Faculty Underloads (Procedure 2.0702)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1012.82 F.S.; SCC Policy 2.140 | 12/04 |
District Board of Trustees Policy requires the President to approve assigning a full-time faculty member to less than a full teaching load. This procedure outlines the steps to be taken to receive such approval.
- When a department chair or director realizes that a full-time instructor may not have a full teaching load, the dean shall be notified immediately.
- The dean, in consultation with the instructor, the chair or director, and other deans as appropriate, will try to identify a full teaching load for the faculty member.
- If efforts to identify a full load for the instructor are not successful, the chair or director will recommend alternative assignments for the instructor. A copy of the faculty member's official load sheet for the term in question will be attached to the recommendations and forwarded to the dean.
- The dean, in consultation with the chair or director and the instructor, may revise the recommended alternative assignments.
- If the dean concurs with the recommendations, the recommendations will be initialed and forwarded to the appropriate Vice President.
- The Vice President will review the recommendations and either approve them or return them to the dean for revision.
- During each term, the Vice President will submit a list of approved underloads to the President.
- When an underload occurs for any two terms within a two year period, the need to continue that faculty position or to revise the faculty contract will be analyzed by the appropriate Vice President, Dean, and Department Chair. The Vice President shall report results of this analysis to the President.
Recommended by | Executive Staff | Date | 11/04 |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 1/7/05 |