Transfer Credit from Non-Regionally Accredited U.S. Institutions (Procedure 3.0210)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0247
Date Adopted:06/1999
Date of Revision:5/02; 06/2015; 8/20
Related Policies:3.021


To specify the process for evaluating and awarding of credit for students transferring from non-regionally accredited institutions.


  1. All students transferring from a non-regionally accredited U.S. institution must adhere to the following procedure.
  2. A student who attended a non-regionally accredited institution that participates in Florida’s Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) may submit an official transcript to be reviewed for the evaluation of credit.   SCNS credits will be evaluated according to Seminole State Procedure 3.0200.
  3. All other students must complete the Request for Course Credit from a Non-Regionally Accredited U.S. Institution form and submit a completed packet to Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office. 
    1. Supporting documents must include information from the institutional catalog and official college transcript from the institution they are transferring, a course description and syllabus for each course for which they are requesting credit, and any other information the college deems necessary to conduct proper evaluation. This information should include general information about the college to include accreditation, mission, faculty credentials, and any other information deemed appropriate.
    2. This information should be submitted to the Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office in a complete package. 
  4. The Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office will review the package to ensure all the necessary material is contained therein, and will forward the package to the appropriate Dean within 15 days of receipt.
    1. Within in 15 days of receipt of the request the student will be notified via their College email account as to whether their packet has been accepted as complete or is considered incomplete.
  5. It is the responsibility of each Dean to coordinate the evaluation of courses within their respective department. It is recommended that each Dean develop minimum criteria to ensure consistency in the evaluation of credits among departments. All recommendations as to the awarding or denial of credit must be approved in writing by the Dean or designee.
  6. The Dean will forward the packet and their evaluation to the appropriate Associate Vice President (AVP) for review. 
  7. The AVP will return the evaluation to the Enrollment Services Office within fifteen (15) working days of original receipt by the Dean with a recommendation from the department. 
  8. Within 15 days of receipt from the academic department, the Enrollment Services/Registrar’s Office will review each recommendation and, if approved by the department, apply appropriate credit to the student’s transcript 
    1. The student will be notified via College email once the transfer credit has been applied to their transcript.
  9. If a question arises due to the departments’ recommendation, the packet will be forwarded back to the appropriate Associate Vice President for review. 
  10. The Associate Vice President will then forward the packet to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, with an explanation of the rationale used for the recommendation, for final resolution.
Recommended by:Executive Team/CACDate8/18/2020
Signed by:President, Georgia L. LorenzDate9/30/2020
