Solicitation and Management of External Grant Funding (Procedure 1.1900)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64 F.S.; SCC Rule 1.1900 | 4/1/02 |
To define the procedure for soliciting and managing external grant awards. SCC external grant awards will be obtained to advance achievement of the college mission and strategic priorities of the College.
- The Office of Resource Development (ORD) shall serve as the clearinghouse, facilitator, information resource and trainer, compliance monitor, and records custodian for all institutional efforts to obtain external grants funding. No college employee shall solicit or accept grant funds, either public or private, without consulting the Office of Resource Development. ORD will actively pursue external grant funding from appropriate sources for the support and enhancement of the college's mission, goals and strategic plan. No proposal will be developed without the endorsement of Executive Staff.
- Each year during the annual planning process, each Dean, Director or Department Head will identify and prioritize the external funding needs in their area that further the college mission and annual goals. They will assign faculty and/or staff to function as Project Directors (PD) and Project Development Teams (PDT) and serve as content experts in the development of proposals. This information should be included in the area's annual plan.
- After reviewing the proposed funding needs from all units in their annual plans, the Office of Resource Development will research funding opportunities and assess the college's capacity to implement the provisions of the grant and successfully achieve its objectives and goals. ORD will then develop and submit a preliminary plan of action (Development Action Plan) to Executive Staff for approval.
- Once the plan is approved by Executive Staff, ORD will provide support and leadership to Project Directors and Project Development Teams in preparing grant proposals. When grant proposals are discipline specific or directed to limited special interest projects, the PD and PDT shall be responsible for preparing the initial grant document. When grant proposals are college-wide in scope, ORD shall be responsible for preparing the grant document. ORD will coordinate the review, approval and submission of all proposal applications.
- A summary of each individual grant concept will be prepared by ORD. The summary, which shall assess the institutional impact, and outline how the proposal addresses the college mission and budgetary considerations, will be submitted to Executive Staff for endorsement prior to the submission of proposal applications.
- Executive Staff will determine if the proposal may proceed or if additional information is warranted. If endorsed, ORD will prepare and submit a Board of Trustees Transmittal Form requesting permission to apply for the grant and accept funding if approved. ORD shall enter the project in the institutional grants database, maintain a file of all development materials, monitor the progress of awarded projects and act as institutional liaison with grant funding agencies. If Executive Staff declines to endorse the proposal project, ORD will advise the Project Directors and/or the Project Development Team Captain of the decision and then guide them in determining the next course of action given the specific circumstances.
- All grants are subject to the policies and procedures of the funding source in accordance with established college policies and procedures including all Federal and State Wage and Hour Rules, the College Compensation Policy as outlined in the Annual Salary Schedule and College Policies governing Academic Freedom (4.010), Salary (2.130), Personnel Contracts (2.010), Full-Time Instructor Loads (2.140), and Overloads (2.150). Grant activities must be documented as required for audit and as outlined in the College Procedures for Release Time (2.0703).
- Upon notification of funding, ORD will contact the assigned Project Director to schedule a grants management orientation. This training session will include a review of the responsibilities of the PD, the expectations for compliance and reporting of the funding agency, and the applicable institutional policies and procedures including purchasing, hiring, facility/space use and maintaining records for audit.
- Following the orientation, the Project Director, with the assistance of ORD, will complete the Office of Finance and Budget Project Identification Form and a Grant Personnel Time Distribution Form (SCC Form Number 42). Upon receipt of the completed forms, ORD will review them, retain a copy of each for the institutional grant files. The originals will be forwarded to the Project Accountant, and a copy of Form 42 will be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources. The Project Accountant will open a project account and monitor expenditures to ensure that they comply with the proposal objectives, and project budget. The Director of Human Resources will assess the time commitments of all grant personnel and advise the Project Accountant, the Director of Resource Development, the appropriate Dean, and the grant-supported employee of any irregularities or excesses in grant personnel time commitments and/or salaries, and recommend an appropriate solution. Appeals to this recommendation will be forwarded to the Equity Coordinator and Executive Staff for resolution. A new Form 42 must be completed by the first duty day of each academic term within the grant period. Copies will be maintained in both the ORD Grants files and the Office of Finance and Budget Projects Accounts files. (This procedure revises and updates SCC Procedure # 5.2200/3/1/94).
- ORD shall be the official repository of grant submission files. Grant files shall be retained in compliance with state and federal record keeping.
- If a proposal is not funded, ORD will request the reviewer comments and discuss with Project Director or team to determine if re-submission is warranted.
- The Director of Resource Development and the Project Accountant will monitor the progress of the project to ensure compliance and effectiveness, including assisting Project Directors in developing and filing required reports and other appropriate stewardship activities throughout the project period to grant close-out.
Recommended by | Executive Staff | Date | 3/02 |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 4/1/02 |