Reorganization (Procedure 2.0450)
This Procedure is Under Review
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64; 1012.855 F.S. 6A-14.0262; 6A-14.0247 FAC; Policy 2.045 | 1/97; Rev.: 6/08 |
To define the procedure to be used when establishing one or more new operating units, consolidating operating units, dissolving an operating unit, reorganizing one or more operating units, and/or changing reporting relationships within existing operating units of the College.
Reorganization: A rearrangement of departments, duties, responsibilities, and/or reporting relationships of positions within or between operating units. Position appointments, reclassifications and other related personnel actions might occur as a result of the reorganization process. During a reorganization, situations may arise when additional or temporary positions and reporting relationships may be established for a specified period during a transition.
- Planning and Implementation Timeline
Although reorganizations normally are effective at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1st ), they may occur at any time. When planning to reorganize departments, positions, etc., the Administrator(s) involved will consider the impact of proposed changes on:- The beginning/end of the fiscal, academic, and calendar years;
- Schedule building, college catalog printing, student registration, financial aid processing;
- Payroll deadlines;
- Lead times required for recruiting staff;
- Lead times required for securing space, furniture, and equipment;
- Short-term and projected long-term financial impact;
- Impact on student learning and success
Reorganization proposals should be submitted to the President well in advance of a proposed effective date to allow adequate time for review and assessment of the proposed or phased-in recommendation.- Administrative Process
- Proposal Development
The Administrator(s) initiating the reorganization will prepare a Proposal that includes but is not limited to:- A written description of the proposed changes, the rationale behind them, and their relationship to the College's strategic goals;
- Current and proposed organization charts;
- Current and proposed position descriptions showing any changes in duties or responsibilities;
- Short-term and projected financial impact of the reorganization.
The Administrator initiating the reorganization is responsible to review any recommended personnel actions with the Office of Human Resources prior to preparing the Proposal for consideration by the President.- Proposal Approval
Upon completion, the Administrator will submit the developed Proposal to the appropriate Vice President (VP) or President for review and refinement as necessary.
The VP/President may elect to discuss the proposed reorganization with Executive Team, Human Resources or others prior to making a recommendation to the President.
The Vice President is responsible for making a specific recommendation and forwarding the Proposal to the President.
The President may approve all, any portion or none of the Proposal. If approved to any degree, the President shall assign a person, usually the Administrator/Vice President who initiates the reorganization, to oversee the timely and orderly implementation of the Proposal as approved.
The President may waive recruitment and appoint personnel to any current or new positions related to the reorganization. The President will ensure that such personnel actions are congruent with the College's strategic objectives and commitment to diversity. - Implementation of an Approved Proposal
The Person assigned to oversee the implementation shall work with the Office of Human Resources to implement personnel changes resulting from the reorganization.- changes in the classification, pay grade, and salary of positions;
- job data changes required (i.e., job code changes, reclassifications, changes in reporting relationships);
- accounting for the creation/filling/elimination of existing positions;
- coordinating updates to the staffing table with the Office of Finance and Budget
- completion and distribution of forms that are required to process any changes or notices for hiring;
- notification of constituents that the reorganization has been approved and that changes are forthcoming.
The Person assigned to oversee the implementation will be responsible for working with all other areas of the College as noted below for the timely and orderly implementation of the reorganization as approved.- Finance and Budget Office
To change existing/create new departments and chart fields in the Finance system and notify budget managers and constituents upon completion.
To process necessary budget amendments. - Purchasing
To establish protocols for initiating and approving purchases. - Payroll Office
To address processing time reporting and time approval roles as assigned by the reorganized department(s). - Facilities Planning and Plant Operations Office
To ensure that employees' work environments are compliant and suitably furnished. - Security Office
To ensure that keys are collected/distributed in accordance with established practice and process. - Property Control Office
To ensure that the quantity and location of all furniture, equipment, and College property is accounted for and properly inventoried. - CTS: PS Security, Network Administration, and Telecommunications
To change permissions and roles, and add or delete access to the PeopleSoft Financial, Human Resources, and Student Administration systems.
To provide access to network and GroupWise
To relocate, add, and/or delete telephone service and assignment of long distance codes.
- Finance and Budget Office
- Proposal Development
- Miscellaneous
- Appointments, reclassifications, reassignments, and other related personnel actions developed under this procedure will be brought to the Board as part of the regular monthly personnel recommendations.
- Recommendations of annual contract appointments may be revised as necessary to implement the reorganization
Recommended by | Executive Staff | Date | 5/08 |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 6/4/08 |