ATC, Central Florida Auto Dealers Association

The Central Florida Auto Dealers Association (CFADA) is a tax exempt corporation, chartered in 1929 as the "Orlando Automobile Dealers Association." Today, dealer members are located in six Central Florida counties - Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Volusia and Brevard. Currently there are 92 dealer members (dealerships) and 17 associate members (financial institutions, media and automotive related businesses).
"The Association enables dealers to engage in cooperative efforts and to accomplish aims that would not be possible for dealers acting alone, such as making charitable contributions to the community; maintaining a favorable business climate for the industry in the area; encouraging high standards of business conduct; improving relationships between dealers; and monitoring legislation that would affect the automobile industry."
Commitment to the Community
CFADA has been an active force in philanthropic causes and automotive educational programs (secondary and post-secondary). The largest commitment in its long history is the donation of $1.71 million for the new Professional Automotive Training Center at Seminole State College. CFADA maintains scholarship programs at Seminole State and Valencia Community College. The "AutoClassic" Golf Tournament, organized by the CFADA and benefiting the Epilepsy Association of Central Florida is in its 28th year. Other annual programs include the Automotive Technology Competition for High School Seniors and donations to Florida's Blood Centers (High School Leadership Program); Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES); and MADD. Vehicles have been donated to Crimeline of Central Florida; Medical Eye Bank of Central Florida; Edgewood Children's Ranch; Salvation Army; and American Red Cross. The Central Florida International Auto Show is owned and presented annually by CFADA.