Student Travel (Procedure 3.0520)

Date Adopted:11/2022
Date of Review: 
Related Policy: 


Seminole State College of Florida approves of personal and professional development of students and encourages local, state, national and international travel to acquire those skills and knowledge. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps for any college-sponsored student travel including but not limited to individual, student organization or group travel, sponsored community service, study abroad, and faculty or staff led academic field trips.


  1. Individual Student Travel: Individual students who are funded by the college to travel for professional or academic development purposes to represent the College may do so with the approval of the budget manager for that department/academic program. The advisor or college designee must travel with the student(s) unless an exception is requested in writing and approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee.
  2. Sponsored Community Service: Departments or faculty who coordinate an off campus service project for students for an academic class or other purposes. This could be one- day projects or multiple day projects.
  3. Student Organization Travel: Student organizations registered with the Office of Student Life that want to travel for professional development purposes may do so with the approval of their club advisor. The club advisor or college designee must travel with the student(s) unless an exception is requested in writing and approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee prior to travel.
  4. Field Trips: Faculty or staff who coordinate a field trip must follow Policy 4.100.
  5. International Travel: Students who travel abroad to another country permitted as long as the trip has been approved by the College’s Board of Trustees.
  1. Non-Funded Travel: Student travel that does not have any cost to the College is permissible. Students must review and sign the Agreement for Off-Campus College Activity and Emergency Contact Information forms whether a one-day or multiple day trip. Those forms would be maintained by the organizing department or faculty/staff member.


General Information

  1. Travel Paperwork
    1. All travel paperwork and documentation must be in compliance with the Seminole State Travel Manual and College procedure 5.0550.
    2. All international travel destinations must be approved by sponsoring department and appropriate Vice President prior to submission to the Board of Trustees.
    3. International students traveling abroad must abide by all federal, state and international laws and work with the sponsoring department to adhere to such laws.
    4. Along with the required travel paperwork, student participants must also review and sign the Agreement for Off-Campus College Activity and Emergency Contact Information forms to be submitted with the travel packet.
    5. Travel paperwork for College funded trips that include student participants must be completed prior to travel and submitted to the Office of Student Life.
    6. Faculty or staff advisors traveling with a group overnight must have completed the travel training with the Office of Student Life before they are allowed to travel with students.


  1. Students may need to meet certain eligibility requirements by the sponsoring department in order to travel. 
  2. Students must be 18 or older in order to travel overnight.
  3. Students and organizations will be held accountable for student behavior during any travel that violates the Student Code of Conduct.
Recommended by:Executive Team/CACDate11/15/2022
Signed by:President, Georgia L. LorenzDate11/28/2022
