Purchasing Cards

Based on Board Policy and Florida Statute:Effective Date:
1001.64, 1010.04, 1010.02 F.S.; Policy 5.0505/2008; 8/2020


To provide a procedure for College employees to request and utilize an alternate method known as a Purchasing Card (P-Card) for purchasing goods for the College when the normal purchase order process is not feasible. 


  1. College employees who are designated by their department manager to initiate departmental purchases may be eligible to apply for a College Purchasing Card (P-Card). 
  2. Use of the P-Card may not circumvent State Rules related to bid requirements, nor other College policies or procedures related to the purchasing process. 
  3. Each employee in possession of a College P-Card is responsible for adhering to all rules, regulations, and prudent use/safeguarding of the card. 
  4. If the P-Card is used for College related travel, current travel policies and procedures must also be adhered to. 
  5. Certain positions within the Business Operations Division of the College will be designated as Administrators of the P-Card program and will have the responsibility for issuing, monitoring, de-activating, training and communicating proper use of the card to accountholders. 
  6. Misuse of the College P-Card will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment with the College. 
  7. P-Card Manual: The Business Operations Division will maintain a P-Card manual for access and use by all College employees. This manual will contain all pertinent information, rules, and forms related to the P-Card program. 
Recommended byExecutive Team/CACDate 9/22/2020
Signed byPresident Georgia L. LorenzDate10/19/2020
