Student Conduct

Welcome to the Office of Student Conduct Webpage at Seminole State College of Florida. The Office of Student Conduct facilitates the informal and formal hearing processes for all students and student organizations. The student conduct process is an educational one, and is based on student learning and accountability.

All students at Seminole State College agree to abide by all regulations, as published in the College Catalog, the student handbook and other College publications, as well as federal, state and local laws and this Code. Student groups and organizations may be held responsible for the actions of its members, including violations of this Code by those associated with the group or organization or of the group or organization’s leaders or officers.

Students assume increased responsibility for accountability to the greater college community and are expected to be civil. According to the founder of the Civility Initiative at Johns Hopkins University, “When we are civil, we are members in good standing of a community. We are good neighbors and good citizens."

Seminole State College is a diverse learning community. We strive to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and civility, self-restraint, concern for others and academic integrity. By choosing Seminole State College, it is expected that students will:

  • Act with personal integrity and honesty.
  • Treat fellow students, faculty and staff respectfully.
  • Embrace diversity and inclusion in the college community we serve. Refrain from participating in acts of intolerance.
  • Communicate and act in a way that does not provoke, harass, intimidate or harm another.

The College expects students to be mature and responsible citizens at all times and in all places. Students are expected to respect the rights and welfare of other members of the college community, including faculty, staff, students and guests of the College.

This College recognizes that a thoughtful and reasoned search for truth can be conducted only in an atmosphere that is free of intimidation and coercion. Students are expected to critically examine, analyze and otherwise evaluate the College, its programs, policies and procedures, utilizing processes that appeal to reason and do not compromise the academic mission, climate or integrity of the institution. Disruptive behavior, including but not limited to violence, the threat of violence, disruption to the learning process and intimidation are unacceptable to the College community. Seminole State College reserves the right to determine when the Code of Conduct and its policies and procedures have been violated and to administer disciplinary actions. If found in violation, students are expected to assume full responsibility and will be held accountable according to the Student Code of Conduct for their individual or collective actions. Any student whose conduct, whether on or off campus, including through electronic means, at any time is in violation of the law, or is disruptive to the College, may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to probation, suspension and dismissal. Students on college related travel shall also be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Proceedings of the investigation of each case and the action taken will be officially recorded.


Briyanna Jenkins
Director, Student Conduct

Michael Woodson
Coordinator, Student Conduct

General Inquiries About Student Conduct