CSEC Charter

The Career Service Employees Council hereafter referred to as CSEC, shall serve as a representative body for career service employees across the college on matters of institutional concern. 

  1. Membership: Members shall include all career service employees of Seminole State College of Florida, as defined within the current salary schedule.  
  2. Meetings: CSEC will meet at least once per long semester under the direction of its Chair and Board of Directors. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chair or, in their absence, the Vice Chair.
  3. Officers and Board Members: The Board of Directors of CSEC will include three (3) officers—a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Secretary/Treasurer—as well as seven (7) other Board Members representing each campus and a diversity of college functions and divisions: Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Sanford/Lake Mary, Altamonte, Oviedo, Heathrow, Safety & Security and Facilities. Officers shall be full-time employees, but Board Members may be either Full-Time (FT) or Regular Part Time (RTP) employees. If there are no nominations or volunteers to serve under any of the seven (7) representing categories for Board Members, an additional nominee already on the ballot may be elected to serve.
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. The Chair presides over meetings of the Council and represents the CSEC membership at meetings of the College Advisory Council (CAC), at conferences, and on committees of the College as assigned under shared governance —or may designate another member to do so. Following a full term as Chair, the Immediate Past Chair may serve the new Board in an advisory, ex officio role.
      2. The Vice Chair performs the duties of CSEC Chair in the Chair’s absence and can serve as CSEC liaison to the collegewide standing committees. The Vice Chair is also in charge of council communications such as the Board’s email address, crafting council messaging and managing the council’s website. 
      3. The Secretary/Treasurer oversees the Council budget, maintains and distributes a record of meeting agendas and minutes, and facilitates communication of Council activities via member notice and email. 
      4. Board Members represent career service staff and act as a communicative link between membership and the Board. During meetings, they report on new developments within their assigned constituencies. 
    2. Constituencies: Board Member constituencies should approximate a proportional representation of career service employees across the College’s divisions, departments, and campuses.
    3. Terms: 
      1. All members of the Board of Directors shall serve in their elected positions for one-year terms concurrent with the College fiscal year (July through June).
      2. No member shall serve on the Board of Directors for more than five (5) consecutive years.
      3. Each officer shall hold office until his/her successor has been duly elected, and each term will run concurrently with the fiscal year (July through June).
    4. Vacancies:  
      1. If the CSEC Chair resigns or is unable to continue serving in their role, the Vice Chair will assume the responsibilities of the CSEC Chair for the remainder of the current term. If the CSEC Vice Chair resigns or is unable to continue serving in this role, the Secretary/Treasurer will assume the responsibilities of the CSEC Vice Chair for the remainder of the current term.
      2. The Board of Directors may opt to hold special elections to fill officer or board positions immediately or to leave the role vacant until the next annual election.
  4. Election of Officers and Board Members:
    1. Elections shall take place in the spring of each year.
    2. Candidates may be nominated either in writing or via electronic means, but only CSEC members may vote in Council elections. 
    3. Nominees who receive a majority vote from respondents during the formal election period will be elected to their respective Board positions.
  5. Shared Governance: The Council serves as the advisory body to the College's senior administration relative to concerns raised by CSEC employees or by the administration. The Council may convene meetings with Seminole State’s President and Executive Team to discuss topics of interest and items of concern for career service staff. Meeting opportunities are scheduled at the discretion of the College President.
    1. The Chair and Board of Directors will solicit input from the CSEC membership to identify issues and priorities for the Executive Team meetings and will speak to these concerns on behalf of the membership.
  6. Subcommittees: The CSEC Chair and Board of Directors may establish subcommittees to pursue specific objectives or fulfill duties not otherwise assigned. Subcommittees may consist of appointed CSEC members and other subject matter experts, as deemed necessary.
  7. Amendments: The CSEC Board of Directors may review and amend this charter at any time. Amendments to the CSEC charter require a majority affirmative vote by the CSEC Board.

Amended May 2022
