Hazardous Substance Management (Procedure 6.0601)

Based on Board Policy and Florida Statutes:40 CFR 260-271; 29 CFR 1910.20; 1001.64 F.S.; Ch.62-730 FAC; College Policy 6.060
Effective Date:06/2015
Date of Review:---


The management of all hazardous substances shall be handled in a manner that poses no substantial hazard to human health or the environment in accordance with state and federal regulations. This procedure outlines the requirements for managing hazardous materials on College grounds and in College facilities including but not limited to work spaces, classrooms, and laboratories.


Environmental Health and Safety (EHS): Environmental Health and Safety is specialized function within the Facilities Department responsible for planning and programs to ensure the environmental health and safety of students, visitors, and employees at all college sites.

Hazardous Material: A product, waste or combination of substances which because of its quantity, concentration, physical, chemical, toxic, radioactive, or infectious characteristics may adversely affect human health, safety, welfare, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, used, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Hazardous materials include - without limitation - synthetic organic chemicals, petroleum products, heavy metals, radioactive or infectious materials, and all substances defined as "toxic" or "hazardous" by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or other recognized authority.

Universal Waste: Includes batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment, and lamps.


  1. Procurement, Handling, and Use
    1. Only authorized faculty and staff may order hazardous materials or acutely hazardous materials.
    2. Hazardous materials should be acquired in the smallest quantities available that meet the maximum usage requirements for a reasonable time period.
    3. The procuring department shall contact Environmental Health and Safety and provide information about the hazardous materials to be recorded in the College’s hazardous substances inventory.
    4. Upon receipt of the hazardous material, the recipient will ensure that the container is clearly marked with the expiration date. The material shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's MSDS/SDS, label warnings, or College guidelines.
    5. All hazardous material must be stored in appropriate cabinets, flammable material storage cabinets, etc. until use and returned for safekeeping after use.
    6. Anyone using hazardous material must read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) associated with the hazardous material before its use.
    7. Anyone handling or using hazardous material shall use personal protective equipment as noted in the MSDS/SDS or College guidelines. 
  2. Hazardous Materials Incidents
    1. In the event of any kind of a hazardous material spill, leak, release, or other accident:
      1. Immediately evacuate the area, alerting others in the area to follow.
      2. Call 911 to report any injuries or pull the nearest fire alarm to alert Campus Safety and Security or an alarm monitoring station.
      3. Contact Campus Safety and Security and the College’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety. An EHS representative will take appropriate action to resolve the situation.
  3. Disposal of Empty Hazardous Material Containers
    1. Hazardous materials that have passed the expiration date or are otherwise unacceptable or not needed for future use are considered “hazardous waste” and should not be retained. Contact Environmental Health and Safety for instructions regarding disposal.
    2. Empty hazardous materials containers should not be retained. Contact Environmental Health and Safety for instructions regarding disposal.
  4. Training
    1. All employees who handle hazardous material(s) in the course of their work will be trained by EHS within 10 days of hire and will be required to attend “refresher” training annually. Under some circumstances, employees may be required to participate in specialized training at other times during the year.
    2. Environmental Health and Safety will maintain all training records related to hazardous materials. The training record for each employee will include the course title, instructor’s name, date attended, and next training date where applicable.
  5. Recordkeeping
    1. The College’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety manages and, as appropriate, retains records regarding inspection, inventory, training, incident, and exposure to hazardous chemicals and harmful physical agents.
Recommended byExecutive TeamDate06/2015
Approved:President, E. Ann McGeeDate06/2015
