Human Resources Policies Printed Version

Workweek and Hours of Work (Policy 2.001)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:08/2013
Date of Review:---


  1. The College workweek for non-bargaining unit employees shall begin at 12:00 a.m. Sunday and run for seven (7) consecutive days through 11:59 p.m. Saturday.  Five (5) days per week will constitute the normal work week. In accordance with the academic calendar adopted by the Board of Trustees, the President may authorize seasonal departures from the standard workday/workweek. 
  2. The minimum workweek for full-time, non-bargaining unit employees is comprised of 37.5 hours, and a workday consists of 7.5 hours. For all part-time, non-bargaining employees, including adjunct professors, a workweek shall be a maximum of 29 hours.
  3. Any variations to this schedule, based on the operational needs of the College, must be approved by the President or designee(s).
  4. The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.

Personnel Contracts (Policy 2.010)

Authority: F.S. 1012.83 FAC 6A-14.040; .041; .0411; .0412; .002
 Date Adopted: 07/82 Revised 07/92


  1. Full-time administrative and instructional personnel, as defined in  6A-14.002 FAC, shall sign a contract with the College as a condition of initial employment or continuing employment. Personnel contracts shall comply with the provisions of 6A-14.041 FAC.
  2. Persons employed through project funding shall be employed on an annual contract basis. Persons holding a continuing contract who move to a position supported by project funding will be issued an annual contract in accordance with provisions of 6A-14.0412 FAC.
  3. Continuing contracts shall be awarded to instructional personnel in accordance with 6A-14.0411 FAC.
  4. The resignation of an employee during any contract period shall be submitted to the Board for action. Such resignation must have the approval of the President. The resignation is not final until approved by the Board. Failure to perform assigned duties could be considered absence without leave.
  5. The contract period for 10-month personnel is 200 days or two and one-half (2.5) terms or semesters. The contract period for 12-month personnel is 261 days or twelve (12) months.
  6. The regular work-week for full-time personnel is 37.5 hours and the regular work-day is 7.5 hours. The President or designee will establish procedures for flexible scheduling of employee work time and for the awarding of compensatory time in compliance with federal guidelines.

As part of the regular work week and hours, faculty may spend up to five hours a week off campus meeting professional commitments and will be available to students a minimum of twenty-five hours a week through a combination of class and office hours. Part-time faculty are required to schedule time outside of the classroom to be available to students.

Contract Personnel Right to Hearing (Policy 2.011)

Authority:Florida Statute 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0411;
Date Adopted:3/08


  1. It is the policy of the Board that the dismissal of instructional, administrative and other professional personnel on either annual or continuing contract or the return to annual contract of those employees on continuing contract shall be conducted according to State Board of Education regulations and Florida Statutes and in accordance with the requirements of due process.
  2. If an employee under continuing contract is dismissed or returned to an annual contract, that employee shall have the right:
    • To a hearing before the Board of Trustees in accordance with the established procedures of the College;or
    • To request an administrative hearing in accordance with the dictates of Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.
  3. If an employee on annual contract is terminated prior to the expiration date of the contract, that employee shall have the right to a hearing before the Board of Trustees in accordance with the established procedures of the College.
  4. The President shall cause the procedure to be developed and established to implement this policy.

Employment Criteria (Policy 2.020)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.855
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92 ; Rev. 11/2009; 04/2014
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 03/14


It is the policy of the Board that the President or designee establishes criteria for employment of all College faculty and staff. These criteria should include, but not be limited to, educational requirements; prior experience; knowledge related to the specific position; and commitment to the philosophy and mission of a comprehensive institution.

Probationary Employment (Policy 2.025)

Authority:        F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:     05/97                 
Date of Review:     -----
Date of Revision:     12/04
Related Procedure:     2.1600


  1. All career service employees will be appointed contingent to satisfactory completion of a ninety-day probationary period.
  2. Probationary periods apply to career service employees who are new employees, reassigned employees and reclassified employees.
  3. The President, for appropriate cause as documented by the supervisor, may place any career service employee on probationary status. Failure of an employee to perform satisfactorily during a probationary period may lead to termination.
  4. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed to implement this policy.


It is the policy of the Board that the President or designee establishes criteria for employment of all College
Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:5/97; Rev. 12/04

Professional Development and Maintenance of Qualifications (Policy 2.030)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65, FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92; 12/04, 05/09



It is the policy of the Board that the College establish a program for the professional development and maintenance of qualifications of College personnel. Seeking new information and ideas in teaching and maintaining knowledge in one's field are a part of quality teaching and administration. The President or designee shall be responsible for establishing this program in accordance with College procedures.

Reduction in Force (policy 2.040)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 1/97, 12/04; 10/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 10/2013


  1. Due to financial exigency or for more efficient operation of the College, the President is authorized to develop a plan to reduce the workforce in certain areas, programs or functions of the College.
  2. Under such conditions, the plan will be developed in accordance with established procedures and approved by the Board prior to implementation.
  3. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed to implement this policy.

