Small Classes, Personalized Instruction

At Seminole State College, you're never just a number. With an average class size of less than 20 students*, you'll always receive the personal attention you deserve.
Our quality instructors care about who you are and are committed to your individual success. They are thoroughly knowledgeable in their areas of expertise and are focused on promoting one-on-one interaction, inside and outside the classroom.
While many colleges and universities have classes with 200 students or more, you can be sure your experience at Seminole State will be intimate and your professors will know you by name. And, with day, evening, weekend and online classes, and 200 degrees, certificates and programs to choose from, you can be certain that you're getting the education you want at a time and place that is convenient for you.
*Average class size: 16.1 students (Source: Institutional Effectiveness and Research)