Professional Certificate Programs

  • Accounting Applications: This program is designed for students who seek immediate employment in accounting and is also beneficial for those who are already employed and need to advance their skills. Traditional accounting skills are taught, as well as more modern techniques using accounting software. Students can be employed as payroll assistants, small office accounting assistants, accounts payable and receivable clerks, and full-charge bookkeepers. 
  • Accounting Operations: This program prepares students for entry-level positions in accounting and business or provides supplemental training for persons who are or were employed in this field.
  • Accounting Specialist: This program prepares students for entry-level positions in accounting and business or provides supplemental training for persons who are or were employed in this field.
  • Office Management: This program prepares students for employment in an automated/computerized or traditional office environment as a skilled secretary, carrying out duties in a support capacity.
  • Office Specialist: This program prepares students for employment in an office environment. Students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to produce correspondence and perform accounting applications.
  • Office Support: This program prepares students to obtain an entry-level position in an office environment.


Maritza Mendez
Fax: 407.708.2350
Office: J-011B S/LM