Reorganization (Policy 2.045)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.855 FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:1/97; Rev. 12/04, 5/08; 09/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 08/2013


  1. The Board authorizes the President to reorganize one or more operating units of the College to provide for more efficient operation.
  2. Implementation of reorganization takes precedence over other policies and procedures.
  3. Appointments, reclassifications, reassignments, and other related personnel actions developed under this policy will be brought to the Board for action as part of the regular monthly personnel recommendations.
  4. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed to implement this policy.

Reassignment and Reclassification of Personnel (Policy 2.050)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1001.65; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09



The President is authorized to reassign and reclassify College personnel. A reassignment is an appointment to a different department or organizational unit. A reclassification is an appointment to a different position classification. Reassignments and reclassification shall be authorized by the Board at its next regular meeting.

Employee and Dependents Fee Waivers and Scholarships (Policy 2.060)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1009.26 FAC 6A-14.054
Date Adopted:07/82; Revised 07/92, 05/09



The President or designee shall develop procedures to waive the fees for employees enrolling in courses and to provide scholarships for matriculation and student activity fees for dependents of College employees. These procedures shall be in accordance with the provisions of 1009.26 F.S. All fee waivers and scholarships awarded pursuant to this policy shall be approved by the Board.

Evaluation of Employees (Policy 2.070)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92 ; 12/04; 04/2014
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 03/14; 01/23


The performance of all full-time and regular part-time employees shall be appraised on a periodic basis. The performance of temporary part-time employees shall be appraised as appropriate. The principal purposes of the performance appraisal process are to encourage employee development, to strengthen individual professional effectiveness, and to provide documentation for appropriate administrative action.

Personnel Record (Policy 2.080)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.81 FAC 6A-14.047
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09; 10/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 10/2013


  1. The Office of Human Resources shall maintain an individual personnel file for each College employee. The file will contain documents pertinent to the individual's employment at the College.
  2. The President shall cause procedures to be developed regarding the management, use, and availability of personnel records in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.

Harassment (Policy 2.090)

Authority:F.S. 760.01-760.11; 1000.05; 1001.64; 1002.21; 1004.65; FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:7/82 Rev. 7/92; 12/04; 5/05; 05/09; 02/2013; 05/2016 
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 01/2013; 01/2016
Related Procedures: 1.0600


In order to maintain the College community as a place of work and study for College faculty, staff, and students, harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status or any other factor protected under applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations is prohibited.

Harassment includes:

  1. Any slurs, innuendoes or other verbal or physical conduct reflecting on an individual's race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, or any other protected factor which has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive education or work environment; has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's work or school performance or participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment or educational opportunities.
  2. The denial of or the provision of aid, benefits, grades, rewards, employment, faculty assistance, services, or treatment on the basis of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.
  3. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition on an individual's employment or education; submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for educational or employment decisions affecting the individual; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.

The President or designee shall establish a grievance procedure for potential redress of College faculty, staff, and students who wish to file a complaint dealing with alleged harassment.

Anti-Nepotism (Policy 2.095)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64 FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:10/95; Rev. 12/04


In order to avoid even an appearance of impropriety, an individual may not be appointed or assigned to a full-time position in which an in-line supervisor is a relative. Adjunct instructors and other part-time employees who are not evaluated by a relative; or, whose evaluation is not reviewed by a relative, are exempt from this rule.

An in-line supervisor is defined as an individual to whom an employee or an applicant for employment would directly or indirectly report.

A relative is defined as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, or half-sister.

For one period not to exceed six months, the President may temporarily appoint or assign an individual to a position which would otherwise be prohibited by this rule.

Any employment circumstance which is already in existence as of the effective date of this rule may continue as an exception to the rule.

Drug Free Workplace (Policy 2.100)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 41 U.S.C. Sec. 702
Date Adopted:7/89 Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09


The College is committed to providing a drug free environment for all its employees. Therefore, College employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances in the workplace. Employees who violate the provisions of the rule are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. All such disciplinary action may be appealed through the provisions of the College Grievance Procedures. The College shall take the following measures to assure compliance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988:

  1. Provide a copy of the SCC Rule to each employee;
  2. Establish a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about:
    1. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
    2. The College policy of maintaining a drug free workplace;
    3. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and,
    4. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace.
  3. The College shall require any employee convicted of a criminal drug Statute occurring in the workplace to notify the College of the conviction within five (5) days following the conviction.
  4. The College shall notify the appropriate Federal Grant Agency within ten (10) days of receiving notification from an employee.
  5. Within thirty (30) days of receiving an employee notification of violation the College shall:
    1. Review the circumstances of the case and terminate the employee, or
    2. Continue the employment relationship under the condition that the employee, at employee cost, satisfactorily participate in a drug assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by the Federal, State or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency.

Emergency College Closing (policy 2.105)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:10/95; Rev. 12/04; Rev. 11/11, 02/2013
Date of Review:05/09, 08/11, 03/12, 01/13


The President is authorized to order the close of the College facilities or any portion thereof, due to an impending or existing emergency or any unexpected circumstance deemed to require closure for the protection of life and/or property.

