Verification of Grant Personnel Time Distribution (Procedure 5.2200)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64 F.S.; 6A-14-0247(6,7) FAC; SCC Rule 1.010; 1.020 | March 1, 1994 |
Personnel salaries partially charged to any Fund 2 restricted grant must comply with circular No. A-21 of the Federal Office of Management and Budget. Circular A-21, sections J.6.b. and J.6.c., require that employee salaries and wages which are charged to more than one grant activity or other cost objective be supported by an appropriate system of monitored workload which produces an equitable distribution of charges for employees' activities.
- Verification of appropriate personnel salaries being charged to more than one grant or to Fund 1 and Fund 2 restricted grant(s) will be supported by a Grant Personnel Time Distribution form (SCC Form Number 42), as allowed in Circular A-21.
- By the first duty day of each academic term within the grant period, the employee and the college grant administrator will complete and sign Part I of the Grant Personnel Time Distribution form.
- Full-time employees will indicate time distribution by percentage. Part-time employees will indicate time distribution by hours per week.
- The form will be forwarded to the dean for approval.
- On the last duty day before the start of the next academic term, the employee and the grant administrator will complete and sign Part II of the form and forward it to the dean for approval.
- The completed form will be filed with the Federal Projects Staff Accountant.
Recommended by | Vice Presidents Counsil | Date | x/x/xx |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 6/10/97 |