Seminole State College's Strategic Plan

During 2019 and 2020, Seminole State reviewed and updated its Strategic Plan, resulting in approval from the District Board of Trustees in November 2020. The updated Strategic Plan, Flight Plan 2025, is used during annual assessment, planning, and budgeting cycles to inform and align activities. Following a series of assessments and reviews, Seminole State documents its overall results and the contribution from each division, department, and planning unit with the Annual Strategic Planning & Assessments Summary.

There are four main activities associated with the Strategic Plan update:

  1. Strategic Outlook and Review (SOaR) Team Meetings (throughout 2019)
  2. Strategic Planning Summit (Fall 2019) 
  3. Strategic Planning Updates and Reviews with Stakeholders (Throughout 2020)
  4. Strategic Plan Writing Team
  5. Final Approval and Implementation (Fall 2020)

For more information, contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research at 407.708.2223.