The President's order shall include the following:

  • Time for commencement of the closure.
  • Duration and conditions of the closure.
  • Salary payment decisions for employees absent due to the closure. This shall include the definition of the circumstances substantiating payment or nonpayment of salary, employees to be paid, employees not to be paid, period of time for which salary payments shall be made or abated, and the amount of payments to be made.
  • Salary payment decisions for employees who are required to work during time periods when College facilities are closed. 

Leaves of Absence (Policy 2.110)


Authority:F.S. 1012.865
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 1/94
  1. Authorization

    Employee absences must be duly authorized by the appropriate supervisor and subsequently reported and recorded as required in the College Procedures Manual. An employee whose absence does not meet this criteria or an employee who fails to return to the assigned work - place in a timely fashion will forfeit compensation for the time away from duty and may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.

  2. The Board authorizes and directs the President to develop guidelines, forms, and procedures in accordance with applicable laws and rules governing leave. The following specific types of leave shall be available to College employees and fully explained in the College Procedures Manual:

    1. Sick Leave - Covers employee (and family) sickness and emergencies. (Refer to Statute 240.343 F.S.)

    2. Illness-in-line-of-Duty - Covers employee's absent due to illness or injury contracted due to performance of duty. (Refer to 6A-14.0436)

    3. Personal Leave - Four (4) days a year with pay (non-cumulative) and for periods in excess of four (4) days a year without pay as approved by the President or designee. (Refer to F.S. 240.343 (1)(c) and 6A-14.0433 FAC)

    4. Court-related Leave - Covers jury duty or when subpoenaed as a witness. (Refer to 6A-14.0427 FAC)

    5. Vacation Leave - For twelve-month (12) personnel. (Refer to 6A-14.0431 FAC)

    6. Professional and Sabbatical Leave - With or without pay for personal professional benefit or advancement. (Refer to 6A-14.043 FAC)

    7. Military Leave - For mandatory military, National Guard, and reserve duty. (Refer to 6A-14.0432 FAC)

    8. Maternity Leave - Employees may make use of accumulative sick and vacation leave with pay and personal leave without pay. (Refer to 6A-14.0437 FAC)

    9. Administrative Leave - For faculty who are temporarily serving in an administrative position. While serving in an administrative capacity an individual may be granted administrative leave from an instructional position. Such leave may be granted on an annual basis. A faculty member shall not lose continuing contract status by being placed on administrative leave. [Refer to 6A-14.0411 (8).]

    10. Temporary Duty - A temporary assignment of duty outside the community college district. (Refer to 6A-14.044 FAC)

    11. Family and Medical Leave - Covers eligible employees for family and medical leave. (Refer to CFR section 825)

Vacation Leave (Policy 2.111)


F.S. 1001.64 FAC 6A-14.0247 FAC

Date Adopted:


Date of Revision(s):



Vacation leave is earned according to the employee’s years of service at Seminole State College.  The employee’s total years of service for purposes of earning vacation leave also includes years of full-time service accrued while working at any other Florida College System institution.  In order to receive credit for prior years of service at other colleges, the employee must provide a signed form from the Human Resources Office of the preceding school attesting to the years of service earned at that school in a vacation earning position.  The following chart demonstrates the rate at which vacation days are earned according to the employee’s total years of service.

 Total Years of Service0 - 5
5 - 10
Vacation Days Earned/Year12-month Personnel, excluding Administrators (Level A1 and above) and Executive Team Members

12 days

15 days*

18 days

Administrators (Level A1 and above)

16 days

19 days*

22 days

Executive Team Members

20 days

22 days

24 days

*For administrative purposes computer rounding may occur.

The maximum number of vacation days that an employee can carry over into a new calendar year, or be paid for at the time of separation, are indicated below. Accrued vacation days in excess of the maximum for the calendar year are to be transferred to sick leave January 1. Days that are transferred shall be without compensation and will not be used in the calculation of terminal pay for unused sick leave. An employee shall be paid for unused vacation leave in accordance with the College Policy.

"Service" is earned when the employee is on duty, on approved leave with pay for at least the major fraction of the month, paid holidays, calendar-designated paid non-duty days, or non-paid workers' compensation leave.

In the case of death of the employee, payment of unused vacation leave shall be made payable to the employee's beneficiary, estate, or as provided by law, in accordance with the College Terminal Pay Policy,

Years of ServiceMaximum Days As of Dec. 31Maximum Days Terminal Pay

12-month Personnel, excluding
Administrators (Level A1 and above) and Executive Team Members

44 days

30 days

Administrators (Level A1 and above)

44 days

30 days

 Executive Team Members

60 days

30 days

 Twelve-month employees who are appointed to a position of less than twelve (12) months under which vacation leave does not accrue will be paid for unused vacation leave at the time of appointment in accordance with terminal pay guidelines as indicated above. 

