Recruitment and Selection of Adjunct Faculty (Procedure 2.0200)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64(1)1(1); 1012.855; 1012.81 F.S.; 6A-14.0247(6) FAC; SCC Rules 1.010; 1.020 | March 1, 1994 |
To ensure that the College, an equal opportunity employer, employs persons who meet the requirements for positions in compliance with all applicable laws, including those relating to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin or disability.
- Advertising for part-time instructional positions is optional. When advertising is desired, the hiring manager completes a position advertisement form (108) and submits it to the Dean of Personnel Services for approval.
- When advertising is desired the Dean of Personnel Services coordinates the advertising of the part-time instructor position with the hiring manager.
- Receipt of Applications:
- An SCC application must be on file for an applicant to be considered for a position.
- Applications for employment with the College are filed with the Personnel Office, and it is the responsibility of this office to process the applications and establish a position file and an applicant pool.
- The Personnel Office accepts applications for part-time instructional positions on a continuing basis and retains them on file for two calendar years from the end of the calendar year in which they are received. A separate application is required for each discipline or instructional area.
- Applicants who are applying for position vacancies requiring degrees must provide official transcripts from each degree granting institution.
- Adjunct instructors must provide the College with transcripts by the end of the first academic term of employment. Adjunct instructors will not be reappointed unless the official transcripts have been received. The Personnel Office will send the hiring manager the names of those adjuncts whose files do not include official transcripts by the end of the first term in which they are employed.
- Applicants who are applying for position vacancies and who are substituting work experience and/or special training for educational requirements to meet SCC employment criteria must provide documentation of that experience.
Reference and Background Checks:
- The hiring manager is responsible for all background and reference checks.
- If information obtained from reference checks is to be retained it must be kept in the Personnel Office.
Selection and Approval of Applicant:
- The hiring manager completes a Recommendation for Employment, Part-Time Instruction form (No.97) and an Approved To Teach form (No. 106), to recommend an applicant.
- The recommendation is forwarded for consideration to the appropriate dean.
- The hiring manager makes an offer of employment to the selected candidate.
- When the Personnel Office receives an employment recommendation, staff will enter personal information in the Personnel Database within two working days.
- Personnel in the Executive Vice-President's office will enter the information from the Approved To Teach form in the IDSS Database. The Approved To Teach form is then sent to the Personnel Office for insertion in the applicant's file.
- Disapproved recommendations may be resubmitted.
- The Dean of Personnel Services prepares a summary of final recommendations each month and presents them to the Board for approval. Adjunct instructors may teach pending Board approval.
- Appointees are notified of Board action by the Personnel Office.
- An adjunct faculty member may be recommended for employment in subsequent terms without repeating the previous steps. When a twelve-month break in service occurs, the procedure must be repeated.
Recommended by | Executive Staff | Date | 2/28/94 |
Approved: | President, Earl S. Weldon | Date | 3/2/94 |