Alumni Spotlight: E.J. Burt

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Written by: Laura D. Schumacher

Name: E.J. Burt

Title and Company: Founder, Ball Class LLC

Years Attended Seminole State: 2017-2019

Area of Study: Computer Programming Specialist and Computer Programming Certificates

What factors played into you deciding to attend Seminole State College?

After attending West Liberty University and graduating with a bachelor’s in graphic design, I needed to improve my knowledge of programming languages. Languages have expanded and grown over the years, and Seminole State's program gave me these tools.

What were your steps after leaving Seminole State? 

When I left Seminole State I continued my education and also gained experience in the field. I developed multiple websites, applications, and also started a couple new businesses. One of these buisnesses that I’m super passionate about is Ball Class. As a way of combining my programming skills with football playing and coaching experience, I developed Ball Class to help athletes develop as players and help with the college recruiting process. Through Ball Class, I’ve been able to impact many more students than just those that I directly coach. I’m looking forward to bringing back College Fairs, and we’ve already been playing some middle school flag football. I also serve as the offensive and defensive lines coach for the Orlando Predators Arena League, along with coaching the linebackers and fullbacks.

Seminole State alumnus E.J. Burt
Seminole State alumnus E.J. Burt represents the Orlando Predators arena football team while speaking with students at an Orange County middle school.
How did your time spent at Seminole State help prepare you for where you are now?

It definitely developed my knowledge of java, javascript, html and other languages. These tools help in the computer programming field and also the business field. You have enough knowledge to know how things should be done. Without those skills I learned at Seminole State, I would not have been able to develop the web app behind Ball Class.

Who or what class was your greatest influence at Seminole State College?

All of my classes were influential. Web Programming I was the programming the class I liked the most. Professor Les Lusk was informative, and his delivery was awesome. Professor William Gaught was definitely also influential. I started classes with him in the inciples of Computer Programming course, and in my last semester took his Systems Analysis and Design class.

Professionally and/or academically, of what are you most proud?

I am most proud of my successful business ventures. I had failures in previous business ventures. I took the knowledge I gained and applied it to new ventures and turned them into successes.

What advice do you have for current or prospective Seminole State students?

Think with the end in mind. Where do you want to be when it's all said and done? That goal has to outweigh the small trials you face along to way.

What do you like to do for fun?

Coach football, work out, and spend time with my family.

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