External Agency Payment of Student Fees (Procedure 5.0400)

Based on board policy number and Florida Statute:Effective Date:
(FAC) 6A-14.054; College Policy 5.04003/10


As provided for in the Florida Administrative Code, the following procedure defines authorization necessary to defer fees for students sponsored by qualifying agencies.


When the college has a written promise of payment from business, industry, government unit, nonprofit organization, or civic organization, fees may be deferred 60 days as provided for in Florida Administrative Code.

  1. Corporate accounts shall be established to allow deferment of student fees.
  2. A written authorization on corporate stationary signed by an official authorized to obligate the corporation must be provided to the College prior to deferment of student fees.
  3. Governmental agencies that are sponsoring students for payment of the student’s fees must provide the College with a signed letter of authorization or a purchase order from the agency.
  4. Letters of authorization and purchase orders must provide clear billing information.
  5. Any award restrictions or limitations must be clearly stated and may be restrictive to the extent fees cannot be deferred
  6. Fee deferments are limited to sixty days.
Recommended byExecutive TeamDate03/10
Approved:President, E.Ann McGeeDate03/10
