Web Developers' Quickstart

This quickstart guide summarizes the information found in the official Seminole State Web Development Guidelines. We recommend that you read through the guidelines in their entirety before you begin authoring.

Departmental Responsibilities

Departments are ultimately responsible for maintaining the information on their own Web pages. Departments should also respond to inquiries about the information and update their information as necessary. A departmental contact should be designated by the department. This contact should be responsible for:

  • Coordinating the gathering of information for Internet publication within the group/department;
  • Helping to organize the information;
  • Determining how often the information is going to change and how often the information will be updated;
  • Making certain that all departmental Web documents are in compliance with copyright rules and with Seminole State guidelines and policies;
  • Verifying the existence of valid contact e-mail links on each of the departments' Web documents; and 
  • Reviewing the Web information on a regular basis to ensure that it is current and relevant and that it satisfies the established requirements for Seminole State Web pages.

Absolute Requirements

For consistency, ease of navigation and identification purposes, the following items should be included on your Web pages.

Required for every Web page:

  • All pages will be created using the Seminole State College CMS system.  The CMS controls the primary navigation and style of the page.
  • All sites containing a page of links to outside websites should include the following disclaimer:

    "This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site. "

Required for main departmental pages:

  • Validity Statement 

    Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content contained on this site; however, we encourage you to contact the College or the specific department to verify that the information you have is current.

Required for Faculty, Staff, and Student Club pages:

  • Content Disclaimer 

    The views and opinions expressed in these pages are strictly those of the page authors. Any comments on the contents of these pages should be directed to the author/contact listed at the bottom of the page. The page author is responsible for adhering to all College rules, policies and guidelines, and for abiding by all laws and regulations related to telecommunications and publishing public information.
  • E-mail links to appropriate faculty, or faculty contact/advisor for student club pages, should be in addition to, not in place of, the departmental contact's address in order to maintain proper identification and organization of files.  Contact e-mail addresses should point only to Seminole State College e-mail addresses.  Outside addresses (gmail, Yahoo, etc) are not allowed.


Individuals, groups or departments may not publish information on the College Web servers that is prohibited by law or disallowed by licenses, contracts, copyrights or Seminole State regulations. Web authors should be familiar with Seminole State policies pertaining to confidentiality and the use of computers, particularly the Seminole State Acceptable Use of College Technology Policy and FERPA guidelines.

We discourage redundancy and advocate "one fact/one place." A list of information that is maintained on the College's main site and/or the DL site will be made available to Web authors.  Catalog/course information is maintained by the Educational Services department and may not be modified or reproduced without their permission. 

Content items to consider for departmental website:

  • Program director's name, e-mail and phone number.
  • Program office information: location, hours and e-mail links to support personnel.
  • Lists of the degree and certificate programs supported by your department.
  • Roster of full-time faculty members (links to their own Web pages are optional).
  • Departmental news and announcements.

Content items to consider for faculty websites:

  • Phone, office location, office hours, e-mail links, etc
  • Syllabi
  • Teaching philosophy
  • Classroom approach and expectations
  • Course-related Web resources for students

Keep in mind that any information regarding schedules or news requires regular updates.

Preferred Style Guidelines

The Seminole State publications department has created a style guide containing the approved spelling, titles, grammar and general style guides for anything written for and about Seminole State College. Please refer to this guide when creating Web pages and/or Seminole State-related publications. If you have a question regarding a word, phrase or grammar concept, contact Jay Davis, Director, Communications and Media Relations. (ext. 2418).


Seminole State WebSupport