Environmental Management

The Environmental Management Program is responsible for the administration of the College’s compliance with Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and regulations. The program’s objective is to minimize adverse environmental impacts of activities conducted by the College and provides departments with compliance assistance. Environmental areas covered include Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous Materials Management, Air Quality (environmental impacts), Industrial Waste Water, Stormwater, Spills and Illicit Discharges, Wildlife Management & Human Interaction, and Environmental Assessments.

Air Quality

Monitor impacts and prevent adverse effects on air quality per the United States Clean Air Act.

Hazardous Waste

Provide support to departments that generate hazardous waste to ensure compliance, safe handling, storage, disposal, and record keeping.

Hazardous Materials

Monitor hazardous materials for proper and safe handling and storage. Establish guidelines to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous materials.  In cooperation with the Finance Department in maintaining an approved hazardous materials database for materials, departments are allowed to purchase.

Industrial Waste Water

Monitor and sample in coordination with Sanford Public Works the College’s Sanford/Lake Mary Campus IWW discharges to ensure compliance with the Clean Water Act.


Monitor construction and College activities to ensure stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and discharges comply with Federal, State, and Local regulations.

Spills & Illicit Discharges

Provide support in event of a hazardous materials spill and monitor campuses for BMPs to prevent spills and discharges into the environment.

Wildlife Management & Human Interaction

Provide guidance and assist with coordinating trapping or relocation of wildlife that has become a nuisance or threat due to human interaction. Provide training and recommendations on limiting adverse wildlife & human interaction.

Environmental Assessments

Conduct routine and regulatory environmental assessments as necessary and assist or provide guidance to all College departments in conducting area-specific environmental assessments.


Facilities Management
Fax: 407.708.2361