Terminal Pay for Sick Leave (Policy 2.120)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.865;
Date Adopted:7/82, Rev. 7/92, 5/99, 12/04, 05/09


  1. Definitions

    1. Accumulated Sick Leave Balance - The balance of sick leave which results after accounting for all sick leave earned and used.
    2. Adjusted Base Annual Salary -The annual base salary plus base salary adjustments (e.g. shift differential). Salary supplements, such as department chair supplements and performance supplements, are excluded from the adjusted base annual salary.
    3. Adjusted Base Daily Salary -The adjusted base annual salary divided by 260 days for twelve-month personnel and by the contract length for instructional personnel issued contracts which are less than 12 months in length (e.g. 164-day, 164B-day use 196 days, 196-day, 228 day)
    4. Adjusted Hourly Rate of Pay -The adjusted base daily salary divided by 7.5 hours.
    5. Educational Support Employee - Any person employed as an education or administrative paraprofessional; a member of the operations, maintenance, or comparable department; or a secretary, clerical, or comparable level support employee.
    6. Instructional Staff - Any person employed as a faculty member, librarian, counselor, and other comparable member engaged in an instructional capacity.
    7. Sick Leave - Recorded in hours to the nearest quarter hour.
  2. Terminal sick leave pay will be paid to a full-time employee if service terminates after ten years of full-time service at the College or to the estate of the employee if service terminates by death. This benefit shall be subject to and limited to the following conditions.

    1. Administrators (Non Educational Support and Non Instructional Staff) Employed on or after July 1, 1995 -Terminal sick pay for full-time employees who were employed on or after July 1, 1995, and who are in positions other than those defined as educational support positions and instructional staff positions, shall not exceed the amount as calculated in the following:
    2. Terminal pay for sick leave shall be determined by multiplying the number of hours in the accumulated sick leave balance on or after July 1, 1995, to a maximum of 1,800 hours, by twenty-five percent and then multiplying the resulting product by the adjusted daily rate of pay at termination. (This calculation results in the maximum amount of payment, in accordance with law, being limited to 60 days of actual payment.)
    3. Terminal pay for unused sick leave accumulated prior to July 1, 1995, shall be made pursuant to the Board policy in effect on July 1, 1995 the exact intent of which is reflected in 3.a. through 3.d below.
  3. Administrators employed prior to July 1, 1995, Educational Support Employees, and Instructional Staff:

    1. Terminal pay for sick leave shall be determined by multiplying the adjusted base hourly rate of pay at termination by fifty percent times the number of hours in the accumulated sick leave balance.
    2. This benefit shall be based on the record of sick leave hours earned at the College and hours transferred and accepted by the College minus the hours used while employed at the College.
    3. If a full-time employee terminates service for the purpose of accepting employment with another public entity in Florida, sick leave may be transferred to the employing entity rather than being used as terminal pay. The transferring of sick leave to another entity must be requested by the employee and be acceptable to the employing entity.
    4. If an employee receives terminal pay benefits based on unused sick leave credit, all unused sick leave credit shall become invalid; however, if an employee terminates employment without receiving terminal pay benefits and is re-employed, sick leave credit shall be reinstated.

Sick Leave Pool (Policy 2.121)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.865
Date Adopted:10/98; Rev. 12/04, 05/09; 11/2014
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 10/2014


It is the policy of the District Board of Trustees that the College shall establish a sick leave pool, for the benefit of full-time employees, to aid participating employees with sick leave during times of extended personal medical disability when an individual's own accrued sick leave has been depleted.

  1. Participation in the sick leave pool shall be voluntary.
  2. Sick leave drawn from the sick leave pool must be for the employee's personal illness. Absences due to family illness or elective surgery are not eligible for the sick leave pool.
  3. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed for the implementation of this policy.

Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (Policy 2.125)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:4/95; Rev. 12/04


The President is authorized to develop procedures to implement an incentive plan for the voluntary separation of full-time employees. The incentives may compensate employees through salary bonuses, cash payments, and enhanced fringe benefits.

Compensation Administration for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees

 This Policy is Under Review

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82 Rev. 7/92; 12/04; 06/2014
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 03/12; 03/14


Compensation schedule: A list of jobs in active status including the job title, pay grade classification, and pay range for each job.


The President shall make revisions to compensation schedules as necessary to maintain equity in the administration of the compensation program for the College.

  1. Compensation Guidelines
    The College’s pay plans, policies, and procedures shall support the College’s values, mission, goals, and objectives by:
    1. Providing equitable and competitive base compensation for all employees.
    2. Ensuring that employees are paid a fair living wage that exceeds published Federal Poverty Guidelines.
    3. Specifying the types of work and conditions under which additional or supplemental payment will be made.
    4. Describing the documentation and payment authorization required for employees compensated through grant funds.
    5. Defining creditable experience and education and the process for requesting related compensation adjustments.
    6. Communicating compensation administration practices to College employees.
  2. Presidential Authority
    1. The President is authorized to assign employees to any classification, pay grade, position or compensation within the compensation schedule.
    2. The President is authorized to pay employees supplementary compensation for additional work performed.
    3. The President is authorized to pay employees in lieu of notice based upon justification and appropriate recommendations.
  3. Proposed Compensation Adjustments
    Compensation adjustments will be determined as part of the planning and budgeting process. The President will recommend compensation adjustments to the Board of Trustees for approval and will subsequently notify employees of the Board’s decision.
  4. Pay-for-Performance
    If compensation adjustments are made, they will be dependent upon employee performance.  Those employees with an overall appraisal score lower than 1.6 “below expectations” will not be eligible for a compensation adjustment.
  5. The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.

