Posthumous Degree Awards (Procedure 4.3000)



Date Adopted:


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This procedure outlines the process for nominating and awarding an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science or a Bachelor of Science degree posthumously. A posthumous degree is a special type of honorary degree, awarded to a student who has passed away prior to completing all degree requirements.


  1. A posthumous degree may be awarded upon request provided it is submitted to the Vice President of Student Affairs within two years after the death.
  2. The request must be accompanied by:
    1. Student’s full name.
    2. Seminole State ID or SSN.
    3. Copy of the death certificate.
    4. Address where the diploma will be mailed.
  3. The student should meet the following criteria:
    1. Must have been a degree-seeking student.
    2. Must have been enrolled at time of death (summer excluded), or their continuous enrollment was interrupted by their injury, illness, deployment, etc.
    3. Must have been within one term or 15 credits of graduation to be considered for a posthumous degree.
    4. Must have completed at least one term required for the degree at Seminole State.
    5. Must meet the standard graduation eligibility criteria for GPA and academic standing.
    6. Must be in good discipline standing at the time of the request.
  4. The posthumous degree shall not be included in any state or federal reporting data.
  5. The statement "awarded posthumously" will be printed on the student’s academic record, but not on the diploma.
  6. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the College.
Recommended by

Executive Team/CAC



Signed by

 President Georgia Lorenz   



