Returned Checks (Procedure 5.0600)
Based on board policy number and Florida Statute: | Effective Date: |
1001.64; 1010.03 F.S.; SCC Policy 5.060 | 1/05 |
To provide a procedure for the collection of college funds for checks returned unpaid. (Returned Checks)
- All checks made to the College and returned by the bank for non-payment will be charged a returned check fee consistent with the Florida Statutes. The College will charge a fee as stated in the current Catalog for each returned check.
- A letter from the bank that refused payment on the check, verifying that the bank was in error, will eliminate the special fee.
- The Office of Finance and Budget will send three mail notices (the third by certified mail with return receipt requested) to the maker of the check.
- Student fees paid by checks that are returned unpaid must be paid within fifteen calendar days from the date the College first sends notification of the returned check to the student. If payment is not received by the deadline, the Office of Finance and Budget will request Student Services to cancel the student's enrollment.
- Students will have check payment privileges denied after two returned checks. The Vice-President for Administration and Business Services may restore these privileges.
- Returned checks will be considered for referral to the State Attorney's Office, Worthless Check Division, for collection.
Recommended by | Executive Staff | Date | 12/04 |
Approved: | President, E.Ann McGee | Date | 2/2/05 |