Traffic and Parking Regulations/Enforcement Procedure (Procedure 8.0200)
Authority: | F.S. 1001.64; 715.07 |
Date Adopted: | 08/11 |
Date of Review: | 08/15; 11/16 |
Date of Revision: | 08/2015; 01/17 |
Related Policy: | 8.020 |
To establish traffic and parking regulations for vehicles that are operated or parked on Seminole State College campuses and centers. Students, faculty, staff and visitors who drive vehicles on campus will be responsible for the proper registration, use and operation of their vehicles in accordance with the traffic and parking regulations set forth by the College.
The College reserves the right to regulate the use of vehicles on its campuses and to take appropriate actions against those who do not comply with the college’s regulations. The College is authorized and reserves the right to regulate the use of any of its parking lots for the exclusive use by designated groups or individuals.
In addition to the rules and regulations established by the College, all traffic laws of the State of Florida are in effect at all times on the campus.
The term “motor vehicle” as used herein includes any automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle, motor scooter, moped, or any other motor-propelled vehicle.
The term “visitor” is intended for individuals conducting business with the College, including those seeking enrollment information or individuals who are invited guests of college members. It is not intended for faculty, staff, or currently enrolled students.
For the safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors to the campus, the following traffic and parking regulations are enforced by the Campus Safety and Security Department:
- Parking Enforcement
- The provisions within these regulations shall be applicable to all persons who operate or park motor vehicles on Seminole State College campuses at all times.
- The responsibility for locating legal parking rests with the operator of the vehicle. The lack of convenient parking is not a valid excuse for violating traffic and parking regulations.
- All students, faculty, and staff who park in College parking lots must display a current and valid Seminole State parking permit. Students may obtain a parking permit from any campus Business Office. Faculty and staff may obtain a parking hangtag from any campus Safety and Security office.
- White lined parking areas – Student Parking.
- Orange lined parking areas – Faculty/Staff Parking; no students at any time.
- Green lined parking areas – Visitor’s only (do not need a parking permit).
- Blue lined parking areas – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible parking only.
- Red lined areas – Designated Fire Lanes and Emergency Vehicle parking. - All student-parking permits must be permanently affixed to the driver’s side rear bumper or rear windshield with the decal number clearly visible. Students with parking hangtags must display the hangtag from the rear view mirror with the permit number facing the windshield. Faculty/staff must display the parking hangtag from the rear view mirror with the permit number facing the windshield.
- While driving on campus, the operator of any motor vehicle is expected to obey all traffic laws. Drivers must observe all traffic signs, stop signs, yield signs, traffic safety personnel, and traffic control devices. Motorists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
- All drivers must cooperate with and follow the instructions of personnel designated by the college to assist with traffic control.
- The speed limit on the Seminole State College campus is 25 M.P.H., unless otherwise posted.
- Illegally parked motor vehicles may be warned, ticketed, and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
- The College assumes no responsibility for any damage to motor vehicles, its contents or for any loss while a motor vehicle is driven or parked on Seminole State College property.
- Only authorized motor vehicles may park in reserved parking spaces. All others will be towed at the owner’s expense. The College is not responsible for any loss to a towed motor vehicle or its contents.
- Overnight parking is prohibited except for college sanctioned and authorized educational or athletic activities. If your vehicle is disabled you must notify Campus Safety and Security. Overnight parking is typically between the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
- The Safety and Security Department should be immediately notified of all disabled motor vehicles. The owner of a disabled motor vehicle will be given forty-eight (48) hours to remove the vehicle from campus. Disabled motor vehicles remaining on campus beyond forty-eight (48) hours are considered abandoned.
- Abandoned vehicles will be towed. Towing and storage charges will be at the owner’s expense. The college assumes no responsibility for any damage to an abandoned motor vehicle or its contents.
- Parking in fire lanes, driveways, sidewalks, loading zones, on curbs or grass areas (except those areas designated by the college as temporary parking) is not permitted and may result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense.
- Vehicles shall not be parked or stopped in a manner that blocks other vehicles or impedes the flow of traffic.
- ADA accessible parking is controlled by Florida law (FSS 316.1955, 316.1957 and 316.195). A valid disable/handicap parking permit (FSS 316.1958 or 320.0848) or license plate issued under FSS 320.884, 320.0842, 320.0843 or 320.0845 is required to park in designated accessible parking spaces. Violators are subject to a state-assessed fine of $250 written by law enforcement officers. Note: The Safety and Security Department does not issue handicap parking permits and is not authorized to give anyone permission to park in a handicap space.
- Violations and Fines
- All fines shall be paid in person at the Business/Cashier’s Office at each campus. Parking citations must be paid within 10 business days after posting.
- All fines are $10 for each offense unless otherwise specified:
*May also be subject to a state-assessed fine of $250 written by law enforcement officers.Violation Fine No decal/improper display of decal or permit $10.00 Parked over lines $10.00 Posted areas (No Parking, Visitor, College Vehicle Only) $10.00 Driveways $10.00 Double parked $10.00 Service entrance/loading zones $10.00 Students parked in Faculty/Staff parking lots $10.00 Exceeding time limit in 15 minute loading/unloading zone $10.00 Failure to comply with instructions and directions given by a Security Officer in the performance of traffic control and parking duties $10.00 Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire lane $10.00 In a designated tow-away zone $10.00 Parked in a reserved parking space $10.00 Driving around or removing a barricade $10.00 Parked in the Visitor’s parking lot $10.00 Providing false parking or vehicle registration information $10.00 Obstructing driveways, sidewalks, roadways, or other vehicles $10.00 Parked in ADA accessible parking space $10.00* - Three or more unpaid parking citations will subject the vehicle to being towed at the owner’s expense.
- Unpaid fines will result in an immediate hold on student records, diplomas, transcripts, certificates, and future registrations.
- An employee who parks in a designated faculty/staff lot and receives a citation for not displaying a valid parking permit/hangtag may provide proof of his/her status as an employee to the Safety and Security Office within ten (10) business days and the ticket will be voided.
- Employees with unpaid parking citations will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Procedure 2.1900 Employee Discipline.
- Appeals Process
If you receive a parking citation that you feel is unjust, you may initiate an appeal by completing the appeal form located on the Safety and Security’s website.- You have ten (10) business days after receipt of the citation to file an appeal. No appeal will be accepted after ten (10) business days.
- The completed appeals form must be submitted to the Safety and Security Department, along with any supporting statements or documents the petitioner wishes to be considered.
- The completed form will be reviewed by the Director of Safety and Security or designee for completeness and the parking history, if any, will be attached to the form. If the Director of Safety and Security, or designee, agrees with the petitioner that the citation was issued in error, the citation may be voided and the petitioner will be notified by letter.
- If the Director of Safety and Security or designee denies the appeal, it will be forwarded to the Parking Citation Appeals Committee for review at their regularly scheduled meeting.
- Written notification of the committee’s findings will be provided to the petitioner by mail.
- Decisions rendered by the Parking Citation Appeals Committee are final; there is no further appeals process.
- Parking rules and regulations are available on the Safety and Security website.
Any other College rule(s) which reference(s) the rule noticed herein shall be interpreted and enforced consistent with the new / revised rule upon its final adoption (unless otherwise indicated in the referencing rule(s)).
Recommended by | Executive Team | Date | 01/24/17 |
Signed by | President E. Ann McGee | Date | 01/25/17 |