Quality Instruction Task Force


The purpose of the Quality Instruction Committee is to oversee and support student learning outcomes assessment. The Quality Instruction (QI) subcommittee will develop an assessment program for Student Learning Outcomes in relation to general knowledge, skills, and values. In addition, the Committee will interpret and review student perception survey results, and Noel-Levitz and CCSSE results related to instruction. In future years, the QI committee will address assessment tools for Behavioral/Attitudinal Changes of Students and Employer Evaluation of Students.

  1. The committee will have the responsibility of:
    1. Coordinating and promoting the assessment of student learning outcomes
    2. Overseeing academic and administrative units in conducting ongoing assessment and continuous improvement
    3. Articulating the relationship among College assessment and improvement plans
    4. Participating in the external review of the institution for regional accreditation purposes
    5. Developing a program of communication activities and channels to disseminate assessment information
    6. Formulating appropriate guidelines in preparation of new assessments to be conducted
    7. Reviewing the plan for new assessments to be conducted
    8. Developing a budget for administrative and research support services and assessment tools
    9. Facilitating the feedback to departments and offices for inclusion in plans and budgets
    10. Maintaining a file of completed meeting minutes and assessment reports
  2. The chair(s) will have the responsibility to:
    1. schedule meeting days and times, develop meeting agendas, compile and post meeting notes
    2. forward the committee's annual self-assessment to the Vice President for Educational Programs and to the Dean for Planning, Assessment and Quality Improvement
  3. Membership for each subcommittee shall consist of the following:
    1. The Dean of Planning, Assessment, and Quality Improvement
    2. The Director of Student Success Initiatives
    3. A representative from Institutional Research
    4. Faculty Members
      1. Two Arts and Sciences representatives
      2. One Career Programs representative
      3. One Adult Education Representative
      4. One counselor
  4. The chair of the committee shall be selected from the membership.
  5. Except where membership is defined by position title, members shall serve two year, staggered terms.
  6. The committee shall meet no less than once a month and minutes
  7. Recommendations of the Committee for improvement and change will be made through the Vice President for Educational Programs.
