Sabbatical Leave Committee (Procedure 2.2301)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
6Hx25A-3.2300; SCC Rule 2.110 | 3/5/90; Rev. 11/24/97 |
The purpose of this procedure is to define the sabbatical leave committee and to outline its operation.
- By the second Monday in September each year, the Director of Human Resources will submit to the President a list of employees who will serve as a committee to recommend sabbatical leaves for the next academic year.
- The seven member committee will be randomly chosen by Human Resources as follows:
- An administrator from pay grade forty-nine or above as defined in the SCC Salary Schedule.
- Five instructors paid from different cost centers, to consist of one individual from Adult Education, two from Career Programs and two from Arts and Sciences.
- A counselor, librarian or administrator paid from a pay grade lower than forty-nine.
- Excluded from consideration for membership are:
- The President, the vice presidents, and the Director of Human Resources.
- Individuals paid from the Restricted Current Fund (Fund 2).
- Individuals who would have, as of the faculty starting date of term 1 of the year in which the committee will meet, less than five years of full-time service at the College.
- Individuals on, or applying for, sabbatical leave, personal leave, retirement, or extended sick leave.
- Individuals who have served on the committee in either of the two previous years.
- By October 1, the President will designate a chair from the committee membership, and will notify each member, in writing, of the committee appointment, with a copy to each vice president, the Director of Human Resources, and the committee member's immediate supervisor.
- A quorum exists when a majority of the committee members are present.
- A quorum of the members present at the final selection of the candidates to be recommended for sabbaticals must have been present at all candidate interviews.
- The Committee will select candidates for sabbatical leave according to the criteria and schedule in the procedure titled Sabbatical Leave.
Recommended by | President Council | Date | x/x/xx |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 12/4/97 |