Full-Time Instructor Loads (Policy 2.140)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.82
Date Adopted:7/82 Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09


The Vice President for Educational Programs shall recommend to the President full-time teaching loads for all instructional units of the College. Such recommendations will be developed in consultation with the deans, faculty, and administrative staff of the programs and will insure that a high quality of education is maintained.

Full-time faculty shall be required to meet all requirements of Section 1012.82 Florida Statutes and FAC rules which shall be issued under statutory authority. Exceptions must be approved, through channels, by the President.

Instructors with approved release time hours assigned for non-teaching duties shall have the release time hours counted as teaching hours for load purposes.

Adjunct Faculty Teaching Load (Policy 2.143)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0491
Date Adopted:08/2013; 10/2014
Date of Review:06/2014


  1. It is the policy of the College that temporary, part-time instructors/professors are designated as Adjunct Faculty. This designation includes instructional (teaching) faculty only.
  2. In addition to teaching classes, Adjunct Faculty are expected to spend time preparing for class, meeting with students, grading student work, learning institutional procedures and corresponding with departmental representatives.
  3. The amount of time that an adjunct faculty member will spend on these professional work requirements will vary by the type of courses taught.
    1. Each college credit adjunct faculty member will provide 1.8 hours of service (representing a combination of teaching or classroom time and time performing related tasks such as class preparation and grading of examinations or papers) per week for each hour of teaching or classroom time.
    2. Each post-secondary adult vocational (PSAV) or adult education (ABE/GED/AHS/ELI), or applied music adjunct faculty member will provide 1.6 hours of service (representing a combination of teaching or classroom time and time performing related tasks such as class preparation and grading of examinations or papers) per week for each hour of teaching or classroom time.

Overloads (Policy 2.150)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/94, 5/95, 12/04, 05/09, 01/19


  1. With the approval of the appropriate Associate Vice President, Deans shall assign overloads for full-time faculty according to the conditions specified in the collective bargaining agreement.
    1. Overload class hours shall not be included in the 37.5 hours required in Policy 2.010.
  2. With the approval of the Dean/Director, Associate Vice President and the immediate supervisor, College professional, technical and administrative employees whose normal work assignment is other than teaching, may be assigned to teach courses as an overload at a time outside their normal working hours. 
  3. With the approval of the Dean/Director, Associate Vice President and the immediate supervisor, temporary full-time instructional employees may be assigned to teach courses as an overload. 
  4. The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.

Outside Employment (Policy 2.160)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09; 11/2014
Date of Review:11/2014


Any outside employment shall be a matter of record with the employee's supervisor. An employee shall not accept outside employment that will in any way interfere with his/her duties at the College.

Private Instruction (Policy 2.170)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04


It is the policy of the Board that private instruction without compensation may be provided to any student at the discretion of an instructor. Private instruction with compensation will not be provided to any student on the official roll of an instructor. Private instruction with compensation to an individual not on an instructor's roll is considered to be outside employment.

Employment of Employees as Consultants (Policy 2.190)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65; 112.313
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04, 05/09; 09/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 08/2013


When employed as consultants by outside agencies, personnel must take leave other than temporary duty elsewhere.

Code of Ethics for Faculty (Policy 2.200)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64 FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92
  1. For this rule the term "faculty" shall be used to include teaching faculty, counselors, librarians, administrators, and other professional support personnel.

  2. Student Related Responsibilities

    1. Faculty have the responsibility to deal conscientiously with professional assignments.

      1. For teaching faculty, this responsibility entails careful planning of courses and class presentations, meeting scheduled classes, informing students of course requirements, and fair and impartial grading according to standards appropriate to the level of instruction.

      2. For counselors, this responsibility entails providing those services which will facilitate student achievement of educational and personal goals. Counselors will create an awareness of services, be available to students, respect student confidentiality, and provide counseling.

      3. For administrators, this responsibility entails making careful analysis of student and community educational needs and providing quality educational programs to meet those needs. Administrators will work with faculty to obtain the necessary support services, facilities, and budget to provide a quality education program.

      4. For other professional support personnel, this responsibility entails providing services to assist faculty and students in the achievement of educational goals and informing them of available support services.

      5. For librarians, this responsibility entails the acquisition, and circulation of materials, both print and non-print, to supplement a quality educational program for the College and the community. Librarians shall also foster user independence through group and individual instruction.

    2. Because faculty members often serve as models and exercise great influence, they should set high standards in personal integrity, professional ethics, and academic excellence.

