Inactivation of Access to Information Technology Systems for Terminating Employees (Procedure 7.0200)
To define and outline the procedure for the timely inactivation of access to the College's information technology systems as it relates to employees who are terminating their employment or have breaks in service with the College.
Refer to College Procedure 7.0001 Information Technology and Resources - Glossary of Terms for definitions of terms used throughout this procedure.
- Notification to the Office of Human Resources (HR) of employee terminations. Supervisors are required to notify HR when employees are terminating their employment with the College.
- Full-time Employees - The employee termination notification to HR occurs through the receipt of employee resignation letters, supervisor recommendations for non-renewal of employee contracts, supervisor recommendations for employee dismissals, etc.
- Part-Time Employees - The employee termination notification occurs through the receipt of supervisor emails to HR, employee resignation letters, supervisor recommendations for employee dismissals, etc. In addition, as a secondary measure, to ensure that HR is aware of terminations or breaks in service of part time employees, HR monitors the dates that employees are last paid. This is accomplished through the review of monthly reports from the Human Resources Information System. Part-time employees can stay in active employment status for up to 90 days beyond their last date paid at which time, the Human Resources department will enter termination information in the system.
- Notification to the Computer and Telecommunication Systems department (CTS) of employee terminations.
- HR or Supervisors notify CTS, through the College's electronic mail system, of employee terminations within two business days of receiving the termination notice or of making the determination by the method of monitoring when part time employees were last paid, as indicated above. In addition, a termination action entered in the system by HR, will trigger the inactivation process.
- Inactivation of Employee Access to the College's Information Technology Systems
- Within two business days of receiving electronic notice of employee terminations, CTS reviews the security assigned and removes any non-self service access.
- CTS determines what changes need to be made regarding access to the College's information technology systems by following these steps:
- All student roles remain active but all non-self-service roles are removed. Therefore, terminating employees who are students of the college are allowed access through their Student Roles and, if applicable, their view only self-service roles.
- Determine whether the Professor or Adjunct instructor has completed the FERPA training in the period specified in Procedure 7.0100. If they have not, the instructor may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
- For Retirees, please refer to procedure 2.4600 Retiree Benefit Program, for additional information regarding access to the College's information technology systems.
- Evidence of Timely Inactivation of Access to the College's Information Technology Systems.
- CTS maintains records that show evidence of the timely inactivation of employee access to the information technology systems.
Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented: Florida Statue 1001.64, FAC 6A-14.092, Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, and Policies 1.020, 5.200, 7.010, 7.020
History-Adopted 7/2006, Revised 5/2009, 8/2011, 3/2012, 9/2014, 9/2018, 5/2020, 10/2024