Web Page Finishing Touches - Is It Done Yet?

  • Double-check your page title.
    If users bookmark your page, the title you specify will display in their bookmark lists. Make sure you have one that is brief, descriptive, and grammatically correct. All Seminole State pages will automatically end with " - Seminole State College of Florida".
  • Check for special characters,
    especially double quotes and ampersands. Use proper formatting or, in HTML, name or number codes to identify them correctly.
  • Check all links for functionality.
    Broken links frustrate users, so test all links to make certain that a typo or omission doesn't prevent yours from working. Also, don't forget to include the links disclaimer for outside links.
  • Check the organization of your page and the navigation of your documents.
    Is it easy to follow? Is there a logical organization of the information and the connections between pages? Is the hierarchy clear to your users? Do similar elements repeat with similar formatting? Can the user navigate throughout your pages easily with as little confusion as possible?
  • Does your page have contrast?
    Big chunks of text are generally unappealing to the web user. Consider breaking them up with headings.
  • Did you include your name and e-mail address?
    Some form of contact link is required for all Seminole State pages, and if you want feedback from users, this is the only way to get it.
  • How does your page look on other browsers and equipment?
    In order to reach a broad audience, it will benefit you to check your page on as many different types of browsers and computers as possible. Keep in mind that many of your users may be viewing your pages on a mobile device with a much smaller screen.
  • Does your page meet all of the recommendations for Seminole State online publications?
    Refer to the Web Page Review Standards to be sure that you have followed all of the necessary college specifications.


Seminole State WebSupport