Digital Media Program Success Story: Isaac E. Mendoza

Going to Seminole State and then transferring to UCF via the DirectConnect allowed me some time to prep mentally and academically for the next stage. I would have had some culture shock and a hard time settling into UCF if I had not first gone through Seminole State College. The class sizes and the attention I got from professors at Seminole was amazing and something I took for granted at first. It’s very easy to get lost in the soup at larger universities but Seminole allowed me a chance to set a good foundation and some good habits before jumping into the deep end. Having access to resources and a community-based environment did just about as much good for me as the savings of a local school’s tuition. In my career in digital media and marketing, it has been essential to understand and communicate with coworkers and team mates about their respective specialty/discipline even if those skills are not my strong suit. There are a lot of skills in graphic design and web design that I never mastered but having been sufficiently exposed to them at Seminole, I have an appreciation for other’s work that I would not have otherwise. This has opened doors in hybrid positions and allowed me to properly translate thought processes interdepartmentally in multiple institutions. Going to Seminole State College prepared me for university learning and industry networking at a pace and financial level that allowed me opportunity to find my stride without burning me out or breaking the bank before I had a chance to sharpen myself adequately for my next stage of life.