Student Life Resources
Below, you will find a list of forms that your club or organization may need:
Outside Organizations Table Request
Club & Organizations Adviser
Club & Organizations Constitution Template
Club & Organizations/Advisor's Resource Manual
SGA Funding and Fundraising Forms
- SGA Request for Funds: Use this form if your organization wants to request Student Government Association (SGA) funds.
- Fundraising Policy: review this document before proceeding with any fundraising activities. This file also contains all of the forms you will need to organize your fundraising event
- Fundraising Form: Use this form if your organization wants to raise funds.
- Purchase Request Form: Use this form to organize any purchases your club is making using SGA or Activities and Service Fee's funds.
- SSC Foundation Check Request Form: use this form to access funds collected at your fundraising event and kept by the SSC Foundation.
Travel and Emergency Contact Forms
These forms are to be completed by every student traveling to any off-campus function, event or conference.
- Agreement for Off-Campus Activity and Student Travel Behavior : Student agrees to participate in all the required activities for which the travel is needed.
- Emergency Contact Information: Student provides contact information needed in the event of an emergency.
- Student Life Travel Guidelines: A list of the guidelines that must be followed when traveling with students.
For more information on campus clubs and organizations, email Mauricio Garcia or call him at 407.708.2678.