Advising and Counseling Team of Seminole State College of Florida serves as catalysts that promotes the holistic well-being of every student. Through developmental advising, our advisors ensure the individual goals of each student are attainable through individualized, tailored, and prescriptive methodologies that support the implementation of a comprehensive guided pathway framework.