    3. Faculty members shall not take advantage of their influential professional position by introducing subject matter not within their fields of professional competence into classroom or counseling situations.

    4. Students deserve respect as individuals and have certain rights that must be protected. Faculty should demonstrate appropriate interest in the individual student and his academic growth, give mature professional advice, and treat students with courtesy. This interest should be objective and compatible with the individual faculty member's total responsibilities within the institution.

    5. Student conferences shall be held in confidence unless that confidentially jeopardizes the welfare and safety of the students or of others.

    6. Faculty should recognize limitations of their skills and competencies in dealing with student personal and academic problems and should make appropriate referrals.

    7. Faculty have the responsibility to refrain from exploiting for private advantage students or student groups.

    8. A faculty member has the responsibility to acknowledge student or colleague contributions to his own research.

    9. Faculty should provide effective and appropriate academic advisement, recognizing that the advisement is an integral feature of higher education and must be conducted in an informed, objective, and impersonal manner. Poor or indifferent advisement based on personality of colleagues must be avoided. Students should be advised on the selection of courses, not instructors.

    10. A faculty member shall not infringe upon students obligations to other faculty members in such matters as class attendance or student conferences. Requests for student to miss classes should be made in advance, and students should be made aware that they are accountable for the content of classes missed. Granting of requests for approved absences rests with the instructor affected.

  3. Professional Responsibilities

    1. Faculty have responsibility to be current in their area of competence by reading publications and journals and participating in local or national professional societies and meetings.

    2. Faculty have the responsibility to maintain their teaching effectiveness.

    3. Faculty have the responsibility to assist colleagues in the following department and College activities.

      1. Curriculum studies at both the department and College levels

      2. Departments and College faculty meetings

      3. Committee assignments

    4. Faculty shall take an active role in protecting and enhancing the academic and professional standing of the faculty by making appropriate recommendations regarding hiring, reappointment, promotion, tenure appointments, and dismissal of colleagues.

    5. Faculty shall respect the rights of others.

    6. Faculty shall respect and defend the free inquiry of associates.

    7. Faculty shall condemn inappropriate or false comments which unjustly damage colleagues.

    8. Faculty shall refrain from claiming or implying professional qualifications that exceed those possessed.

    9. Faculty shall delegate assigned tasks to qualified persons only.

    10. Faculty shall refrain from knowingly misinterpreting or misrepresenting the statements of others.

    11. Faculty shall refrain from placing students in comprising situations by soliciting from them information concerning other professionals.

  4. Institutional Responsibilities

    1. Faculty shall conscientiously fulfill all contractual obligations for the period of time agreed and shall give the College reasonable notice when resigning.

    2. Faculty shall make conscientious use of the College funds and equipment entrusted to their care.

    3. Faculty shall make every effort to avoid professional and personal actions which may cause loss or legal embarrassment to the College.

    4. Faculty, administrators, and other professional personnel shall not sell for their personal or financial gain publisher furnished textbooks or other materials.

    5. Without specific permission of the College, faculty shall avoid use of College resources, equipment, or labor for personal or financial gain in their own research or consulting projects.

    6. Faculty shall give reasonable support to College-wide activities by participating as faculty representatives.

    7. In making public statements, faculty shall indicate clearly whether they are speaking as representatives of the College or as individuals.

Code of Ethics for Staff Personnel (Policy 2.210)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64 FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04


In order to ensure an effective working relationship with other employees and the students of the College, staff personnel shall observe the following code of ethics.

  1. Relationship with Instructors

    Staff personnel and instructors shall work together as partners to provide the best possible learning situation for Seminole State College students.

  2. Relationship with Students

    All staff employees shall be professional in their assigned duties and responsibilities with students.

  3. Relationship with the Public

    In matters dealing with the public, all staff employees should conduct themselves in such a manner that will create a favorable impression not only for themselves but also for the College.

Retirement Plans (Policy 2.215)

Authority:Chapter 121 F.S.
Date Adopted:11/15
Date of Review:04/17
Date of Revision:06/17
Related Procedure:-----


  1. Eligible College employees, who have not previously received a retirement distribution from the Florida Retirement System (FRS) or from the Community College Optional Retirement Program (CCORP) shall be enrolled in a retirement plan based on their position classification and their full-time or part-time status. Plan options are shown below. 
    Position ClassificationFull-Time RegularFull-Time Temporary
    < 6 months
    Part-Time < 2080 hours cumulativePart-Time > 2080 hours cumulativePlan
    Career Service and ProfessionalX  XFRS Investment Plan
    FRS Pension Plan
     XX None
    Pay Grade A1 
    X   FRS Investment Plan
    FRS Pension Plan
     XX None
    Pay Grades A2+
    X   Senior Management
    Service Class Plan
     XX None
    FacultyXX  FRS Investment Plan
    FRS Pension Plan
    Adjunct Faculty  XXAlternative to Social Security Plan
  2. Retirement benefits shall be paid in accordance with provisions of the retirement plan selected by the employee.
  3. As provided in F. S. 121.055, qualified positions may be designated for inclusion in the Senior Management Service Class (SMSC) of the Florida Retirement System. Per Florida Statute 121.055, the President or designee may recommend the inclusion of positions in the Senior Management Service Class. The College designates positions classified as A2 and greater, as Senior Management Service Class.
  4. The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.


