Laboratory and Special Course Fees (Procedure 5.0460)

Based on board policy number and Florida Statute:Effective Date:
SCC Policy 5.040, Florida Statute 1009.23, FAC 6A-14.0545/09


To outline the process for determining laboratory and special course fees.


  1. A determination will be made by the Academic Departments and approved by the appropriate management level if a course requires a laboratory or special course fee, based on extraordinary costs in excess of base instructional costs.
  2. The appropriate Academic Department is responsible for initiating the Laboratory/material/special course fee form. Each department is responsible for documenting the costs that warrant the charging of a lab/special course fee.
  3. Once all approvals are obtained, the form is routed to the Office of Finance and Budget for input.
  4. Once all fees are finalized prior to the beginning of each term's registration period, the Academic Departments are responsible for reviewing lab/special course fees on the official class fee audit report.
  5. No changes will be made to lab/special course fees once registration begins for each term. Exceptions to this part of the procedure are:
    1. When a new distance learning section is added to the schedule.

    2. When a new course is added to the course catalog.
  6. Periodic reviews of lab/course fees will be performed periodically as needed by the Office of Finance and Budget.
Recommended byExecutive StaffDate5/5/09
Approved:President, E.Ann McGeeDate5/6/09
