Grading Basis

Grade Point Average (GPA): Final grades for each term are recorded and preserved. The following chart is used to calculate the GPA:

Letter GradeShort DescriptionPoints

The following enrollment codes do not affect GPA:

Letter GradeDescriptionPoints
W1Student withdrawal0
W2Faculty withdrawal of the student (Adult Education and Career Certificate Courses  Only)
W3Administrative withdrawal of the student0
W4Faculty withdrawal of the student based
on no attendance
W5Withdrawal of the student based
on petition
NNo credit0
NCNon-credit course0
NGNo grade assigned0
SPSatisfactory Progress0
UUnsatisfactory progress0
R20No credit (administrative retake)
  1. Incomplete: An "I" may be given at the faculty member’s discretion when the student has not completed the required coursework by the end of the term. To award this grade, the student must present valid reasons to the instructor for not having completed the course requirements. The "I" grade will become an "F" on the morning of the 31st day from the first day of the next semester if the coursework is not completed during this time period. Transcripts will indicate "grade lapse" when "I" grades are lapsed to the grade of "F." The student is not eligible for graduation or honors until all "I" grades have been changed on the academic record. The "I" grade may also affect eligibility for financial aid.
  2. Withdrawal: Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule, Chapter 6A-14.0301, requires state colleges to adhere to the following procedures relating to the award of a "W" when students withdraw from a course:
    1. The student may withdraw without academic penalty from any course by the published withdrawal date for that semester or term. A withdrawal is considered an "attempt;"
    2. The student will be permitted a maximum of two withdrawals (two attempts) per course;
    3. Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive an "A," "B," "C," "D" or "F" grade for that course. An appeal for a fourth attempt may be submitted based upon major extenuating circumstances.
  3. Audit: Students who wish to enroll in a course but do not want to receive a grade or credit for that course may enroll for an audit. Students will not be allowed to change from audit status to credit status or from credit status to audit status after the 100 percent refund date each term. Audit courses will be included on the student's academic record with a grade of "X."
  4. Non-Credit: The "NC" is assigned automatically for any zero-credit-hour course. "NC" is used for continuing education, economic development, lifelong learning and other classes for which no credit is awarded.
  5. No Grade Assigned: The "NG" is assigned by the Registrar’s Office in cases where the instructor did not submit a grade in time for normal processing of grades. The student is not eligible for graduation or honors until all "NG" grades are removed from the academic record.
  6. Satisfactory Progress and Unsatisfactory: The "SP" and "U" grades, respectively, are used only for those courses that have received prior approval through the curriculum review process to award the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grades.