Articulation of College Credit

Articulation of college credit at Seminole State can be obtained through:

Career Pathways (formerly Tech Prep)
College Credit for High School Coursework

This partnership program between Seminole State College of Florida and Seminole County Public Schools is designed to allow students to earn free college credit in technical areas that apply toward an Associate in Science degree or college credit certificate. In Florida, the Career Pathways program ties directly to the Gold Seal Scholarship. Students complete a defined sequence of courses in high school with at least a B average in the sequence and also pass the assessment to be eligible for college credit for corresponding courses at Seminole State College. To have the college credit posted to the transcript, students must enroll in and complete at least one college-level class at Seminole State College within two years from the date of high school graduation. The student must also complete the Seminole State College Request for Career Pathways Credit form. See the Dual Enrollment Agreement between Seminole State and Seminole County Public Schools, posted on the articulation Web page, for details.

For more information about Career Pathways, email

Technical Programs from Regional Technical Centers

  • Seminole State has articulated automotive programs with out-of-district schools since the local service provider in these areas does not offer an associate degree in automotive technology. This includes the Osceola County School District.
  • Seminole State also has an articulation agreement with Orange County Public Schools.
  • The state of Florida has established statewide articulation agreements for various Career Certificate programs (previously PSAV) offered at either technical centers or community colleges. The agreements assure a minimum number of articulated college credit for qualifying students who have completed articulated Career Certificate programs.

Professional Training and Certifications

  • When meeting criteria of the particular articulation agreement, students having completed the following training or holding current certifications are eligible to articulate free college credit that can be used in certain Seminole State programs. Articulated credit can be also be used as elective credit for the Associate in Arts degree at Seminole State Professional Training and Certifications.

Additional Info

For more information about Seminole State's articulation agreements, email Seminole State College's Articulation Officer Pamela Ocasek, or call  407.708.2189.