Note:  Any other College rule(s) which reference(s) the rule noticed herein shall be interpreted and enforced consistent with the new / revised rule upon its final adoption (unless otherwise indicated in the referencing rule(s)).

Tax Shelter Annuities (Policy 2.220)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; Internal Revenue Service Code 403(b); 457(b)
Date Adopted:6/92; Rev. 12/02, 12/04, 05/09; 09/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 08/2013


The Board of Trustees will facilitate the purchase of tax-sheltered annuities by entering into salary reduction agreements with full-time and regular part-time employees, as permitted by Sections 403(b) and 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and remitting appropriate amounts to the providers (companies) of the tax-sheltered plans as designated by the employees.

Staff Employee Classification (Policy 2.220P)

Authority:F.S. 10001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92

Non-instructional positions are grouped into classes on the basis of responsibilities and duties, and the degree of difficulty, skill, knowledge, and ability required. The following categories are general and should not be considered strict classifications.

  1. Laborer, student worker
  2. Clerk/typist, custodian, grounds worker, PBX operator
  3. Secretary
  4. Administrative secretary, custodial foreman
  5. Assistant, para-professional, officer manager
  6. Bookstore manager, maintenance supervisor, programmer, specialist

Qualified Retirement Plans and Non-Qualified Plans (Policy 2.222)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:8/06; 09/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 08/2013


  1. The President is authorized to establish qualified retirement plans and non-qualified plans. The purpose of this policy is to provide tax-advantaged plans for the College and its employees for eligible pay.
  2. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed to implement this policy.

Administrative and Instructional Personnel (Policy 2.230P)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92

The following procedure shall pertain to all applicants for full-time professional positions (administrative, instructional, and other professional).

  1. A vacancy exists when a position authorized by the College budget is not filled. A newly established position exists when that position is authorized by the College budget.

  2. Notification of the vacancies and positions shall be published in the College Bulletin.

    1. Those vacated positions which the President decides to fill.

    2. Newly established positions which the President approves and decides to fill.

  3. Employees currently employed by the College may apply for a vacancy or newly created position without prejudicing their current employment status.

  4. Before a position is filled, an opportunity shall be provided for the professional staff to meet the final candidates as follows:

    1. If the position being sought affects more than one area of the College, such as positions above the director 1 level, the professional staff from those areas shall be provided an opportunity to meet the final candidates and to discuss their philosophies and ideas about the position for which they are applying.

    2. If the position being sought relates only to a particular area or division, the professional staff in that division or area shall be provided an opportunity to meet the final candidates and to discuss their philosophies and ideas about the position for which they are applying.

    3. The administrators who are responsible for the recommendation of a person to fill a position shall consider opinions from the professional staff who have met and talked with the final candidates.

  5. The final recommendation to the Board of Trustees is the responsibility of the President.

Promotion (Policy 2.240P)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92

When changes in title or salary are proposed for more than one College term, administrators shall inform professional personnel within the area.

Professional employees within the area may request consideration for promotion, reassignment, or positions resulting from reorganization without prejudicing their current employment status.

The final recommendation to the President is the responsibility of the appropriate administrator.

Staff Employment Procedures (Policy 2.250P)


Authority:F.S. 1012.855
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92

The following procedure shall pertain to all applicants for full-time positions in all staff areas.

  1. Employees shall be notified through the College  Bulletin of vacancies in established positions as soon as those vacancies are known to exist and of newly established positions as soon as those positions are created by the administration.

  2. Any employee currently employed by the College may apply for the vacant or newly created position without prejudicing current employment status with the College.

  3. Before the position is filled, the appropriate administrators shall interview, check references, and test when appropriate.

  4. The administrator who is involved in the selection of a candidate may consider recommendations from the faculty and staff who have met the persons being considered.

  5. The final recommendation to the Board of Trustees is the responsibility of the President.

Grievances of Career Service Employees (Policy 2.260)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65
Date Adopted:8/00, Rev. 12/04, 5/05, 05/09, 02/2013
Date of Review:05/09, 08/11, 03/12, 01/13


It is the policy of the Board to provide career service employees of the College with equitable resolutions of alleged grievances. Individuals who pursue grievances under this policy will not be subjected to retaliation or reprisals by anyone associated with the College.

The President is authorized to develop procedures for hearing and responding to grievances of full-time career service personnel. These procedures shall involve establishment of a Career Service Grievance Committee composed of full-time career service personnel and members of the administration. The committee shall be responsible for hearing grievances and making recommendations to the President.

This policy applies to working conditions, assignment of work, assignment and scheduling of hours to be worked, schedule of vacations, and any corrective actions up to and including termination of employment.

