Institutional Accreditation Committee (Procedure 1.0900.24)


The purpose of this procedure is to designate a process by which the institutional accreditation principles are adhered to and addressed on a consistent basis for ongoing compliance.


  1. Committee Responsibilities

 1. The Institution Accreditation Committee (IAC) will meet twice throughout the academic year (Fall and Spring) or as needed to review the principles of accreditation and document how existing processes and activities show compliance.

  1. The Chair and co-chair of the Institution Accreditation Committee shall establish a meeting schedule and committee assignments facilitation an efficient, comprehensive process to create a detailed Compliance Certification as prescribed by the Accrediting body.
  2. Sufficient time shall be scheduled to allow the review of draft reports prior to the submission of the final Compliance Certificate by the accrediting body.

2. Pre-On-Site Reaffirmation Responsibilities

  1. Prior to the On-Site Reaffirmation Review at the College, the accreditation liaison shall assemble the Institutional Accreditation Committee to develop a response to any areas identified as needing additional information from the Compliance Certificate submission.  The response shall indicate the plan for compliance and the individuals responsible for ensuring compliance.

3. Hospitality Subcommittee:  The Accreditation Liaison and/or a hospitality subcommittee chair shall be responsible for arranging the visit of the peer review committee(s).

4. Post-On-Site Reaffirmation Responsibilities

  1. The Accreditation Liaison shall be responsible for:
  1. Reviewing the report of the peer review committee(s) for factual accuracy,
  2. Preparing the College's response to the peer review report,
  3. Preparing any other follow-up reports stemming from the College's bid for reaffirmation or continued accreditation.

5. Specialized Professional Accreditation

  1. The Institutional Accreditation Committee is not responsible for specialized professional accreditation processes.
  2. Documents required for specialized professional accreditation shall be developed at the department/program level in accordance with the requirements of the accrediting body and reviewed by the appropriate administrator or his/her designee.
  3. Timelines and budgets for these processes shall be set by the appropriate administrator in consultation with the program manager and immediate supervisor.
  4. In response to the report of the visiting committee, the appropriate administrator shall address any identified areas of non-compliance in a timely manner.
  5. All final specialized professional accreditation documents should be submitted to the Institutional Accreditation Liaison for institutional archiving.

6. Committee Membership

a. Membership on the committee shall consist of the following:

  1. Two Associate Vice Presidents, Academic Affairs, appointed by the VP, Academic Affairs
  2. Accreditation Liaison
  3. Director, Institutional Effectiveness and Research
  4. Director, Enrollment Services/Registrar
  5. Associate Vice President, Student Affairs, appointed by VP. Student Affairs
  6. Director, College Libraries
  7. One representative from eLearning appointed by the Executive Team
  8. Associate VP, Financial Services
  9. One Human Resources Representative, appointed by the AVP, Human Resources
  10. Director, Facilities, or designee
  11. Executive Director, Financial Aid
  12. Faculty Senate President, or designee

b. The Accreditation Liaison serves as the chair and conducts the meetings following standard rules of order.

c. The Director, Institutional, Effectiveness, and Research serves as the co-chair.

d. The committee reports to President, and recommendations of the Committee for improvement and change will be made through the President.

7. Except as set forth herein, the committee shall operate in accordance with Procedure 1.0900.

Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented:  Florida Statute 1001.64; Related Policy 1.020

History - Adopted 08/2022

Signature:                                      Date:  Feb 23, 2024
