Project Management, Post-baccalaureate Certificate of Professional Preparation

Seminole State College’s Post-baccalaureate Certificate of Professional Preparation in Project Management recognizes the need for project management expertise in the workforce. The coursework will keep individuals in every industry on the cutting edge. The project management certificate is designed to provide students with a solid foundation, advanced knowledge and the ability to apply skills that are critical in today's environment.
Project Management Knowledge Areas
Our five-course program allows students to move quickly into an intensive study and application of the 10 project management knowledge areas demonstrated in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) sixth edition of, “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge”: integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, procurement and stakeholder management. Students will gain applicable knowledge in advanced project management areas such as project communication, conflict resolution, earned value management and project financial analysis. This results in comprehensive applied coursework that gives students the knowledge, skills and tools to implement in the project environment.
Seminole State is a Registered Education Provider (REP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Because of this distinguished achievement, all courses taken in the project management certificate qualify for PMI's PDU requirement for established Project Management Professionals and Certified Associate Project Managers, or qualify for the required education when applying for PMI's certifications. PMI is a global leader in the field and focuses on the needs of project professionals worldwide. Its membership includes 240,000 professionals in 160 countries, representing every major industry, including telecommunications/networking, software/simulation, construction/A&E design, industrial/mechanical and aerospace.
Associate Project Management Certificate
If you haven't completed your baccalaureate degree but are interested in project management, you can learn more about our Associate Project Management Certificate.