This policy does not apply to rate of pay for specific positions or to complaints of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender (including sexual harassment), veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or marital status.


"Career Service Employee" is defined as a full-time employee of the College who is paid on the Career Service Salary Schedule.

"Grievance" is defined as any formal written complaint by any full-time career service employee against any individual or group of the College based upon an alleged violation, misrepresentation, or misapplication of written or established policies, rules, directions, orders, or procedures governing or affecting the employee within the scope of his/her work and work environment.

Administrators Returning to Faculty Status (Policy 2.270P)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.855 FAC 6A-14.0262; .0247
Date Adopted:04/85 Revised 07/92

The Board recognizes that transfers from administrative status to faculty status by College administrators may be in the best interest of the institution. Therefore, upon recommendation by the President, and approval by the Board, the administrator may be reassigned to instructional duties and may receive a "reassignment compensation adjustment" according to the following formula.

Compensation Adjustment Formula
  1. The monthly difference between an administrator's salary and his/her monthly salary as a faculty member for the year in which the reassignment will take place is called the "base year monthly salary differential."

  2. First year as a faculty member: the appropriate monthly faculty salary plus two thirds (2/3) of the base year monthly salary differential will be the monthly compensation for the first year. The President will recommend the number of months in the contract.

  3. Second year as a faculty member: the appropriate monthly faculty salary for that year plus one third (1/3) the base year monthly salary differential will be the monthly compensation for that year.

  4. Third year as a faculty member: the appropriate faculty salary for that year will be paid.

Waivers of Fees for Full-time Employees Enrolling in Courses (Policy 2.280P)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1009.26FAC 6A-14.054
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92

The following conditions shall apply to full-time employees who wish to enroll in Seminole State College courses.

  1. A full-time employee must have been employed full-time for at least six (6) months by the College and meet the admission requirements set by the Board.

  2. Full-time employees of the College may register for course(s) without payment of matriculation, late registration scholarship fees and student activity fees as follows:

    Term I - One course

    Term II- One course

    Term III- One course in Term III-A and one course in Term III-B

    Ten-month employees may receive waivers of course fees, scholarship and student activity fees for one course per term while employed or two courses during their off-terms, provided they have been reappointed for the following school year.

    Course enrollment shall be at a maximum of six (6) credit or equivalent hours per term. Term III-A and III-B are considered to be equivalent to one term.

  3. Requests for waivers must be made in advance and forwarded through channels to the appropriate Vice President.

  4. Enrollment in courses by full-time employees shall not conflict with duty hours or interfere with performance of duties.

Scholarship for Matriculation, Late Registration and Scholarship and Student Activity Fees (Policy 2.290P )

Authority:F.S. 1001.64FAC 6A-14.054
Date Adopted:08/83 Revised 07/92

After accumulating hours equivalent to the semester's full-time load, a part-time professional employee may receive a scholarship for matriculation, late registration and scholarship and student activity fees for a course. After taking a course under a scholarship, a part-time professional employee must accumulate a semester's full-time load equivalent before taking another course subject to a scholarship. The accumulation of additional hours equivalent to a semester's full-time load shall begin during the term a scholarship course is taken. A part-time professional employee may take a course under a scholarship only during a term when employed by the College.

Termination of Staff (Policy 2.320)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04; 10/2013; 1/2021
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 10/2013


The purpose of this policy is to authorize processes for separating non-bargaining unit employees from employment with the College.  Employees may be separated from their employment with the College on either a voluntary or involuntary basis.

The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.

Instructor Absence (Policy 2.330P)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1012.855FAC 6A-14.042
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92

The College shall make every effort to ensure that student's educational experiences have minimal disruptions. However, when instructor absences occur, the following procedures shall be observed.

  1. If an instructor will be unavoidably late or absent from class(es) because of an emergency or an illness, the instructor, at the earliest possible moment, shall notify his department chairman and suggest emergency methods of handling the classes to be missed.

  2. If an instructor's absence from class is anticipated at least one day in advance, the instructor shall coordinate the planning of missed classes with his department chairman. Appropriate activities which may take place include the following.

    1. Class coverage by a full-time instructor in the same or related discipline.

    2. Appropriate planned activities which will continue the learning experience of the students

Retiree Dental, Health, and Vision Insurance (Policy 2.470)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:3/97; Rev. 12/04; 10/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 10/2013


  1. Persons retiring in:
    1. the Florida Retirement System, or
    2. the State Community College System Optional Retirement Program (SCCORP), provided they have at least an aggregate of ten years of full-time service in the Florida Retirement System, the SCCORP, or the State University System Optional Retirement Program, may continue their coverage in the College's group dental, health, and vision insurance plans and may remain in these plans for life at the person's expense.
  2. Persons who have previously retired from another public entity, in any of the retirement plans indicated above, are not eligible to continue their insurance coverage.
  3. Coverage may also be continued for eligible dependents of retirees, provided they continue to meet the definition of eligible dependents.
  4. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed to implement this policy.
